20. The Four Rangers

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As Sora, Zoela, and Alucard tried to see through the mist and the debris -- the entire citadel had collapsed, as it was just a pile of bricks and other materials laying upon eachother.
“The Citadel!” said Sora. “It's been absolutely annihilated!”
“And no sign of Rater!” said Zoela.
Alucard clenched his fist. “Damn it,” thought Alucard, “don't tell me Rater fought him -- and did all that -- just for him to be pummeled and crushed by the Citadel?”
As a few moments passed, a figure had emerged from the bricks, as all three of them were startled (with Sora even drawing his dual blades).
“Is it Oxolo?!” said Zoela, as the figure walked closer.
But as they saw the shadow unveiling, they noticed it was Rater -- who was now in his base form and completely unscathed. “Aha!” said Rater. “I have survived!”
“Rater!” said Sora.
“Where's Oxolo?!” said Alucard.
“I'm not sure,” said Rater, “he must of fleed the scene, either that or he's just plain dead. But I really don't know.”
The three stare at Rater, as they can see that something had changed. They notice that Rater is looking different, as they can vaguely make out his Phantom energy glowing from within him. Sora picked up on this quickly as his eyes widened. “What happened back there, did something change about you?” said Sora.
“Something like that..” said Rater. “My energy and overall body feels different compared to before, but I think I can get used to it.”
Rater’s expression then changed quickly as he was looking around frantically, as if he just realized. “Oxolo got away!? I can’t believe it!”
Rater then quickly ran off in another direction as Sora, Alucard, and Zoela watched as he left. Sora turned to the other two and looked worried. “I don’t know why, but I have a feeling the worst is yet to come…” said Sora.
“I’m worried, too, Sora,” said Zoela, “something about Rater seems off, and I don’t mean that in a bad way...”
“This entire situation is strange. I hope it doesn’t get any worse from here.” said Alucard.

Rater had came back to them, as it seemed he was looking for Oxolo. “I couldn't find him!” panted Rater.
Alucard then notices something about Rater that Sora and Zoela hadn’t noticed yet, as he looked at his glowing arms, covered in Phantom energy.
“Is your Phantom energy still in effect?” asked Alucard, noticing that Rater’s Phantom energy was still glowing from his arms, but not as much as during the battle. Rater looked up at Alucard and smiled, as he said, “I believe so.”
Alucard smiled, as he took out a case. “There's something i've wanted to give you,” said Alucard, as he was opening it, “it's a legendary weapon, and I think you could make good use of it.”
He gave Rater a hilt -- a plain hilt, as he looked at it.
“What's this?” said Rater.
Suddenly, it emerged as it turned into a full-fleshed staff, as it was bright red and quite heavy to carry at first.
“This is the Mystical Staff of the High Lands,” said Alucard. “Oxolo found it a few years back, he used to collect sacred artifacts like it. It's said that the Staff was forged by a great conjurer many years ago, and is indestructible.”
“Cool!” said Rater, as he swung it around to test it. “It feels light and effective -- I can get used to this too!”
Alucard smirks, as he looks at what Rater is doing with the staff. “I’m glad you like it, I think that it is just the thing you need for your upcoming journey to becoming a true Phantom Warrior,” said Alucard, before he suddenly has a more serious look on his face. “You should be aware, however, that it is said that every Phantom Warrior has a unique signature to their individual Phantom energy. Even you must have one. Therefore, it is best you try and figure out what your signature is as it will tell you greatly about yourself.”
Rater then focuses his Phantom energy, trying to figure out what it is that his signature is. As he does this, he suddenly gets an idea, and he decides to test it out. Rater then forms two spheres of Phantom energy and throws them out, but there was a faint rainbow-like shimmer to each of the two orbs as they sailed through the air. Rater smiled, as he realized that his Phantom energy must have a rainbow-like signature to it. “What did I tell you?” said Alucard, seeming very thrilled.

“This is great!” said Rater, as he strapped the staff behind him before he turned to both Alucard and Zoela. “Hey, come with us!”
“Huh?!” said both Alucard and Zoela.
“You heard me!” said Rater. “Join me and Sora, travel the world and the lands, look at all the cool stuff!”
“Is it always this dangerous?” said Zoela.
Rater nodded. “Yep,” said Rater, “you ain't scared, are you?”
Zoela frowned. “I AIN'T SCARED OF THE WILD!” she threw a massive punch to Rater. “I've been traveling from town to town! I'm probably experienced unlike you!”
“Whatever!” said Rater. “Are you gonna join us or not?”
Zoela smiled. “Sure, why not,” said Zoela, “better than being captured by Oxolo's men.”
“Uh-huh!” said Rater, as he turned to Alucard. “And what about you?”
Alucard stared at Rater for a few moments, before relaxing his body and shrugging his shoulders. “My life will become boring when Oxolo is gone, so yeah, i'll join 'ya.”
The four of them walked away from the Citadel in unison, as they walked to Rater's vehicle, as both Alucard and Zoela's faces dropped.
“That's gonna be a bit cramped, will it?” said Alucard.
“Sitting in that between three boys.. yuck.” said Zoela.
“Relax!” said Rater. “We're getting a new one soon, hop on.”
The four of them hopped in the vehicle, as it drove away from the town and back into the woods. And not looking back.

Meanwhile, in another town, there was this boy who was causing havoc amongst his neighbours -- as two neighbours were chasing him.
The boy's name was Uyutsu, and he was sixteen years of age -- he was quite the troublemaker, as he would vandalize their homes daily.
“Give it up, losers!” said Uyutsu. “Those houses mean nothing anyway! Getting mad over it is pointless, isn't it?! You losers, wannabes! You'll never catch me!”
“Damn bastard!” said the Neighbour, still chasing Uyutsu.
The other Neighbour then catches up with Uyutsu, as he grabs him in a headlock. “I’ve had enough of you causing unnecessary problems in this town, it’s time that I teach you a lesson!” said the Neighbour, as he begins to choke Uyutsu in the headlock. Uyutsu only lets a light chuckle escape his mouth as he’s finally been caught after so long, as he responds, “Oh, you want to teach me a lesson eh? Let me show you what I learned from when I used to do a little bit of training myself!”
Uyutsu then suddenly breaks his head free from the Neighbour who was choking him, as he then turns around and immediately knees him in the stomach. The Neighbour doubles over in pain, but Uyutsu doesn’t stop there, as he then kicks him a few times in the back and ribs, causing him to cry out in pain every time. The other Neighbour then steps up beside Uyutsu, holding a baseball bat in his hands.
“Hey, look!” said Uyutsu. “There's a cannon coming!”
“Huh?!” said the Neighbour, as he turned around and looked.
Uyutsu grabbed his broom and whacked him in the face with it, before running off leaving a trail of laughter. “So gullible!” said Uyutsu. “Get with the times, old man!”


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