46. Sora vs. Helband! Duel of the Best!

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Sora and Helband would then stare down each other, as Helband would be the first to strike. He would swing his sword in a horizontal direction, sending the blade at Sora's wrists towards his body.
Sora would block the attack, as he parried the blade away from him.
Helband would immediately try to strike again, this time with a vertical slash aimed at Sora's torso.
Sora would jump back, avoiding the blow, as he readied himself to defend against the next attack from Helband.
Helband would smirk, as he would then sweep the sword towards the ground and try to sweep Sora’s legs, so that he would fall to the ground.
Sora would notice this and quickly leap back once again, avoiding the slash that Helband had attempted. Helband would frown at this, as he would try to strike again with a quick upward slash from the sword.
Sora would quickly parry away from the slash, as he would twist his own body to avoid the attack, as he would quickly move back to create some distance between him and Helband.
Helband would smile. “You’re good, kid,” he would say, “but let’s not waste any more time.
Helband would advance towards Sora once more, as he would once again swing his sword in a horizontal fashion, attempting to hit Sora with the blade.
Sora would block the attack this time as well, but this time he would swing his sword out so that he could try to clash his sword into Helband’s, pushing Helband’s sword back and disrupting his attack.
Helband would quickly pull his sword back, as he smiled at the display of skill that Sora had shown. “Not bad,” he would say, as he then swung his sword again towards Sora, aiming for his torso.
Sora would block the attack with his sword, as he continued his display of good reflexes. Helband would continue to move in to strike, as he struck out a flurry of attack towards Sora, trying to see how fast he could react.
Sora would parry each of the attacks, as he would continue to move back to create some distance between himself and Helband, as he knew that the longer he was able to prolong the fight the better his chances of winning the battle was.

Helband would be somewhat impressed, as Sora was dodging and parrying his attacks for longer than he thought he would, as he began to think that the kid was actually more skillful than initially expected.
Helband would continue his assault on Sora, as he would bring his sword from a horizontal angle to a vertical one, as the sword came down at Sora with an overhand attack.
Sora would block, with the blade of his sword meeting Helband’s blade with a hard collision, that sent a shockwave out from the clash that both of them felt.
Sora could feel his body vibrating, as he took a couple of steps back, barely dodging Helband's next swing.
Helband would continue his assault, as his blade swung from its overhand angle to a side angle, that hit Sora on the side of his torso. This strike would send a shockwave through Sora's body, as he took a few steps back to recover from the pain. This would lead to Helband striking out another blow, aimed this time at Sora's chest, which would strike just above his heart.
“Shit!” said Sora, as he moved back to get some more space, but it did not seem to work.
Helband would be in a good rhythm now, as he would once again rush in to attack, as he would swing his sword from the side to make a diagonal strike at Sora’s neck as well.
Sora would be quickly forced to dodge this attack as well, as he attempted to avoid getting struck by the blade.
Helband would then turn away and try a new strike, as he would swing his sword at Sora’s legs, and would land that swing. This would cause Sora to stumble, but he would quickly catch himself before he would fall to the group, as he would get up and move back.
Sora would be breathing a bit heavily now, as he was starting to realize how much stamina this battle was taking from him.

As Sora backed up again to gain some distance, Helband would then advance towards him once more, aiming to strike him with his overhand attack once more. Sora would block the strike with his sword, and would then try to counterattack, as he moved his sword to Helband’s horizontal level and then swung out in his own overhand attack, striking the side of Helband’s face.
Helband would be taken by surprise by this strike, as he would get knocked back a little bit before he could react, as he rubbed the part of his face where he was hit, as he stared at Sora with a glare that struck fear into Sora.
“Damn you, rat,” said Helband, “suppose I should teach you respect now. 'Ey?”
He got up, as he charged at Sora now, more faster than usual, as Sora looked around to see where he could find him.
“Show yourself!” said Sora.
Helband laughed. “Oh, do you really think you can catch up with me, kid!” said Helband, as he dashed ahead and out of Sora’s vision.
Sora would try to follow him, but he would soon hear Helband’s voice from behind him. “You know, there's a reason I'm called One-Eye Helband, rat!” said Helband, as he would dash past Sora and strike his back.
Sora would fall to his knees as the strike landed squarely on his back, as he would gasp for breath. The pain he felt from the sudden strike was unbearable, as he could hardly breathe.
Helbrand saw the opportunity and took it, as he would advance back towards Sora and strike out a vertical slash towards his torso.
Sora would raise his blade to try to parry the blow, as it would create another shockwave from the powerful collision of the swords. But Sora would still take some of the force of the blow from the blade, as he would be forced back to the ground, where he now lay gasping for breath.
Suddenly, Sora would have a surge of energy rush in him, as he got up and kicked Helband away, picking up his two swords in time.
As Helbrand fell to the ground, Sora would launch another round of attacks towards him. This would force Helband to defend himself as Sora continuously attacked, with his rapid attacks coming in a flurry.
Then, Helband would take advantage of the opening that was now showing up, as he was now on the defensive, as he launched a kick out between Sora's legs.

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