2. Goodbye Josiah!

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As they stood around in the tavern, Rater looked at his hands as his normal skin started to reappear, and the stone would break off.
"My, my," said Josiah, "you don't seem to be phased."
Rater looked at him. "I think I can get used to it, I mean, I feel fine so it should be okay."
Josiah chuckled. "Well, a kid like you can't become a ranger like me now!"
The tavern burst out laughing, as Rater grew a frown on his face.
"What do you mean?!" said Rater. "I'll become a ranger, i'll gather my squad -- we'll go out into the wild and we'll be better than you!"
"Oh, yeah?!" said Josiah. "I'd like to see you try!"
"Well, watch me!" said Rater, as he walked out of the tavern, slamming the doors shut.

Later on that day, Rater would be walking around, kicking stones and rocks to express his fustration.
"That damn Josiah," thought Rater, "always belitting me and telling me I can't do things. Who does he think he is?!"
Suddenly, little Rater felt someone from behind grab him, as he gave a little shriek as he turned around.
"Oi, ain't this kid from that bar earlier?!" said a man.
"It is!" said another. "What should we do?"
Rater turned around anxiously. "Who... who are you?"
"We are just a gang of bandits rolling around your streets," said the leader, "we're Outsiders, of course. And you are our leverage."
"L...leverage?" said Rater.
The Leader nodded. "Oi, ranger scum! Come out of that bar! I got a present for you!"
He kicked Rater down as he pointed the blade right next to his temple, as the tavern doors opened, Josiah and his crew walked out.
"Hey, whats with the shouting for?" said Josiah. "It's one p.m., kind of a busy hour y'know?"
"Do not move any closer!" said the leader. "I have your friend here, take one more step and his head will open into bits!"
Josiah chuckled, turning to Rater. "Oi, Rater!" said Josiah. "How'd you get down there?"
"Shut up!" said Rater.
The Leader watched them, as he scoffed at Josiah. "Ranger scum, always venturing places with little to no fighting experience," he turned to his friend, "kill the Ranger!"
The Friend nodded, as he loaded his pistol as he aimed it at Josiah.
Josiah chuckled. "Do you know how to use that weapon? It isn't a child's toy, y'know."
"This isn't a game," said Josiah. "This is real life."
And as a moment passed by, another pistol was loaded as the Bandit leader's friend was shot in the head, causing shock amongst the villagers as the Leader's eyes widened.
Then the gun cocked and aimed at the Leader, as Josiah took a step forward. "Listen, my friend," said Josiah, "us Rangers are like hermits, we don't listen to anybody -- and we certainly don't obey any law. So what makes you think we will listen to you, hm?"
"W-what?" said the Leader.
"Scram," said Josiah, "before we will make you run for your life."
The Leader slowly drew his blade away, as he took a few steps back -- before bursting out into a full-on dash as he sprinted away.
Rater quickly got up, brushing the dirt away as he stomped his foot down. "Yeah! Don't come back until you beat me, jackass!"
Josiah laughed. "Little Rater thinks he is tough talking to a Bandit when his back is turned. Eh?"
Rater turned around. "Yeah, i am tougher than some low-life bandit! Who do they think they are?!"
Josiah chuckled. It seemed today was gonna be a long day ahead for them.

At the end of the month, it was finally the day where Josiah and his squad were leaving. They had their massive vehicle set up on the road as they were all going into it with their bags and other resources.

 They had their massive vehicle set up on the road as they were all going into it with their bags and other resources

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Rater turned to Josiah. "So you're leaving now, right?"
Josiah nodded. "Yeah."
"It's okay," said Rater, "i won't beg to come with you, this time. I decided I wanted to be my own Ranger."
Josiah laughed again. "As if you could be a Ranger! You are a small lad!"
Rater frowned once more. "I'll make you eat those words in the next ten years! I'll be a great Ranger! I'll gather my own squad and my own vehicle that will beat whatever you make! And then we will find the Seven Wonders of the World and become world legends! Best believe it! I'll be the greatest Ranger in the world! And have all the freedom I want!"
Josiah stared at him, Rater was expecting another laugh, but Josiah walked to him and kneeled down, putting his hand on Rater's shoulder.
"Well, if you say so," said Josiah, "you better not let me go by so easily if we cross paths."
Rater smiled. "You bet! I'll kick your ass anyday of the week!"
Josiah chuckled. "That's the spirit!" He got up as he walked to the vehicle. "Is it ready?" asked Josiah.
"Yep," Yosu nodded, "brand-spanking new. Let's get this bad boy on the road!"
Josiah grinned. Yosu got in first as Josiah got in after him. As the vehicle started, Josiah and his squad waved goodbye to the villagers.
"Goodbye, my friends!" said Josiah. "We shall see eachother again some day, some day!"
The villagers waved as the vehicle drove up the slope, and then it dashed away.

Later on, Rater was at his home, sitting on the couch as he was watching television with his sister, Sela.
"Well, Josiah and his crew are gone," said Sela, "now you have no friends to annoy and you are all alone. How does that feel?"
Rater stayed silent, keeping his frown as he watched the television. "I'll become a Ranger and travel the lands far from this village."
Sela laughed. "You won't even make it past the forest! And you expect to go to the wild? You will be crying to our mommy within the first night!"
Rater kept his cool, as Sela went to go upstairs, he continued to watch the cartoon -- where the Ranger would be fighting all sorts of animals and other monsters.
"I'll be my own Ranger someday," thought Rater, "and prove others wrong when they doubt me!"

Three is soon!

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