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(Third Person POV)

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(Third Person POV)

Kiera didn't know what to expect when she teleported to where Senku and the others were...

But to see everyone petrified in stone? Well, that certainly wasn't something she would've guessed to stumble upon.

"The hell happened here...?" She mumbled to herself, looking around.

'Senku, where are you?' The female reached out to her partner telepathically.

'Heh... Kinda in the middle of running away from a uh, guess you could say a psychotic geezer that's oddly really strong. He turned everyone to stone but me.'

'Yeah, I can see that... Alright, I'm gonna save your sorry asses, then after, you're telling me what happened.'

His reply never came, so the hero pictured Senku in her head and teleported right next to him. A tall, older male stood before her and the scientist, a menacing look on his face; his energy flooded with obvious malicious intent. He was decently tall, a slim but strong build, tall shoes that added to his height, and his clothes were a little strange.

Senku glanced over to where his Star appeared, about to say something, until the weird man cut him off.

"My my, what a beauty you are! Now where did you even come from? I blinked, and all of the sudden here you are!"

"Hey, how's it going? The name's Kiera. Heard you were roughing up my friends, so I came here to kick your ass. Nothing personal, but I'd really like to get this over with." Kiera's voice was nonchalant, practically monotone. In fact, it even sounded like she was a little annoyed at the situation.

Senku and the man both stared at her with shock.

What's this weirdo's name?' She asks the scientist.

'Ibara. Careful Star, he has a petrification device.'

'Psh, that shit wouldn't work on me anyways.'

"How dare you threaten me?!" Ibara hissed, "What's a tiny female like yourself going to do?"

'How strong is he?'

'Not sure, but definitely around Tsukasa's level. Maybe even more...'

Perfect, I won't have to hold back as much as I usually would. She thought to herself.

"Listen, Ibara...Iboring... You screwed with my loved ones, so you kinda brought this upon yourself. Wait...I guess this does make it personal..." A wicked grin spread across her lips, Kiera's attitude doing a complete 180. Her silver eyes sparked with glee for a fight, startling Ibara and causing him to take a hesitant step backward.

The ravenette noticed this, slightly cocking her head and narrowing her eyes, zeroing in on this man like he's mere prey.

Ibara whips out some kind of tiny, metallic looking device, about to active it and petrify the woman before him. But, he's too late; Kiera's already in front of him, connecting her foot with his stomach and sending him flying.

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