10. New Destination! Who's Alucard and the Girl?

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Rater and Sora would be chilling in the vehicle, as it would be driving on the road as it seemed to be the early hours of the morning.
Sora yawned. “How far until the next town?”
“Er.. I see trees, and farms, and ranches, so I don't think it's too long now!” said Rater.
“What?!” said Sora. “That doesn't make sense! Do you not know how to navigate the wild or something?”
“Ah.. no!” said Rater confidently. “I'm going wherever I want to go! Navigation isn't really my special skill.”
Sora sighed. “This is gonna be a long day,” thought Sora.
As they were driving, Sora looked at the trees as he asked Rater: “We are going to get more people. Right?”
“Sure!” said Rater. “I'm thinking a doctor, a sorcerer, a marksman, and another swordsman like you!”
“That's your ideal crew?” said Sora.
“Yep, and then the hunt for the Wonders will begin!” said Rater. “With our stacked team, we will be a dominant force on that battlefield!”
Sora yawned. “Uh huh, and what if we all die?”
“Then we die,” said Rater, turning to Sora with a big smile on his face. “Nothing to do about that!”

A little while later, the sun had officially risen up now, as it was a bright sunny day which flashed Rater and Sora as they were driving on the long road.
“That sun,” said Sora, “one of the shiniest suns you'll see in the South Blue. That's how the name of the region came about, because of the blue-ish-ness of the sky and the seas.”
“That's cool!” said Rater. “I like the South Blue! It's all peaceful if you live in the right place. And everyone is nice too—!”
Suddenly, the vehicle was hit as both Rater and Sora saw a massive Minotaur chasing after them, as a tribe was behind them.
“The Hungry Minotaurs!” said Sora. “But it's a myth!”
“What are they?!” said Rater.
“It's a tribe of Minotaurs that live in the woods,” said Sora, “fast and strong, they are like no other Minotaurs you would think of. A force to not be reckoned with. DRIVE!!”
Rater started the vehicle as it drove off, with one of the Minotaurs chasing as it kept up with the vehicle, Sora drew his dual-blades as he looked at the Minotaur.
“You drive,” said Sora, “i'll try and scare it away as best as I can!”
“Aww, but I wanna fight the Minotaur!” said Rater.
“Just drive!” said Sora.
Rater continued to drive, as Sora would swing his swords at the Minotaur, where it would barely move or flinch.
Sora frowned. “What the hell is this?” said Sora. “YOU WANNA GO, CHIEF?!”
As Rater was driving, he grabbed an apple from the bag as he was about to eat it, where a bird suddenly swooped down as it tried to steal the apple from Rater, but Rater had a tight grip on it.
But the Bird wasn't gonna give up easily, it dragged Rater off the vehicle as the Bird flew to the sky, with Rater clinging on.
“SOOOORRRAAA!!!” said Rater.
Sora turned around, and saw Rater in the sky with the Bird, as the Bird changed direction.
“Crap!” said Sora, as he took the steering wheel and followed the Bird, as the Minotaur was still chasing.
“I have to follow the route of the bird as Rater clings on,” said Sora, “but I also have to lose the Minotaur.”
After brainstorming for a few moments, he grabbed an apple as he threw it at the Minotaur, as it striked him directly in the eye, blinding him.
“Bullseye!” said Sora, as the Minotaur fell down.
As Rater was holding onto the bird, he saw a giant town underneath him, as he saw a massive citadel sitting infront of him as his eyes widened in awe.
“OHHH!!” said Rater. “A Castle, that's so awesome! Is there a Princess in there?!”

As Alucard was sitting in a tower of the Citadel that was obviously owned by the organization chain the Rangers of that town ran, he saw a bird flying in the sky, along with a guy hanging onto it, as Alucard put two and two together quite quickly.
“That's him!” said Alucard. “That's the guy from the news!”
Alucard grabbed a sniper which was sitting next to him, as he looked into the scope and pointed at the bird. “Sorry, bird,” said Alucard, “but it'll make a good report. I'll cook you for food later.”
He shot the sniper, as the bird was wounded as blood splatted out, as Rater was confused.
“Hey, you okay?!” said Rater. “We're going down!”
The Bird sped down into the city, as Rater didn't know what to do, so he braced for himself. “IT'S GONNA CRASHHH!!!”

“DAMN BASTARD!” said a Ranger, as a house exploded with gas, with a girl jumping out as so did the Ranger.
“Sorry, boo!” said the Girl. “Having trouble breathing?”
Coughing, the Ranger went to grab the Girl, but the Ranger was too intoxicated to do anything, as it took a knee and fell over.
“You'll... pay for this!” said the Ranger, coughing.
“Pay for what?” said the Girl. “I kill bastards like you and take all you got, it's valuable assets for me. Shame you didn't think it through, thick and thin you Rangers are!”
As the Ranger coughed more, he sprang up and grabbed the Girl as he took out a knife. “If i'm going out, you're coming with me!”
The Girl kicked and screamed, as she stepped on his foot, which forced him to let go as she kicked him in the crotch.
“OW, MY JEWELS!” said the Ranger, before coughing out gas as he fell over for good.
Frowning, the Girl looked at the corpse. “Try and force yourself on me before you die, eh? You sick bastard. I hope you rot!” said the Girl, spitting on the corpse.
“AHHHHH!!” said a voice, trailing from the sky, as Rater fell down onto the ground near the Girl and the Ranger, as the Girl looked in shock.
“What the hell?!” said the Girl. “Where did you come from!”
Rater slowly got up, as he brushed the dirt off himself. “I... have no idea,” said Rater, “i was holding onto a bird—”
“Hold it right there!” said the Girl. “You're that kid from the Newspapers, that Ranger who took down the Captain Stobaru of the Coast Village?”
“You know me?” said Rater. “Hey, i'm Rater!”
She frowned. “You're a Ranger!” said the Girl, as she took out a knife, which extended into a full-fleshed blade. “And i'm about to slash you up!”
“What?” said Rater. “But I didn't do anything!”
“Say your prayers, chump!” said the Girl, as she was about to slash Rater with the blade, but suddenly, she was tranquilized as she fell down.
“Huh?!—” before Rater could do anything, he was tranquilized also, as he fell down.
In a dark alley, Alucard walked out with a tranquilizer gun as he grabbed a rope and tied the two of them up. “A few steps closer... and i'm free.” said Alucard, as he dragged the two away.

Eleven is soon!

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