29. Race for the Mansion

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Captain Labath would let out a loud laugh, as he saw the situation turn into his favor now.
He no longer needed to worry about the others, since they already left the scene, which left only Rater to be eliminated.
He would now focus his full attention on what he would do to Rater, as he smirked and started to approach him with determination and speed.
Rater drew his bo-staff, as he was on the defensive side, he would block Labath's slashes and only attack if openings were seen.
Unfortunately, there wasn't much openings that Rater could take advantage of, as Rater was moving backwards and around, urging Labath to come after him as he did.
Labath would slowly continue to walk towards Rater, not minding if the situation drags on, since he was the one who had the advantage.
Labath could see that Rater was struggling to move backwards, all he was doing was trying to buy time, but he knew that he would eventually be caught and finished off.
Labath would still approach him slowly, but he knew that it didn't matter how long one would move backwards, they would eventually have nowhere else to run anymore.
Rater was sweating profusely now, as he looked at Labath, who was now moving toward him with his sword in hand.
Labath had no problem with the speed of Rater moving backwards, as he slowly tried to make his way closer to Rater, who was now sweating profusely.
Now Labath knew that all he had to do was to stay consistent in his movements and he would win.
Rater gritted his teeth. “What is this guy doing?” thought Rater. “Is he planning something as he moves like that?”
Rater stayed still, as he tried to circle Labath, who was still at his slow walking speed.

Rater would feel a bit anxious as he saw Captain Labath slowly approaching him, he did not understand why Labath was moving so slow, but he could feel that something was off.
Labath would now keep walking towards Rater, he was only a few steps away. He knew that he had no reason to speed up the process, as he was eventually going to catch Rater one way or another.
Rater would start to be moving backwards, as he was starting to get a bit tired with all this excessive movement that was going on. He was starting to feel as if he was about to trip over something, which worried him since he was focused on Labath and he could not get distracted.
Eventually, Rater grew tired of this, as he dashed at Labath at full speed and attempted to kick him in the face, but Labath had little to no reaction as he simply slashed Rater in the stomach, sending him away as blood splatted out of his stomach.
Rater fell down, holding his wound with one hand, as Labath was laughing like a maniac.
“What an idiot!” said Labath. “How quickly and easily it was to slash you, and you tried to use your fancy kung-fu kicks to injure me? What a joke!”
Rater would start to feel extremely weak as he laid in the middle of the path, blood flowing from his stomach, and Labath laughing in his face.
Labath would come over and stand above Rater, and then slowly put his foot on his chest, causing Rater to feel a piercing pain.
“It’s about time that you’re done for,” said Labath, as he pushed more of his weight on top of Rater, and started smiling.
As Labath pushed his weight down on top of Rater, he felt the pain of his wound getting worse.
Labath would smirk, as he placed both of his feet on Rater's stomach, before pressing down even harder.
Rater could start to feel Labath's body weight on top of him, and he could hear the blood slowly splattering out of him.

Labath started to laugh, as he saw that Rater was losing strength and struggling to hold onto consciousness.
In the background, they heard something heavy collapse, as it made a loud BANG! noise, which had startled Labath and instinctively applied less pressure onto Rater's wound.
As Labath looked, he saw Kaio coming out of one of the destroyed houses, clearly wounded from his fight with Rater before, as he looked at Labath.
“Boss!” said Kaio. “I'm alive! Now where is that bastard?”
As Labath was off guard, Rater whacked his ribs with his bo-staff, as Labath fell off Rater and onto the floor.
“Damn it!” said Labath, punching the ground in anger as Rater got up, looking at him.
Labath would be stunned for a second as he saw that Rater was able to hit him off with his bo-staff. He now had a hard time trying to process what had happened, even though it was quite obvious that he had let his guard down.
Labath would get back up with a slight limp, as he looked at Rater, and then Kaio.
“Well, well,” said Labath, “you’re quite resourceful, I'll have to give you that.”
“What?” said Kaio. “What do you mean?”
“You was wounded in a fight with Rater,” said Labath, “very wounded from the looks of it, yet, I am fighting him now and he is light work for me!”
“What?!” said Kaio.
Labath turned to Kaio. “Catch that Uyutsu kid and bring me Saori,” said Labath, “or you prove to me that you're weak and a waste of time therefore you will die.”
Rater's eyes widened, as he couldn't believe Labath would make such a demanding request, but nevertheless, Kaio nodded, as he drew his sword and ventured into the forests where Uyutsu, Saori, and Zoela went.
Labath would watch Kaio run off, as he now focused his attention back to Rater, who was looking at him, with quite a menacing look on his face.
Labath would take a few steps toward Rater, now he stood just a few feet away from him, and kept his sword at hand.
“Well, we should continue where we left off,” said Labath, as he pointed at Rater, with a smirk on his face.
Labath would now try to attack once again, as he swung his sword toward Rater, but this time he wasn't showing off his slow and cocky speed as he did before. Now when he swung his sword, he did it with actual intent of doing harm.

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