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I'm woken up by the feeling of someone gently running their fingers through my hair

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I'm woken up by the feeling of someone gently running their fingers through my hair.

A pained moan slips past my lips as I make a weak attempt to sit up. The hand that's running through my hair quickly grabs under my arm, assisting me.

Looking over, my eyes lock onto familiar, beautiful red rubies that are full of guilt, dark bags underneath them.

"Учёный..." It's still a bit of a struggle to speak, my body clearly not entirely rid of the nightshade. My throat feels dry and raw.

He gives me a melancholy smile. "You look like shit, Star."

"Could say the same to you... what's wrong?"

"You've been asleep for a few days now."


"I'm sorry-"

"No, stop that. Stop with the damn apologizing when you haven't done anything."

"Senku, don't lie to me because I can see it in your eyes; what's wrong?"

He looks away as he answers, "Star I thought you were going to die... And I made you go with Chrome. So if you had died, not only would I have lost you, it would've been my fault."

"Senku, none of this is your fault. No one saw this coming. Hell, I should've seen it coming, but I was too tired and had my head up my ass at that moment. If Chrome took that spear, he would've ended up dead. I don't mind putting my life on the line, especially for those I care for. It's in the job description anyway."

"Job description?"

"Vitality's job description."

"Kiera, you don't need to do all of that here. You don't need to constantly risk your life as though you don't value it." He argued.

"I'm-... I don't think you understand, Senku... For most of my life, I've had it drilled into my head that I don't matter. Tony and Nat couldn't even break me out of that mentality, and trust me, they tried. It's what made me a pretty good hero, being able to throw myself into harms way for someone else without a second thought."

"Well you need to stop, Star. You need to break away from that way of thinking." His gaze was stern, but held a lot of frustration.

"Why? You want me to help you with this battle between the Kingdom of Science and Tsukasa's Kingdom."

"Yes, but I plan on going about it strategically so there's no casualties."

I chuckle in disbelief, shaking my head which made me feel a bit dizzy. "Ha, a war without casualties? Never heard or seen that before."

"I'm serious."

"I know you are. But the idea still involves me helping you. So answer my original question: why?"

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