57. Battle of the Swordsmen!

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Sora would be swift in his attacks, but Emrun would be even swifter as he would block each of his blows with the wooden sword. The two of them would fight intensely, with Emrun countering each blow Sora would try to lunge at him with his speed and skill, even with his inebriated state.
Sora would get increasingly frustrated with Emrun's ability to seemingly handle his weapons even with his current state of intoxication. Every time he made an attempt to strike at Emrun, he would be unable to land a single hit, as the former prince's ability to counter him was nothing but exceptional considering how much he'd been drinking.
Sora would continue to attack Emrun, with his frustration growing with each missed strike he tried to land. His anger was slowly boiling over, as he tried to figure out a way to hit Emrun, even if the former prince kept on blocking his blows effortlessly.
Emrun would be slowly starting to get tired from blocking Sora's constant attacks, as Sora would continue to get more and more aggressive. Emrun's reaction time would be getting slightly slower with each passing moment, as his intoxication was beginning to affect his ability to fight back.
Eventually, Sora's furious attack would prove too much for Emrun to handle, as Sora would finally manage to land a blow. He would manage to get around Emrun's block with a fast strike, which was enough to stagger the former prince slightly. He would immediately follow it up with another quick strike, which left Emrun almost completely off-balance.
Emrun was clearly on the verge of losing his composure, as he wasn't nearly as fast as he was moments ago when the fight first started. Sora took the opportunity to increase the pressure, and he would prepare an especially hard strike towards the former prince's upper body with one of his swords.
“You think you’re better than me at this, don't you?” said Emrun, gritting his teeth as he watched Sora prepare his strike towards him. “Just you wait, I'll show you how a real man fights.”
Emrun would then raise his wooden sword to block the strike, but this time his reflexes would be too slow. Sora's strike would hit him straight in the upper torso, and it would sting.

Sora would then take advantage of Emrun’s defensive lapse, and he would try to use his other sword in a quick strike towards Emrun's exposed unprotected leg.
“You think you're better than me?” said Sora. “I'm running on light beer! And even then I ain't at my best!”
Sora headbutted Emrun, as it sent Emrun stumbling a few steps back, as Sora attempted to swing his sword, which Emrun narrowly dodged as he took a few more steps back to gain some distance.
“You really don't know who you're messing with!” said Emrun, as he gritted his teeth, his face twisted with anger as he watched Sora get ready for another move, taking a defensive stance as he prepared himself.
Sora was clearly riled up at this point, as he was now out for blood. He would try to keep his anger under control, but his rage was starting to boil over and he couldn't control himself.
“Come on then, show me what you got!” said Sora jokingly, as he proceeded to attack the former prince.
Emrun would be on the defensive for some time now as Sora kept on pressing the attack, but now that the former prince had a bit more distance between him and his opponent, he would begin to plan his next move.
He would wait for the right moment, then make his counter-attack. He was getting ready to take back the initiative, as he knew that he could gain the upper hand if he played this right.
Sora would immediately become aware of Emrun's intent to counterattack. He would see Emrun gathering himself, as he prepared to strike back. He wouldn't make another attack yet, as he was waiting for Emrun to strike first this time.
Once again, it would be a waiting game, as the two of them would both be poised for a counterattack, yet neither one of them would make the first move. It would continue like this for a while, as they both waited for an opening to strike.
“Screw this crap!” said Sora, as he used his water shen to create a cover made out of water around his swords, as the tip of the blades would be more sharp than before.
The crowd would be in shock, as Emrun watched in awe. “That's your Shen?” he said.
Sora nodded. “Let's see yours then!”
Emrun looked to his hands, as his hands was to no avail as nothing came out, which left Sora confused.
“Wait, do you not know how to use your Shen?” said Sora.
Emrun waited a few moments, before hesitantly shaking his head as Sora started laughing excessively.
“Wow, what a killer!” said Sora. “Your ass is totally mine now!”

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