4. Enter, Assassin Hunter Sora!

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As Rater approached the massive wall that stood infront of him, Brody had catched up to him and was puffing out of breath.
"Don't go up there!" said Brody. "It's risky! And you'll die!"
"I can't die that easily!" Rater chuckled. "Relax, i'll be fine!"
He jumped onto the wall, holding onto it as he pulled himself up, looking at the man that was chained to two boulders.
He was a tall yet bulky man, and the boulders he was chained to were so massive and heavy that not even fifty people could move it, which made it a bore for Sora.
Being there for about twenty days now, Sora had attempted to move the boulders many times to test his strength, but no result was said as the boulders stayed in the same place they were when he arrived there.
Rater looked at the Tower that was next to the yard Sora was in, as he saw no soldiers were watching -- morelike slacking off as Rater looked, then he turned to Sora who had his head bowed down as Rater jumped down into the yard.
"RATER!" shrieked Brody.

Rater approached Sora, as Sora had his head down still, before Sora looked up as he saw the boy.
"Who are you?" said Sora.
"My name is Rater," said Rater, "i'm a Ranger recuriting strong people for my squad. Wish to join?"
Sora scoffed. "Ranger? Low-life scum? No thanks."
"Rangers aren't scum!" said Rater.
"Course they are!" said Sora. "They live in their vehicles like hobos and then they go to villages and trash up houses! It's in their motto: Never be cruel, never be cowardly. And never obey foreign law! All a bunch of arsewipes if you ask me."
Rater sighed. "For someone who seems to hate Rangers, you sure know alot about them."
"Huh?" said Sora. "What is that supposed to mean!"
"Ah, nothing, nothing," said Rater, "if I break those chains off for you. Will you join my squad?"
"You can't negotiate like that!" said Sora.
"I just did!" said Rater, smiling.
Sora sighed. "Dude, you're nuts if you think me -- a assassin hunter, will join up with you -- a Ranger. It would make headline news and then I would be deemed as scum!"
"So? Who cares what they think?" said Rater.
"They would chase us out of the village!" said Sora. "I had been living in this village for a few months now, safe to say I am a bit behind on rent now. Probably will be evicted soon if anything. But that's fine! As long as I do my thirty-day sentence, i'll get out scot free and leave this crap of a village!"
Rater sighed, getting up as he walked off. "Right, see 'ya!"
Sora watched as Rater climbed over the wall. "What an idiot."
Rater looked at Brody. "That guy's a bit stubborn if you ask me! But it's okay. Where is the nearest Tavern?"

Rater and Brody went to one of the most popular taverns in the town as it was packed and full of drinkers, there were even soldiers on break having a pint and whatnot.
Even the Son of the Captain of the Army Unit was there -- his name was Yimeapo, and he was your average spoiled brat. He would regularly walk around with two bodyguards on him and would prey on the poor people.
Rater and Brody got a table next to Yimeapo and his guards, as they sat down to have a drink. The two of them was drinking juice, as they were still underage by South Blue law.
"What did you even say to Sora?" asked Brody.
"Not much," said Rater, "i had only asked him to join my squad. He said no, of course."
Brody nodded. "Sora is a strange case in my eyes, in the media and newspapers he is seen as this assassin who would do anything to survive. But the truth is, Sora isn't a heartless assassin."
"Then what is he?" said Rater.
"He helps people, atleast, that's what I think. I watched him help this family who were constantly being harassed by Soldiers. Even as a rookie like myself I thought it was too far.
"But then I watched him step in, he told the soldiers to back off and he drew his dual swords at them, safe to say -- they didn't. And as a result he brutally assaulted them with his swords -- slashed them up bit by bit and blood was stained everywhere.
"What didn't help was the family after, they didn't even thank Sora for what he had done. They called the authorities and Sora had to flee -- I don't know how they found him, but I assume that's what Sora is being convincted for."
"So he really is a good guy!" said Rater.
"Well, I don't know, maybe he is," said Brody, "but he isn't good enough if he's banged up in that prison. That's what."

The two stayed silent, as Rater continued to drink his juice, the table next to them -- Yimeapo and his guards, they were discussing what they was going to do with Sora.
"So you are the convinctor of Sora's case, right?" said the Guard.
"That's right," said Yimeapo, "i'm the guy who's going to convinct Sora Rileguard for his notorious crimes."
"Notorious?" said the Guard.
"Oh, yes," said Yimeapo. "Sora has been an assassain for quite some time now -- approximately three years, he left his town at the age of sixteen and began hunting anyone with a good bounty on them. From Rangers to fellow Assassins like him, they called him the Assassin Hunter of the South, which is a badass name if you ask me.
"It's quite a shame, though, because once I sentence Sora, he isn't gonna be seeing the outside for a long time."
"Huh?" asked the Guard. "What do you mean? You and Sora agreed to a month's sentence."
"Uh huh," said Yimeapo, "it wasn't a contract. There isn't any paperwork. He's gonna rot to the ground! Like I would honor an agreement with scum like him!"
Rater overheard their conversation, and it infuriated him -- as he put his juice down and got up.
"Rater?" said Brody.
"Oi, you!" said Rater, pointing at Yimeapo. "Honor the agreement! It shows your decency! Or are you a spineless coward?"
"What did you call me?" said Yimeapo. "I'm gonna kick your ass, kid!"
Yimeapo got up and went to throw a punch, but did nothing as Rater grabbed his arm and swung him to a table.
The table flipped over as Yimeapo stayed on the ground -- beer and whatnot spilled all over him, as the Tavern was watching the drama unfold.
"You.. you bastard.." said Yimeapo. "You ruined my clothes.. my brand new clothes.. YOU MUST PAY!!"
He got up and went to throw another punch at Rater, but Rater crouched and kicked him to the wall, as Yimeapo fell down and broke another table.
Yimeapo stayed down at this time, as his Guards went to pick him up -- slinging his arms over their shoulders.
"You bastard! You foreign fuck! I'm gonna tell my father, and he's gonna put you in the fucking ground!" said Yimeapo, looking at Rater as his Guards were taking him out. "You better watch your back, before I put a bullet in it! You're a walking corpse!"
Yimeapo and his guards left, as Brody turned to Rater.
"Now, I don't like Yimeapo myself, but I would take his word for it If I was you," said Brody, as he looked at Rater. "What are you gonna do?"
Rater chuckled, as he turned to Brody with a huge smile. "I'm gonna kick his cowardly ass!"

Five is soon!

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