21. A New Village! Who is Uyutsu?

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The Four Rangers would be on the road in their vehicle, as they were heading for their next destination.
Zoela would be driving the vehicle, as Alucard would be sitting next to her, looking out at the trees and overall the wild as the sun was rising up, meaning it was around seven a.m.
Sora would be sleeping in the back, as his two swords would be kept close to him, whereas Rater would be at the back looking at the wild like Alucard was, however, unlike Alucard, Rater seemed to be vocal about it.
“This is awesome!” said Rater. “The fields, the trees -- and the flowers, everything looks beautiful!”
Zoela chuckles as she hears Rater vocalize his observations, as she looks over at him and says, “I’m glad you’re enjoying it Rater, I always loved this area. It’s very peaceful at times where there are no evil forces to worry about.”
Sora eventually wakes up from his sleep and hears what Rater is saying, as Sora then sits up in his seat and joins the conversation. Sora sits up in his seat and looks over to Rater. “If I may ask Rater, but why is it that you are so fascinated by these normal things, like flowers and stuff?” said Sora, as Rater chuckles in response. “It has always been that way since I was younger, I’ve never really seen the beauty in most things, but just being able to see such wonderful nature is nice.
Sora laughs slightly. “That makes sense, to you I imagine that this scenery seems much more breathtaking compared to the one you used to see.” said Sora, as Rater then thinks about it. “You’re not wrong there, this looks like heaven to me compared to the sight that greeted me back at where I used to live.” said Rater.
Sora laughs. “You know, you’re right, I have definitely lived a sheltered life compared to you.” Sora then sighs. “You know, I’m just realizing how privileged I was compared to you, Rater. I never had to worry nearly as much about the dangers of the world as you have had to.”

The vehicle would then make a turn, as a village was approaching ahead.
“Ah! a Village!” said Rater, pointing at it.
“Great, lets find an inn and sleep in it then,” said Alucard, “this seat is making my bottom uncomfortable.. and not in the good way, either.”
“Yeah, as if all of us haven't been dealing with it!” said Zoela. “I'm stiff as it is, as long as we park the vehicle here, we will have time to stretch.”
She parked the vehicle, as all four of them got out and stretched their bodies about for awhile, before Zoela gestured the three of them to follow her as they entered the village.
The four then walk into the town to find that many of the buildings were made up of smaller wooden buildings, as many people were out and about, with some waving at the four as they walked through. The four walked for a few minutes before they finally happened upon a inn, as Zoela led them all toward it. The inn was small with only one story and had a decent amount of space on the front for people to stand on. Zoela then opens the door and the four walk inside.
As the four walk in, they are greeted by a nice-looking girl who seems to be the inn-keeper. She smiles at them, as she says, “Hello you four! I take it you’re here to stay for one night?”
The girl then smiles. “Well, I guess that isn’t too bad. Just so you know, it is 5 gold per person for one night’s stay, we do currently have an empty room available for you guys.” The girl gestures for the four to follow her as she walks towards another door.
The four follow the girl, as she opens the door to reveal a simple room with two beds and a table. The girl then says with a smile, “Here you go, I hope you have a pleasant night’s rest!” The four then walk into the room, as the girl closes the door behind them, leaving them to get settled.
“Only two beds?!” said Zoela. “That is an outrage!”
“Dibs on the bed!” said Rater.
“Dibs,” said Sora also, as both of them walked to the bed.
“Well, what about us?!” said Zoela.
“We'll have to sleep on the floor, that's what,” said Alucard, turning to Rater and Sora, “hey, give us some sheets so we are warm.”
The two of them chucked two spare blankets and pillows, as both Alucard and Zoela set it on the floor.
“Me and Sora are gonna head out for a bit!” said Rater, as the two of them left the inn and walked along the streets.

The streets were quite peaceful and empty, as it was still the early hours of the day, which was a good time to explore the town as the two of them walked in unison, looking at many buildings.
“This town isn't as exotic as the last one,” said Rater, “but it's good, it's peaceful and quiet.”
Sora chuckled, taking notice of a mansion that was ahead of them -- the mansion was gated and locked all around, so no one could get in it. “So there is always a rich and spoilt family around, somewhere,” said Sora, pointing to the mansion.
Rater turned, as his eyes dropped in excitement. “OHH, AWESOME! IT'S SO BIG!”
Sora chuckled, as the two of them were interrupted by someone who seemed to yell at the top of their lungs.
“STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING!!!” said the voice.
The both of them turned, as they saw a man with a pistol -- a revolver, to be specific, as he aimed the gun at them. “You are foreign Rangers, right? Trying to take over the town? I'll kill you!”
“What?! Who are you?!” said Rater.
The Man lowered his hat. “The Great Uyutsu will kill two Rangers and be loved by the whole town,” thought Uyutsu, “i suppose it's better than vandalising houses for a living.”
“Do not talk!” said Uyutsu. “Or I will destroy you!”
Rater frowned, as he went to dash at Sora, but Sora held him back. “Hey, don't go fighting anyone who startles you!” said Sora.
Uyutsu laughed as he pointed his revolver more aggressively at the two of them. “As you can clearly see, I have a gun! So, I can clearly take you down! I wouldn’t risk it!” said Uyutsu, trying to intimidate the two of them. Sora then looked at Uyutsu, as he spoke up to him and said, “You aren’t going to shoot us, because clearly this town is filled with innocent people. I highly doubt that you would endanger innocent lives just to take us down.”

Uyutsu's face frowned, as he knew Sora was right, as his hands started shaking.
“What you're looking at now are real Rangers, kid,” said Sora, “so put the gun down and maybe we won't have to beat you up.”
“Yeah! Better listen to him,” said Rater, “even if you fire that gun once, we won't hold back on you.”
Uyutsu then starts to get irritated as the two of them are getting in his face like this. “Damn right I’ll shoot! I don’t care if you are Rangers or not! I’ve heard of your so called reputation and how you’re just a bunch of show-offs, thinking that you are some sort of invincible beings! I’ll show you how invincible you truly are by just finishing you two off!” said Uyutsu, trying his hardest to be intimidating with his speech.
Rater then snickers, as he notices Uyutsu trying to intimidate the both of them to no success.
“Really? Is that supposed to be intimidating?” said Rater in a snarky manner, which causes Uyutsu to get aggravated.
Sora and Rater stay quiet as they just stare at Uyutsu, but Uyutsu seems to be getting even more infuriated as he starts to scream. “Damn it!! If you guys are just going to stare at me then why don’t you at least look terrified?! Or something better, just do something!” yelled Uyutsu at the top of his lungs at the two of them.
Both Rater and Sora continued to look at Uyutsu, as they seemed to be staring into his soul, as Rater gave a little smirk as it stroke fear into Uyutsu's heart.
Their now intimidating looks was convincing enough for Uyutsu to slowly put his weapon away, as he holds his hands up. “I surrender!” said Uyutsu, as he took his hat off. “I'm sorry.”
Rater chuckled, as he took one good look at Uyutsu -- as his eyes widened. “Oh, Uyutsu! It's you! Remember me?!”
“Huh?” said Sora. “You know this guy?”
“Yes, yes!” said Rater. “He's the son of Yosu, one of Josiah's henchmen, both of them used to live in the same village as me in the mountains!”
Uyutsu smiled. “Rater?! That's you?!”
Rater nodded, as the two ran to eachother and hugged, it had been almost ten years since they last saw eachother -- as they thought they would never see eachother again.
“Good grief,” said Sora.

Twenty two is soon!

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