40. The Fallen Prince

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Rater, Sora, Zoela, Alucard, and Uyutsu would run to their vehicle, which was parked next to Nazuki's van as they all jumped into the vehicle.
“Get in! Quick!” said Zoela, as she was the last one to hop in before starting the engine on the vehicle, as she reversed before driving forward.
The chase scene is on, as the group of five make their escape from the soldiers by jumping into their vehicle. Nazuki will be desperately trying to follow in his own van, but Zoela's driving skills and the speed of their vehicle seem to be proving too much for him to keep up. The five of them will be able to put some significant distance between them and the soldiers, who would begin to fall behind as the chase ensues.
“We shouldn't let our guard down just yet,” said Alucard. “Nazuki could still be following us from behind.”
“No, I don't think he would want to risk wrecking his van just to get a few of us,” said Sora.
“Yeah, he cares more about his vehicle than about his men,” said Uyutsu, “which would explain why he was so quick to abandon them.”
As they kept driving, they would gradually see that the distance between them and the soldiers were becoming even greater, with the soldiers gradually becoming smaller and smaller on the horizon. It appeared as though they might have escaped after all.
“It seems that we're in the clear,” said Uyutsu. “Nazuki seems to have given up.”
The group would all let out sighs of relief, as they started to relax a little bit. Even Alucard seemed somewhat relieved that the chase was over.
“And what about Oxolo?” said Alucard. “You think he was crushed when the execution deck collapsed?”
“I don't know, but he should have taken some serious damage at the very least,” said Zoela, “and even if he survived, I don't think he would have the strength to chase after us.”
“Let's just hope that's the last we see or hear of both of them for a while,” said Sora, “they're both a major pain in the ass to deal with.”
The group would all nod in agreement, as they continued to drive away from the scene and towards a quiet place where they could all take a much-needed rest.

“Damn bastards!” said Nazuki, as he would now be in a rage as his soldiers hopelessly watched him, Nazuki was kicking and breaking things as he was angry over the fact they let the five escape so easily. “This is what happens when I am in charge of low-ranked, lazy, fat, sack of shits!”
“Hey!” said a soldier. “We did try afterall.”
“That's trying?” said Nazuki. “Do you need a crossiant to fill up that fat belly of yours or what? That was not trying, that was being lazy!”
The rest of the soldiers would stare down at the ground, unable to respond as Nazuki tore into them for their lackluster effort. Despite his harsh and abusive language, it seems that Nazuki has some point in his criticisms. It would seem that this was not their finest moment.
Nazuki would continue yelling at the soldiers, getting into the specifics of what they did wrong and how they failed to capture the five rangers. He would continue to berate and humiliate them as they stood there in silence, unable to defend themselves against his fiery onslaught.
Nazuki’s abusive language and tirade would continue for what seemed like an eternity, but eventually, he ran out of steam and seemed exhausted from all the yelling that he had just been doing. The soldiers would all remain silent as they stood there, their ears ringing from the shouting, but not wanting to say anything to risk further angering him.
After a few moments, Nazuki sighed, “I have no choice,” he said, as he turned to the door and yelled, “Emrun! Emrun come out here!”
A young boy had walked out, he looked around his mid twenties ish, although he wasn't very tall, he was very fierce. “Yes?” he asked.
“I have a task for you,” said Nazuki, “you know that rookie we have as a bounty? Goldfish L. Rater? His bounty is about forty million rupees.”
“I've seen his bounty around,” said Emrun.
“Well, you always complain about how stuck you are in here all the time,” said Nazuki, “take a squad with you and capture Rater. If you do, you get three million rupees.”
“Three million rupees?!” said Emrun. “F-For capturing a rookie?!”
“I hate to say this,” said Nazuki, “but I do not think he is no rookie at this point. He's starting to become more and more dangerous as the days go by.”
Emrun would glance at Nazuki, a look of amazement and awe in his eyes as he seemed to slowly process exactly what Nazuki had just offered him. “You mean, I’d get three million rupees for capturing Rater?” he said finally.
“Yes,” said Nazuki, “but you must be careful. If he escapes again, not only will you not get the money, you will probably end up losing your life in the process. Make sure to bring a large squadron with you, so you can have the numbers advantage.” No doubt a wise piece of advice.
“Understood,” said Emrun, his eyes growing dark with determination as he spoke. “I will definitely bring a large squadron with me. There's no way I'm going to let Rater escape again, not this time.”
Nazuki would nod, his eyebrows raised in slight approval as he looked at Emrun. “That's good,” he said, “now, get going, and make sure you return with Rater's head. Do not come back without it.”
Emrun nodded, giving a slight bow as he walked out, as Nazuki watched, one of the soldiers next to him said, “He seems so.. desperate.”
“He probably is,” said Nazuki, “being the Son of the Emperor in exile, it is bound to give him a good amount of greed and desperation in him.”

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