19. The Great Fall

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Oxolo charged at Rater with blinding speed, as Rater prepared his Phantom Barrage, however, Oxolo was able to dodge it and land a strong kick on Rater’s chest, making him slam into the wall of the throne room. Oxolo dashed at Rater once more and used his Phantom-Consumed Arm to grab him and slam him into a pillar, causing it to collapse on top of Rater and block his escape route as Oxolo walked towards him. “Don't you just hate it when your dreams are being crushed?!” said Oxolo.
The pillar trapped Rater underneath it, making him struggle to get out of it as Oxolo laughed in amusement and stepped on Rater’s chest, further preventing him from escaping.
“What are we going to do with you?” Oxolo smirked, “maybe I’ll have you strung up on a pole outside the city to warn others of the consequences of trying to go against me!”
Rater was enraged by this and used his hands, which are now Phantom Energy, to lift the pillar just enough to escape from it and get out of Oxolo’s grasp. “You should have finished me off while you had the chance! Now i’m going to show you what I can do at Phantom Barrage Level Two!!”
The dark aura surrounding Phantom Rater grows more intense and powerful, as Rater's eyes glow a dark yellow to show his improvement, as his power and energy was increasing by the second.
Oxolo chuckles in amusement, now seeing how much of a threat Rater is. “So you’re a quick learner, hmm? This is going to be more fun than I originally thought!” said Oxolo.

As Rater is about to launch the punch, Oxolo dodges it and uses his Phantom Consumed Arm to grab Rater around the neck, choking him as his face turns blue. Oxolo is laughing at this display of power as Rater struggles to break free from the Phantom’s grip around his neck.
Rater is on the verge of passing out as his face is now a dark blue, and Oxolo is now taking advantage of this by choking him harder and tighter, as he continues to squeeze his grip around Rater’s neck. “You can give up now, it’ll only get less painful…” Oxolo smirks.
Rater smirked also, as he bit onto Oxolo's hand, as his teeth dug deep into the hand, causing Oxolo to shriek as he forcefully let go of Rater's hand.
“Damn bastard!” said Oxolo, as he punched the pillar, but Rater ducked as he kicked Oxolo away, before jumping onto the walls as he punched Oxolo down to the ground.
Oxolo lets out a loud roar of anger as it shakes the entirety of the Citadel, but Rater doesn’t seem phased by this as Rater jumped off the walls and landed a punch to the face, sending Oxolo slamming into one of the walls of the throne room. Oxolo is now left stunned as he tries to get up, but Rater doesn’t give him a chance, he starts to rain down punches upon him.
“You enslaved my friend!” said Rater, still sending the wave of punches. “Took his gambling addiction, and milked it in anyway you could! Now you will PAY!
He sent one massive punch into Oxolo's gut, as Oxolo yelled and shrieked in pain as the Citadel shook, it may aswell of been an earthquake with the power and might that lies behind these two.
Oxolo is on the verge of passing out as he’s left stunned by the force that is behind Rater, as he tries to raise his arms to defend himself, but Rater kicks one of his arms out of his way and stomps on his other arm, completely breaking it. “You’ve gone too far this time, boy! You won't even live to see the sun rise tomorrow!” shouts a furious Oxolo as he tries to counter Rater once more.

