11. Alucard and The Great Fat Man!

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As Rater and the Girl woke up, they saw they were in a dark room, surrounded by candles, as both Rater and the Girl would be laying down.
The Girl looked around, as she noticed Rater was laying on her breasts, which made her blush in embarassment as she kicked him off.
“GET OFF ME, YOU PERVERT!” yelled the Girl.
“AHHH!!!” said Rater. “WHY'D YOU KICK ME?!”
“Excuse me?” said the Girl, sitting up. “Did you not learn any manners? You don't lay on stuff like that!”
“Why?” said Rater. “Is it poison?”
She facepalmed. “Just shut up!”
The door slammed open, as Alucard ran in and closed it behind. “Will you two shut up?”
“Who are you?” said the Girl.
Rater got up. “Yeah! Are you here to kill us?”
“Lucky for you both, no,” said Alucard, “but i'm on a mission.”
“Hm?” said the Girl.
Alucard went to sit down, as he cleared his throat. “You,” he pointed at the girl, “what's your name?”
“Zoela.” said the Girl.
“Thought so,” said Alucard. “Zoela the infamous thief, you live entirely on other people's fortune. Right? That's how you get from one town to another.”
“Mhm, I even hijacked a Ranger's vehicle to get here,” said Zoela, “safe to say that Ranger isn't safe either.”
Alucard turned to Rater. “And you are the kid that destroyed Stobaru from the Coast Village, right?”
Rater turned to him. “Yep!” said Rater. “My name's Rater, and you are?”
“Alucard,” said Alucard, “soon to be the Great Alucard, Alucard the Great Tactician people will call me if my plan works.”
“What plan?” said Zoela.
“Oh, right,” said Alucard, “i shall explain for context. Well, three years ago, I was at the bright age of twenty-two, and it was safe to say I had a bit of an ego of myself. I did alright in the gambling buisness, but I was too masochistic at the time. I wanted more. I wanted a challenge.
“Well, I challenged the Great Man himself, Oxolo the Great Fat Man, my boss you can call him. I challenged him to a game of cards, and safe to say, I was humbled badly. I thought that was it for me. I wanted to stop gambling, I regretted it.
“Until he told me he was going to spare me, on the condition I would serve him for the rest of my life. I reluctanly agreed, but ever since that day I have been devising a plan to kill him and get my revenge.”
He turned to Rater. “You created a shortcut for me,” said Alucard, as he pointed at both Rater and Zoela. “Both of you! You put me only two steps closer to destroying Oxolo!”
“How?” said Rater.
“You are both very infamously known in the village—” said Alucard, as he quickly tied the two of them up once more, “—so if I bring you two to Oxolo's hand, i'll gain his trust more, and he'll hail me infront of his crew. And he'll never see it coming!”
He opened the door. “It was nice talking to you,” said Alucard, “but I have a plan to proceed.”

Sora parked the vehicle slowly, as he entered the town and looked around. “I must keep a low profile,” said Sora, “i assume the situation with Stobaru has made its word around nearby towns. So I must not talk to anyone who may catch on.”
He walked around the busy towns, as he saw a tavern nearby. “Screw it, Rater can wait a bit, I need a proper drink.”
He walked into the Tavern, as he saw it was quite empty, with a group of Rangers sitting at a table having pints, as Sora walked up to the bar.
He put down a few coins, a.k.a rupees (currency of the South Blue). “I'll have one big pint,” said Sora, “and make it fast. I'm thirsty.”
The Bartender chuckled, as he made the pint and gave it to Sora, as Sora drank the living daylights out of it.
The Group of Rangers chuckled, as they watched Sora. “Slurping on that good, huh?”
“What the hell?” said Sora.
“Don't worry, we've all been there,” said the Ranger, as he got up and approached Sora, “those swords look fancy, where'd you find them?”
“In a temple, far, far, away,” said Sora, “the history behind these bad boys is so scary it can even put you behind the sofa.”
The Ranger chuckled. “Alright, you look like a fairly young lad. So i'm gonna give you the chance to take it back, before I make you take it back.”
The other Rangers got up, as Sora scoffed. “What's this, my little freaks?”
The Ranger threw a punch, as Sora grabbed his arm and headbutted him, slamming him to the floor. As another one tried to hit Sora, Sora used the hilt on one of these swords to pierce him in the ribs, as he shrieked loudly as Sora kicked him into the table.
With the Pints spilled everywhere, Sora jumped up on the bar as one of the Rangers tried to slash Sora with one of their knives, but Sora dodged their moves with ease as Sora stepped on his hand, forcing him to let go of the knife as he grabbed it and threw it in the Ranger's arm as if it was a tomahawk.
Sora jumped down, as he drew his dual blades slowly, as the group of Rangers backed up like scared little kids.
“See, little Rangers,” said Sora, “my name is Sora Rileguard. And i'm an Assassin Hunter of the South, you may of heard of me. I make a name for myself. So you should know who you mess with before it turns into that.. and clean up your pants, you made a puddle.”
It implied that the Rangers peed themselves, which they did -- ALL of them did, infact. As the Rangers got up and ran out of the tavern.
The Bartender got up from the Bar as he looked at Sora. “Damn straight!”
“Huh?” said Sora.
“Nothing, infact i'm honoured!” said the Bartender. “The Great Assassin Sora, ordering a pint in my bar. My wee lads will never hear the end of it!”
Sora gave a smile, as he put his dual swords back in their sheaths, as he walked out of the tavern. “I attracted too much attention already, it seems,” thought Sora, “now, I need to find Rater.”

The doors of Oxolo's throne room opened, as Alucard dragged Rater and Zoela in, throwing them to Oxolo.
“There, boss,” said Alucard, “i got two of the most infamous people in this town. Make what you want of them.”
Oxolo looked at the two of them, his fat belly showing to Rater as Rater smirked for a moment, before turning to Alucard as Alucard gave Rater a glare as in “do-not-mess-this-up!”.
Oxolo laughed. “I knew I could always trust you, my loyal Alucard!” said Oxolo. “For your three year service, I say we shall throw a party! What do you think?”
Alucard chuckled. “Well, I don't think that's nessecary—”
“You served me and the Oxolo Organization well!” said Oxolo. “And as we are a full running casino consuming gamblers who waste their lives away, heres a cheque -- of their filthy money!”
He grabbed a whole bag of money as he threw it to Alucard. “Keep it!” said Oxolo.
Alucard chuckled. “How naïve,” thought Alucard, as he looked at Oxolo. “When i'm done with you, i'll take this whole casino down and leave like nothing happened.”
“LET THE PARTY BEGIN!!!” said Oxolo.

Twelve is soon!

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