14. The Decision

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Rater woke up the next morning, as he saw he was naked all around and his clothes were next to him, he looked around as he saw he was in a room he was unfamiliar with.
“Mmm.. what happened?” said Rater, looking around. “Where am I?”
He grabbed his clothes, and put them on as he walked out and saw Sora sitting at the table in the kitchen.
“Sora!” said Rater.
Sora turned to Rater. “Oh, Rater!” said Sora. “You woke up, huh?”
Rater walked over, smiling. “Heh, I know,” said Rater, as he sat down. “What happened?”
Sora waited a few moments, debating whether to tell him what really happened, but then decided not to.
“We escaped the castle, and that thief woman offered us a place to stay.”
“Zoela?” said Rater.
“That's her name?” said Sora.
“Yep!” said Zoela, walking in. “Zoela Wilstone, proud thief!”
“Why are you helping us?” said Rater. “Don't you steal from Rangers?”
“I can get something out of this myself.” said Zoela. “Oxolo is valuable, you guys are not.”
Alucard walked in. “He won't be so valuable when I beat him,” said Alucard.
“Why do you want to beat this guy anyway?” said Sora. “You'll make matters worse for yourself, or is it for personal gain?”
“No, I just hate the bastard!” said Alucard. “He ruined my life, he's the reason I don't talk to my family anymore!”
“Huh?” said the three of them in unison.
Alucard sighed. “I shall explain some more then.” He grabbed a chair and sat down.

Six years prior, Alucard was nineteen years old when he was thrown out of his parents house.
The doors opened as Alucard was pushed out, along with a suitcase of his clothes thrown out also.
“If you're gonna be such a spoiled brat,” said Alucard's father, “then get out of my house and fend for yourself!”
He slammed the door, as Alucard grabbed a rock in anger and threw it at the window, smashing it. “You were the worst parents ever!” said Alucard, walking off into the streets as people was looking at him.
Alucard's clothes were quite dirty, as he looked a bit.. intoxicated and not in the right mind, Alucard had been doing little underground gambles to earn a living for himself -- and due to his experience playing card games such as Poker, Hearts, and Blackjack, decisions seem to be going this way.
But Alucard wanted more, he had nothing to lose at this point, so he went to the Casino Palace which was at the centre of the town, as he looked at the venue from the outside and was mesmerized.
“So this is Casino Palace,” said Alucard, “heaven for all gamblers, throw your money away in a foolish way. I'm about to school everybody.” Alucard put his cigarette down, as he walked inside the casino, and was immedieately taken aback with some sort of cherry-ish feeling.
But it was a good feeling -- at that time, as the casino -- the slot machines -- the poker games -- they attracted Alucard more and more as seconds went by, he could not wait to play people. He knew he was gonna make the biggest fortunes he will ever make in his lifetime.
He smiled. “I could get used to this..”

It was present day, as Alucard looked down at the floor and said, “From that day forward, I was never the same. Gambling was all I knew, and I had no family nor friends to talk to.”
The three of them stood there in silence, as they looked at one and another, before Rater looked at Alucard and said: “I'll help you!”
They all looked at him. “What?!” they said in unison.
“What?” said Rater. “Alucard has a goal, and he's gonna need help. I'll do whatever it takes to help him if he's serious about this.”
“How will you help?” said Alucard.
“I'll kick that fat bastard's ass!” said Rater. “That's how!”
“To be fair,” said Sora, “the guy knows how to fight. I mean, he beat Stobaru himself. You better believe him when he says he'll kick Oxolo's ass.”
Alucard chuckled. “I appreciate the help.”
“Since Rater's helping, I will help too,” said Sora, “i mean, Rater is my boss, afterall. I have to obey his orders.”
The three turned to Zoela, as she said, “Oh, alright! You need a fourth! I'll be the fourth.”
“Alright!” said Rater. “We're United as one!”

Suddenly, a rock flew through the window, as all of them were alarmed, before a voice shouted out: “Come out, Alucard you traitor!”
“Oxolo's men!” said Alucard. “They found us!”
“So they want a fight, huh?!” said Rater, getting up as he walked out, with the rest following him. “What do you want?!”
“Our buisness is with Alucard,” said the henchman, “not with you, scram, kid.”
Rater frowned more, as Alucard stepped out. “What do you need, Fang?”
“Oxolo ordered us to find you,” said Fang, “thanks to the kind citizens of this town, they told us where all four of you went. Had a good night's rest, is it?”
Alucard clenched his fist, but didn't do anything. “So,” said Alucard, “you had to find me? What does Oxolo want?”
“He wants you dead, that's what,” said Fang, as he drew his massive saw, as spikes were sticking out. “And this is what I get paid for.”
He swung the saw, as Sora stepped infront and blocked it with his dual swords. “Back off, you incompetent bastard,” said Sora, as he kicked Fang away.
Fang smirked. “Assassin Hunter Sora in the flesh,” said Fang, “i heard all about you, fellow swordsman. Are you what the news say you are? Or are those swords so vulnerable they can break easily?”
“These swords are ancient,” said Sora, “an asshole like you doesn't know how to respect traditions, I assume, so it isn't worth explaining to you just how valuable these swords are.”
“What?” said Fang. “Are you mocking me?! I'll kick your ass!”
“Guys, stop!” said Alucard. “Don't fight.”
Alucard turned to Fang. “Take me to Oxolo, now,” said Alucard, “i want a word with him.”
Rater, Sora, and Zoela's faces all widened, as they thought the idea was absurd -- but Alucard seemed adamant on it.
Fang smirked. “Alright then, follow me.”
Alucard nodded, as he turned to the others, giving a slight nod which Fang didn't notice -- which was meant as a signal to flank, which Sora and Zoela understood.
Rater, however, did not. “Huh?” said Rater.
Zoela slapped the back of his head, as Sora covered his mouth so he wouldn't scream. “Just come with us, dipshit!”
As Alucard and Fang left, Zoela, Sora, and Rater took a different route. “I can find my way to the castle alternatively,” said Zoela, “i was quite an explorer and navigator in my youth days.”
“Awesome!!” said Rater.
“Then let's not waste any time here,” said Sora, “let's go, Alucard needs us.”
Zoela nodded, as the three continued walking.

Fifteen is soon!

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