30. The Secret Goddess

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Uyutsu would be struggling, as Kaio's sword was caressing his face slowly.
“How do you feel?” said Kaio. “All that rage and sadness bottled up in your soul, just to be crushed by a man twice your size.”
Uyutsu gritted his teeth, as he stared at Kaio, who started laughing as he took a deep closer look to Uyutsu.
“Man, your face expressions are funny!” said Kaio, tapping his sword into his hand, as his demeanor had changed. “Now you shall die.”
As Kaio was planning to finish Uyutsu off, suddenly, Kaio was overwhelmed as he saw a darkness-like person suddenly whack him away from Uyutsu, as Kaio would hit the trees, Uyutsu would be lost in confusion.
The sky would suddenly turn dark, as Zoela and Uyutsu looked, they saw that the moon was glowing, and that Saori was glowing also.
“By mind, and by strength,” said Saori, “o, my Moon, my Lord, release me from this shell to save this town from its evil!”
“What the hell?!” thought Kaio, as the moon was shining in his face. “Is this the deity that Labath was talking about? The god-damn moon?!
“The moon!” said Uyutsu. “You're.. the moon?”
Saori nodded. “The Moon Megami,” said Saori, “it is an old legend which was perceived as a fairytale by most folk around, but it exists well, and within me. I have kept it in me for so long that the story eventually faded and everyone forgot.”
“Wait.. so, you aren't really sixteen?” said Uyutsu.
Saori shook his head. “I'm older than the world itself.”
Uyutsu and Zoela's faces widened, as Uyutsu said, “S-so, what are your parents?! Ancient folklore beings?!”
Saori shook her head. “They were normal people,” said Saori, “but my birth resulted in my mother being killed, and my father only lived until I was about fourteen years old.”
Uyutsu gritted his teeth. “All this time,” thought Uyutsu, “living in that mansion.. as a Moon Goddess?”
“This is a load of crap!” said Kaio. “I'll kill all of you right now!”
“Oh you think so?” asked Saori, as she would now raise her palm and point her index finger toward Kaio.
Saori would suddenly start to channel her energy toward Kaio, as she would concentrate her strength and power into her index finger.
“Here, let me show you something that I’ve been saving just for you.” said Saori, as she started to channel more energy now towards Kaio.
“I.. can't keep this form for long,” said Saori, “or i'll waste too much energy.. and i'll die! So best do this quick!”

The moon was now shining even brighter, with Saori's finger acting like a beam of light that was being shot out of it, as the light itself slowly started to grow bigger as Saori continued to focus on Kaio.
Kaio moved out of the way, but it wasn't enough as it skimmed his body, resulting in blood coming out as Kaio almost lost balance, as he started to cough.
Clearing his throat, Kaio chuckled. “Alright, Moon God,” said Kaio, “that was light work!”
“That was only a fraction of my power,” said Saori, as she would now channel even more energy, as the moon started to emit a bigger and brighter light, which meant that the impact of this light was about to be even stronger.
Saori’s finger now started to release more energy, as her light attack has begun to become strong enough to even have the capabilities to burn Kaio’s skin.
The waves of wind that surrounded them caused Kaio's clothes to flap about in the air, which would be resulted badly as the light vaporized his clothes, leaving him half naked.
“Gagh!” said Kaio. “My clothes have disappeared!”
“That’s right, and I’m here just to take it all the way from there. I’ll reduce you to ashes!” said Saori, as the light now started to become even stronger, and Saori now felt an even bigger surge of strength she could channel through her finger alone.
“You can’t take my life!” screamed Kaio, as he tried to run away from the light, but the light was now strong enough to slow him down.
The light suddenly gets even stronger, and Saori is now about to finish off Kaio with this final, ultimate move.
Saori's finger would now have a bigger and brighter light emitting from it, as the light started to become so strong that it could even cause Kaio to get burned all over his body if this light actually made contact with him.
As the light shot from her fingers, Kaio ducked as the light laser bounced off the tree and back at Saori, striking her almost instantly as her moon form had disappeared, and she fell down unconscious.
The Moon stopped glowing, as it started glowing a light red, as if to indicate the wounds of the light, as Uyutsu and Zoela looked up in nervousness.
“Saori and the Moon is hurt!” said Uyutsu, turning to Zoela. “What do we do?!”
“There's nothing to do!” said Kaio. “She took the bait and essentially killed herself, what a pity!”
Uyutsu would be shocked, seeing Saori fall and Kaio mockingly mocking how Saori is now injured, as Uyutsu would now turn to face Kaio.
Uyutsu would be filled with a sense of rage and anger now, as he was ready to attack Kaio, as he was now fully prepared to protect his friend, no matter what the consequences would be.
As Uyutsu started to charge forward, ready to attack Kaio at once, he then suddenly felt as if he was frozen in his tracks, as Uyutsu would now feel a sense of paralysis throughout his entire body.
“You think you could just attack me?” said Kaio, as he slowly approached Uyutsu.
Kaio would now be holding his sword above Uyutsu’s head, as Uyutsu now began to feel very anxious and scared throughout.
Uyutsu would continue to try not to panic, as he would not want to give Kaio satisfaction by showing too much fear, so Uyutsu would do his best to put up a brave face.
“So, what’s it going to be?” asked Kaio, as he continued to hold his sword above Uyutsu’s head, with Uyutsu still unable to move or be able to speak.
“You know, you're quite lucky that you can't move,” said Kaio, as he would begin to now approach Uyutsu's face with the sword, as Kaio would now be just inches away from striking Uyutsu’s head.
“Goodbye,” said Kaio, as his sword was now about to cleave through Uyutsu’s skull.
As the sword was swinging down, Uyutsu used all his strength and might to push Kaio down the slope of the grass hill, as it stopped Uyutsu from his head getting slashed open, however, it resulted in both of them falling down the slope in a commotion.
They landed in the woods, as Kaio kicked Uyutsu off and tried to swing it once more. “You dare interrupt one of my finest moments!” said Kaio.
Uyutsu dodged barely, as he took out his revolver and loaded it.
Kaio scoffed. “Guns? You think i'm scared of Guns?”
“Yeah,” said Uyutsu, “you should be, as it can do this!”
He shot the revolver, as the bullet pierced Kaio's stomach, which startled him back as a little blood wound was starting to form.
“Little runt,” thought Kaio, “i thought he wouldn't have the guts to, I have to give props to him where it is needed.”
“I admire your bravery, kid,” said Kaio, “but it's a shame we aren't on the same side. Because now i'm going to kill you!”

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