Kiera Stronghold, Avenger, finds herself trapped in a different universe on an Earth stuck in the stone-age.
At least she has a smartass scientist as entertainment.
(Senku x OC)
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Kohaku and I were now relaxing in the river. I had pulled myself up onto a rock, basking in the sun like a cat. The blonde was floating in the water on her back next to the rock, eyes closed. The bikini she'd given me was a little risqué if you ask me; it was a thong for Christ sake.
"Hey.. where did you get all those scars?" Kohaku quietly asked, breaking the silence.
Ah, there it is. I was waiting for that. I must look strange being covered in all different kinds of scars. They used to bother me, but Natasha instilled too much confidence in me to care anymore. For the most part I'll keep as much of myself covered when I'm around strangers so my scars don't frighten them. Kohaku seems different though, her obviously being a fighter herself, I know she's not judging, she's only curious.
"I've been in many fights." I keep the answer short and sweet.
"You truly are a tough warrior. I could tell immediately when I first saw you that you're a fighter, and these scars just confirm my assumption. In fact, I think they make you even prettier!" She chirped. Yeah, Kohaku is pretty damn cool, and I find myself glad that she's here.
"Thank you." Turning on my side, I prop myself up on my elbow and look down at her. "Oh, so Ginro was telling me about some kind of fighting competition y'all got going on in a couple of days. He wants me to participate. What do you think?"
"Ugh, stupid Ginro dragging you into our problems. I mean, you just got here, and you've obviously been through some stuff, yet he dares to ask you such a favor. What a jerk." She peeks one eye open to look up at me.
"Eh, don't worry about it. I figured I'd ask you because you said you're the daughter of the village chief. I just don't wanna stick myself into a situation where I don't belong, ya know?" I may be a crazy, sarcastic bitch, but I'm still a hero and have manners.
"Well... it would be great to have someone like you fight with us, but the villagers don't trust you. Sorry for being blunt, but you did fall out of the sky. Gave us all quite a fright. But you could help me, Kinro and Ginro by sparring with us. Learning from a warrior like yourself might really make a difference."
I chuckle. "Don't apologize, I prefer when people are blunt with me. And of course I'll spar with you guys! Sparring with three strong individuals like y'all will help keep me in shape, haha."
"I wouldn't exactly consider Ginro to be a strong individual, so you might wanna go easy on him."
"Yep! Physically I'd say he's average when it comes to strength, and mentally.. well mentally he's just all over the place. Very weak."
Damn, she's casually roasting this dude. I love it.
"Okay, I'll keep that in mind and try not to accidentally kill him." I joke.
"I mean, if it's accidentally, it's an accident, riiight???" Kohaku shrugged, sending me a wink.