28. The Battle on the Road

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The Black Dragon Rangers would then begin to rush forward towards Rater and his friends, with weapons in hand ready to take them down.
Captain Labath watched with satisfaction as his troops started to overwhelm the kids, who are trying their best to fend off the attacks but to little avail.
Captain Labath would watch from a distance as his team started to slowly beat down and overpower the kids.
It was quite amusing to see how confident they were before, but now, all the confidence has left their faces as they are slowly becoming surrounded.
It would not be long before the battle would be over, this was no longer a battle of skill, but just a slaughter in the making.
“Damn it!” said Uyutsu, luckily shooting one down with his gun. “I knew we would get cornered!”
“Don't back out now!” said Sora, holding his two swords tightly. “Three is better than none! Just stick together damn it!”
Rater said nothing as he watched the Black Dragon Rangers' moves, making sure he isn't off guard.
Captain Labath knew that this battle would be over rather quickly, as his troops were slowly beginning to overwhelm the kids. He was now starting to lose interest in the battle due to how one-sided it was. The kids may have courage, but that can only get you so far when you're up against the Black Dragon Rangers.
He would then raise his hand to order a final strike to finish off the kids once and for all.
Captain Labath would continue to watch the slaughter as he smirked to himself, waiting for one of them to fall before he would continue.
Although, he was a bit surprised because the three of them were able to hold their ground for longer than he had anticipated, especially for those who were not even trained for battle.
Labath then turned back to his men, and pointed towards the three kids, and then said those two famous last words.
“Take them out.”
But then suddenly, a card was coming towards Labath's way, and it wasn't any card either -- it was a card with sharp, little blades around it, as it was approaching fast as Labath had no time to react to it, it scraped Labath's neck, as it left marks on his neck -- which started to bleed.

As Rater, Sora, Uyutsu, and the rest of Labath's troops watched, they saw a shadow figure come out from behind Labath, as Labath fell to his knee.
“Damn idiot,” said Alucard, before turning to the others, “i may be a tactician, but I can always insure something that is effective in my cards.”
Rater smiled at Alucard, before his smile faded as he yelled, “LOOK OUT!”
As Alucard looked, Labath sent a punch as it striked him in the abdomen, causing Alucard to fall to his knees as Labath got up quickly.
“Was that a diversion?” said Labath.
“No,” said Alucard, still holding his abdomen as he looked up at Labath, “you're just annoying.”
Labath scoffed, as he kicked Alucard in the face, tossing him aside as he turned to his troops -- who were caught off guard.
Rater, Sora, and Uyutsu took this opportunity as they surprise attacked the troops, sending them back as they started to overpower the Black Dragon Rangers.
Captain Labath would suddenly feel a strange sense of dread as he looked up and saw that all three of them were on top of his troops.
He had not anticipated that they would be able to surprise them in such a way, as he had no idea what to do now that he was outnumbered.
Labath would look towards Rater, watching as he was overpowering his men.
Captain Labath felt a wave of concern as he realized that the kids were not playing around anymore, and he needed to do something quick.
Captain Labath would look to see what his men were doing, and realized that they were losing the battle.
Labath let out a sigh of annoyance as he realized that he would have to step in himself to try and put an end to the battle.
He was not about to let some kids win this fight and spoil his entire plan for the conquest of the town.
Labath would call out to his men, as he readied his sword to charge at the three of them.
“Cut back!” said Labath. “Troops, cut back!”
The Troops moved back, as Labath jumped down and dashed at the three -- as he was planning to slash Rater.
Sora, however, jumped in the way, as he blocked it with his own two swords.
Labath chuckled, as he moved back before the clash could proceed. “That was a real coward move!” said Labath. “Attacking men behind their backs, says alot about your honour.”
“Honour?!” said Uyutsu. “You wanna talk about honour yet you wanted to betray this town and kill Saori!”
Saori's heart dropped, as she was right there with Zoela, as the two heard everything.
“You have no honour to be proud of, Labath!” said Uyutsu. “Nothing! You are an empty heartless shell, and you shall be sent back to wherever you came from!”
Labath chuckled. “Is that so?” said Labath, as he held onto his sword. “Well, if that is the case, then why don't you shoot me yourself, it'll give you full closure and i'll be gone. Right?”
Uyutsu looked down at his gun, as both Rater and Sora were side-by-side, looking at him. He felt conflicted now, was he going to kill Labath here and assume the title of a Hero? Or would his honour remain by letting Labath rot?
As a few moments went by, Uyutsu looked up and said, “You are nothing,” said Uyutsu, “we will defeat you and you will live with this loss for the rest of your damn life!”

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