Kiera Stronghold, Avenger, finds herself trapped in a different universe on an Earth stuck in the stone-age.
At least she has a smartass scientist as entertainment.
(Senku x OC)
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Due to the weather becoming much colder as we progress through the winter, villagers have been complaining about being cold and that there's never enough fire wood.
So what am I doing? Bringing them an entire tree to chop up.
Sadly I had to sacrifice the one that Senku and I sit on in our private teaching clearing in the woods. It was either that or knock down a perfectly good tree, and I'm not sure how I feel about that.
I'm literally carrying an entire fucking tree by myself so these poor people don't freeze to death.
Well, sorta carrying. This tree is pretty damn big, so the front half is supported by my arm and shoulder, while the ass end of it is just dragging behind me, gouging the dirt and leaving a large trail.
As I'm exiting the tree line, Gen is the first one to look over at me and almost faints. He then hurries over, falling into step with me.
"Uh, Kiera-Chan my dear?"
"Mhm?" I grunt, slightly shifting the weight of the tree.
"Whatcha got there?"
"The fuck does it look like?"
"Yeah yeah, no, I see it. I think uh, I think what I meant to say was... Why the hell, or how the hell, are you carrying an entire tree?! I knew you were strong, but this strong?! Are you an alien?"
Am I an alien? Well, if you take in the fact that I'm from a different universe, I suppose that's what I could be.
"Gen?" My tone is sickly sweet.
"I'll fucking drop this on you."
The mentalist abruptly runs away with a small squeak, to then shout, "SENKUUUUUU, COME GET YOUR WOMAN! SHES GONNA DROP A FUCKING TREE ON MEEEEEE!"
Said scientist steps out of the lab, one hand on his hip, the other hand up by his head with his finger in his ear. He had a bored look on his face as he eyed Gen. "Stop messing around and get back to work."
Gen quickly grabbed Senku by the chin, forcefully turning the nerds head toward my direction.
The red-eyed male looked stunned. I wink, cheekily grinning at him.
This caused Senku to pinch the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes while slapping Gens hand away.
I continued to drag the tree more towards the center of the Kingdom of Science before dropping it, making everyone in the vicinity jump and look my way.
Hearing footsteps approaching from behind and already knowing its Senku, I whirled around with a teasing smirk, my hands clasped behind my back.
God I love aggravating him sometimes, it's just so fun.