Oxolo raises his Phantom-Consumed Arm towards Rater one last time as Rater gets ready to counter-attack. Rater raises one of his hands as his own Phantom energy starts to grow, surrounding his body, and a moment passed, and both Oxolo and Rater launched their attacks towards one another in a clash. The massive clash of two Phantom Energy was so devastating that it had a chance of possibly collapsing part of the Citadel as sparks of red and blue lightning flashed bright as both of them pushed their maximum strength towards one another.
It sent shockwaves throughout the whole Citadel -- and possibly the whole town -- as everything was shaking, the power behind these two were so abnormal, it made you wonder what was really behind the power of the Phantom Liquids.
The ground that both Rater and Oxolo were on was starting to crack, as part of the Citadel was starting to collapse, they both looked as they began to fall down in the massive commotion.
Oxolo smirks once more as he uses his Phantom-Consumed Arm to grab Rater and begin choking him again, this time even harder and tighter than he had ever done. Rater is now choking to the brink of unconsciousness, as his vision begins to get blurry.
“If you’re going to die, might as well die knowing I could have ended this at any time…” yelled Oxolo, as he continues to choke, getting ready to let Rater die by suffocation.
Rater begins to breathe less and less as his body is now starting to feel numb, as Oxolo squeezes his grip even tighter around the throat of Rater. Suddenly, Rater lets out a painful grunt from the lack of oxygen, as Oxolo smirks and is enjoying this display of power over his body. It’s as if Oxolo is slowly watching Rater die in front of him, as his entire body begins to turn blue from being deprived of air.

Rater’s eyes are now closing, as Oxolo is about to let his grip grow tighter around Rater’s throat and completely block of his air and kill him. However, suddenly, Oxolo feels a massive force grab his arm and pull it away from Rater’s throat. Oxolo is now left stunned and confused as he turns to see Alucard, Sora, and Zoela standing in front of Oxolo, as they’ve taken control over Oxolo’s grip around Rater’s neck.
“Guys!” said Rater, as he was coughing. “Get out of here! He's too strong! He'll kill you!”
“So the little guy needs support afterall,” said Oxolo, as he kicked all three of them away. “Pathetic! Even with their assistance, it's nothing!”
Oxolo chuckles in amusement as he walks towards a now barely conscious Rater, as he raises his Phantom-Consumed Arm towards him in a final attempt to win this fight once and for all. He swings his arm down towards Rater, getting ready to finish him off. Rater’s spirit then emerges from his body, as it looks like it’s made of pure Phantom Energy. Rater reaches out with his Phantom Spirit and grabs Oxolo’s arm, stopping him temporarily.
Oxolo’s arm is now trapped as Rater’s Spirit begins to absorb the Phantom energy from Oxolo’s arm as it grows in power and strength. Oxolo grows angrier as his arm is now being taken away from him as the arm now begins to turn into phantom energy itself. Oxolo yells at the top of his lungs, “GET OFF OF ME, YOU STUPID SPIRIT!” as Rater’s spirit continues to fight back against Oxolo.
Oxolo continues to struggle to try and kick Rater’s Spirit off, but Rater’s Phantom Energy has already begun to take over his arm. “LET GO OF ME, YOU stupid-” yelled Oxolo, as he cuts himself off as he’s stopped as the Phantom Energy has now completely consumed his Phantom-Consumed Arm. Oxolo’s face grows even more angry as his own arm is now being used against him; his own power has started being turned back to him.
Oxolo is now at a complete loss for words as his own Phantom energy is now ripping the physical form of his hand apart. Oxolo is now screaming and writhing in pain as his Hand gets turned into Phantom energy. Oxolo is trying to rip his hand away from the Phantom Energy, but it is now too powerful. Rater is now in complete control of the Phantom energy in Oxolos arm, and he is beginning to grow much longer and larger as he takes over the arm.
“STOOOOP!” yelled Oxolo.
Rater chuckled. “Say goodbye to everything you stood for... ASSHOLE!
Rater took a massive step on the ground, as it sent shockwaves, as it led to the ground that was still holding up the Citadel, as the Citadel finally started to collapse for good.
The Citadel and its towers were beginning to tip, as it began to fall their way, which Oxolo's face widened in fear as he saw it.
“Let's get out of here!” said Alucard.
“But what about Rater?!” said Sora.
“We don't have time!” said Alucard. “Let's go!”
The three of them ran off, as the citadel had finally collapsed for good -- and both Rater and Oxolo were nowhere to be seen.

Twenty is soon!

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