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"So, wanna tell me why we're on the run from Stanley and his crew of morons?" I asked, glancing over at the scientist sitting next to me

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"So, wanna tell me why we're on the run from Stanley and his crew of morons?" I asked, glancing over at the scientist sitting next to me.

The red-eyed male chuckles, "You simpleton, it's because we've got Xeno in our possession."

Observing the teasing glint in his eyes, I knew he was trying to jest my stress away.

Although I appreciate it, it isn't that simple. I could easily take down Stanley and the rest of his team and end this whole situation, but as much as Senku enjoys my help in some instances, I'm aware he simply wants to accomplish certain things without the help of my powers.

Senku and Xeno have come to some sort of agreement with each other, but it was made clear that his little sniper will stop at nothing until their precious leader has been forcefully ripped from our clutches.

The nerd explained that Xeno loves science as much as him, and that even though he's basically our hostage, he isn't too bothered by it due to being interested in what our team is trying to accomplish.

Well... I'm not really trying to accomplish anything, I'm just a glorified bodyguard for everyone.

My dumbass can't keep up with all this science bullshit.

That aside, I've been too busy with not only avoiding Xeno as much as possible, but my mind has wandered back down the dark rabbit hole that is Why Man.

Something about the whole AI situation doesn't seem entirely right; Friday has confirmed the signal is AI, and I don't doubt that Why Man IS AI. Yet, there feels like something else is there, something hiding behind Why Man.

But what, exactly?


Maybe something more dangerous...


My gut feeling is always right, it's never steered me wrong. I have a feeling... A feeling that-


Calloused fingers gripping my chin snapped me out of my deep thoughts, crimson eyes now gazing worriedly into mine.

"S-sorry..." I mumble, looking off to the side in embarrassment.

Senku lets out a sigh, reaching his other hand up, lightly patting my head.

The man truly is awkward when it comes to comforting others.

"You're fine. What's on your mind?" He asks.

My eyes snap back up to his, and I can't help but suddenly get lost in them; the way the sunset is reflecting just right, it almost looks as though there are flames dancing within them.

Noticing my daze, he quirks an eyebrow questioningly.

Recovering from the moment, I give him a genuine smile. "My bad sweetheart, you're just so pretty."

His eyes widen for a moment, a gentle dusting of pink appearing upon his cheeks.

Shaking his head, he rolls his eyes. "You can't flirt your way out of this, Star."

This causes me to puff out my cheeks in annoyance, a pout adorning my lips. "I wasn't even flirting, I was being honest..."

I think this is now the twentieth time he's sighed today.

Maybe I should keep count of all the times he sighs each day; just a piece of paper with tally marks to keep track.

That'll totally piss him off, and I really do enjoy doing that a lot.

"Well I'm glad you think I'm so damn pretty, but you haven't answered my question. Now talk."

Throwing my hands up in the air, I huffed. "The whole Why Man shit, something isn't making sense. Sure, Why Man is AI, no doubt about it. But I have a feeling there's more going on that we aren't aware of."

"You're overthinking it. Once we've gathered all the materials needed, we'll build the rocket, get our asses up to the moon and get to the bottom of this."

"Listen, my instincts are never wrong, being an assassin-turned-hero and all-"

"You're stressed, Star. You haven't been sleeping well-"

"It's called nightmares-" I coughed.

"-Yeah, and it's got you a little messed up, to the point where everyone can see how it's affecting you physically." He hissed.

"Not the point. That's not the point and you know it. Why can't I just teleport to the moon and see for sure what's going on up there? I'll be totally fine, my powers can handle it."

"Kiera, stop being illogical for a damn minute. I'm not gonna allow you to do that-"

I glance up at the now starry sky, quickly spotting the moon. "... All I have to is just look at it, and in a blink, I could be there." My voice a whisper.

Senku hurriedly places his hands on my cheeks, turning my head back to look at him instead, his expression holding genuine fear. "No, no. Absolutely not. I won't risk it, I won't risk you. Star, you've already died on me once. I'll never, ever allow that to happen again."

His concern makes my chest bloom with that familiar warmth, causing my lips to kick up into a small smile.

"Senku... You already know I'd do anything for you, and if that means dying, hell I'd die a thousand times over for you."

The males eyes swirled with multiple emotions at once. "Star... You can't just- ... You can't just say shit like that."

Reaching up, I give him a gentle flick on his forehead. "Tch, of course I can. I love you very much, you mean everything to me, so if it ever comes down to either saving my life or yours, it'll always be your life that I'll choose, ten billion percent."

I know using his own phrase against him is such a dirty move, but such is life. Gotta get my point across somehow.

Before I know it, his arms are already around me, pulling me into his chest at a speed I didn't know he was even capable of.


"Shut up..." He grumbles.

Oops, looks I've made him feel too much again.

For a while, we remain in that position; him holding me against him rather tightly, his chin atop my head, all while my face is practically smooshed against his chest.

Breaking the silence, the scientist clears his throat, still not letting go. "How long are you planning on avoiding Xeno?"

I groan, "Ugh, that man makes my skin crawl. He stares at me with that same expression that all the Hydra scientists had. I know his creepy ass would dissect me if he could. For you though? I'll play nice if I really have to."

The hand he's got placed on my back begins to subconsciously and gently rub in comforting circles. "I say give him a chance, it's not like you can't kick his ass if he crosses any lines. If he still makes you too uncomfortable, you don't have to ever interact with him again."

Closing my eyes, I only hum in agreement due to being too distracted by how peaceful I feel in this moment.

"Tired?" He asks.

"Heh, I'm always tired nowadays..."

Senku remains silent, still softly rubbing my back, and I can't help but feel myself start to drift off, causing me to gently jerk myself awake.

"Sleep, you idiot..." He scolds.

And so I do, giving into the exhaustion.

But I know, I just know that pushing that gut feeling aside is gonna totally come back to bite me in the ass at some point.

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