34. Wanted! Rater Becomes Known to the World!

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Zoela would be driving their now new-built vehicle, as they would finally have a roof over their heads, which meant warmth for now where they were heading.
“You know, Rater,” said Zoela, “you're leaving the South Blue region with only five people right?”
“How do you plan to find the Seven Wonders with only five people?”
“I don't,” said Rater, “we're going to get more people wherever we go.”
“I see, so we’re only going to start with the five of us before recruiting more people to our cause?” asked Zoela.
“The Seven Wonders are a pretty hefty mission to complete, so we’re going to need as much people as possible to help us complete this quest.” said Rater.
Zoela would now be driving for a while longer as she then thought of another question to ask Rater. “Have you got some names in mind for people to recruit later on? Are you going to be recruiting any people we know, or maybe someone new entirely?”
“Hm, that’s a good question. So far, we’ve mainly been focusing on recruiting people here in the South Blue Region, but we might look for people in other areas later on.”
“Have we met these people before, or are they completely new to us?” asked Zoela.
“We’ll probably have to look for new people later on,” said Rater. “I doubt we know anyone outside from this region.”
Suddenly, a bird would fly over them, carrying newspapers, as it dropped onto the vehicle, Zoela picked it up and chuckled. “Thank you, paper-bird!” said Zoela.
She unfolded the newspaper, as she opened it, a wanted poster slowly flew out of it, as it flew to the floor and had Rater's face on it.
Everyone was in shock, including Rater, as he picked it up in excitement. “A wanted poster?!” said Rater. “SWEET!”

The others were now all in awe as well, as they also got a glance of the wanted-poster with Rater’s face on it.
Zoela would now have her own look at the wanted-poster, she would then ask Rater a question. “Should we even take the wanted-poster with us in our vehicle? Wouldn’t people be suspicious if they saw that you were wanted and could lead to more issues for us down the line?”
“Yeah, you’re right,” said Rater. “Let’s just tuck the wanted-poster underneath one of the chairs until later.”
Zoela would now nod in agreement to Rater’s plan. “So how did they manage to take a picture of you in the first place? Were you just being careless and someone managed to take one of you without you realizing?”
“Maybe they used some sort of long-range photography techniques?” suggested Sora. “Something like a camera or other technological items.”
“That might be the case,” said Rater, “but still, who would even want to take a picture of me and put it in the newspaper?”
“All I know is,” said Alucard, “that we may be getting spied on by soldiers, since they managed to take a photo ot Rater. They could take photos of us.”
“Wait, what? You’re saying that we might be getting spied on by the military right now?” asked Sora.
“That’s a pretty creepy thought to have in mind while traveling in the middle of nowhere right now,” said Zoela, sounding kind of scared. “How are we supposed to know if they’re actually following us or not?”
“I mean, we could check our surroundings to see if there are any suspicious-looking people,” said Sora. “But who knows if they’re using advanced military technology or something to do their spying on us.”
Zoela would now look all around the vehicle that they were in for any signs of danger or spying. “I definitely don't see anyone following us like that, we’re practically in the middle of nowhere, and we’re going quite fast.”
“And let's be real, are we even that important enough to spy on?” asked Sora. “I mean, who are these high-ranking military officials anyways? We don't know them, and we don't have a clue what their intentions even are. Why would we be worthy to spy on?”
Uyutsu walked out, clearly tired like he just woke up, but he still heard everything. “Because Rater is a wanted criminal,” said Uyutsu, “and eventually we will be too.”

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