Kiera Stronghold, Avenger, finds herself trapped in a different universe on an Earth stuck in the stone-age.
At least she has a smartass scientist as entertainment.
(Senku x OC)
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Senku and I are lying down in the hut, about to go to bed. He told me earlier that the cell phone should be done tomorrow. Because of this he's been in a pretty good mood.
"Can I see another memory?"
"Of course. Are you not tired? It was a long day today."
"Nah, I know you keep giving me energy when you think I'm not looking."
"Oops, sorry."
"You're not sorry." He laughs.
"Nope. So, what kind of memory did you wanna see?"
"Anything but a Hydra memory."
"Agreed. Hmm... How about a mission with just Nat and I?"
"Whatever you want, Star. That sounds fine. What was the mission for?"
"Honestly, I truly don't know. SHIELD wanted us to infiltrate this rich dudes party, find his computer, and get a copy of all the information on it. He must've been deemed a threat of sorts..."
Huh... Saying that last part out loud gave me a weird sense of deja vu.
"Alright, let's see it." The scientist says.
Closing our eyes, I pull Senku into my mind.
(Kiera's Memory)
"Can you sit still? You keep moving and I'm gonna mess up the eyeshadow." Nat says as she paints my eyelids a dark, smoky black.
"Ugh, you know I hate makeup, it makes my skin feel weird."
"I know, but we don't have a choice. Tonight we have to be different people. By the way, Fury wants you to do the retrieving while I'm the distraction."
"Shit, fine by me. I'd rather not have to entertain a bunch of rich people, especially the men."
She rolls her eyes, "You'll still have to socialize, Маленький."
"Yeah yeah..."
"Alright. The makeup is all set, now I have to put the wig on."
"Great, just wonderful." God I hate wigs, they itch.
Natasha walks over to my dresser where she has her bag full of supplies, rummaging through it. She turns back around, a blonde wig in hand.
"Seriously?" I deadpan.
"Seriously." She's trying so hard not to smirk. I know she's enjoying this.
About 15 minutes in of her putting the wig on me, she's almost done.
All of the sudden, the speakers in the ceiling start blasting 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun', causing us both to pause and look at each other.