9. Departure

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As the bullet went off, they all looked at the two fighting as Brody and Yimeapo's eyes were widened.
As it appeared, blood streamed down Yimeapo's hand as his index finger was missing, with Yimeapo's mouth making little twitches as he burst out into a full scream.
“MY FINGER!!!” said Yimeapo. “HOLY SHIT, MY FINGER!!! AHHHH!!!!!”
Brody took a step back, as Yimeapo was crying on the ground, when suddenly Brody was tackled down by Yimeapo, as his eyes looked different.
Brody tried to break free of Yimeapo's grip, as he did by headbutting him and moving back.
Brody got up. “You are everything a soldier stands against!” said Brody. “Whiny, corrupt, and never works hard! Safe to say you aren't the only one! The Army is a corrupt industry, i get that. BUT I WON'T BE SCUM LIKE YOU!!!
Yimeapo got up, chuckling at Brody. “So, that's what your dream is?” said Yimeapo. “A soldier? How can you do that when your diploma is soon to be ripped up into pieces? And your education flushed down the drain? You committed treason among the town, so you are eligible for extreme execution!”
“Don't listen to him, Brody!” said Rater. “Kick his ass and show who's boss!”
Brody smiled. “Alright, i will!”
Yimeapo grinned, as he picked up his revolver. “Let's end this, right now, rookie.”
Brody impulsively ran at Yimeapo, as Yimeapo's wound and fever would start to kick in. “The sun is so hot,” thought Yimeapo, “and i'm sweating like a pig. Just shoot the bastard already!”
It was too late, however, as Brody grabbed the revolver and threw it away.
Then he proceeded to grab Yimeapo by the collar as he punched him in the face twice, sending Yimeapo to the floor.
“Ah, little bastard's got a grip on him—”
Brody grabbed Yimeapo as he punched him in the face three more times, giving Yimeapo a nose bleed as blood streamed down from his nose.
Then Brody kicked him in the groin as Yimeapo shrieked, and to finish it off, Brody headbutted Yimeapo with full force as Yimeapo was knocked out at this point.
Brody slowly got up, looking at the lifeless body of Yimeapo, as he turned to the soldiers.
“WE'RE FREE!!” said the Soldiers, throwing their weapons in the air. “STOBARU IS OUT OF POWER, AND SO IS HIS SON!”
From a distance, Rater and Sora would be watching them as Sora had a smug smile on his face.
“Alright,” said Sora, “i'm thirsty, and I feel like getting a drink. You in, boss?”
Rater turned to Sora. “You bet! I'm getting orange juice!”
“I MEANT A PINT!” said Sora, sighing. “Whatever, get what you want!”

At the Tavern, the Soldiers would be cheering and singing songs as some of them would be on tables dancing to entertain the others, meanwhile Rater, Sora, and Brody would be at a table of their own, watching.
“Who knew Soldiers could be so carefree?” said Rater, sipping on his juice.
Sora laughed. “You're telling me,” said Sora, “it almost feels illegal to be watching this. It's almost as if they should arrest us for being Rangers. Right?”
“Yeah!” said Rater. “Yet the town hails us as heroes! Maybe we could stay for a few more days?”
“Well, twenty days trapped to boulders was a eyesore for me so yeah, a few days rest could be justified.”
Rater chuckled, as he turned to Brody. “And what about you?”
“When we leave,” said Rater, “you better get some rest.”
“Oh, right,” said Brody, “i'm not worried about that.”
“Hm? Why?” said Rater.
“I'm more worried about my diploma and education being snatched from me,” said Brody, “i worked three long years for it. And Stobaru is out of power now, so I hope they don't charge me for treason.”
The tavern doors opened, as the General of the Army Unit walked in, and everyone stopped partying.
“G-General!” said the Soldiers, as they jumped off the tables. But the General ignored them as he walked over to the Rangers.
“You're Rangers, correct?” said the General.
“Uh-huh!” said Rater. “Why?”
“Well, even though you freed us of Stobaru's corruption,” said the General, “you are still Rangers and they are prohibited being in this town by law. So please, leave.”
Rater smiled, as he got up and patted Sora. “Sure, let's go.”
Sora got up also as the two walked out of the Tavern, as the General turned to Brody.
“S-sir,” said Brody, “i know I was an associate of them but I am no Ranger. I am a youth Soldier and I want to serve in the military honorably.”
The General chuckled. “Alright then, kid. Since you have honour, you can start your debut in the military by doing these chores next week.”
He gave Brody a clipboard, which was a list full of chores. As this excited Brody, but he forgot the one man he had to thank.
“Rater. . . !”
Rater and Sora would approach Rater's vehicle, as Sora's jaw dropped as he saw it.
“THIS IS OUR RIDE?!” said Sora.
“Yep!” said Rater. “It's better than walking all day and night, right?!”
“S-sure, but,” said Sora, “YOU COULD OF ATLEAST MADE IT BIGGER!!!!!!!”
“Relax!” said Rater, jumping on. “It can go very fast at times, come on!”
Sora sighed reluctantly, as he climbed on, as Rater started the vehicle, it slowly got onto the road as it was moving away from the town.
Suddenly, Brody would run out as he would yell, “RATER!!! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!!”
Rater smiled, as he waved back at Brody. “I'll see you again, Brody!”
And then the car sped away into the depths of the woods.

In a town atleast a few miles away, a mysterious man who was running an organization of some sorts in a casino, would be reading the newspapers as it caught his eye.
“Coast Village Captain destroyed by seventeen year old rookie, mm?” said the man.
A young man, nearby, lets call him Alucard, his role would be as a personal assistant of the boss, for who knows what exactly.
“Hm?” said Alucard. “What do you mean?”
The Man chuckled, as he gave Alucard the newspaper. “Those Soldiers must be really weak if kids are slapping them about these days, aha!”
Alucard looked at the newspaper, as he saw Rater and Sora's faces on them. “Assassin Hunter Sora hanging about with a new kid on the block?” thought Alucard. “Well, this is interesting.”
Reading more on the newspaper, Alucard turned to the Man and said, “Let's keep an eye out, they could be coming here next. This town isn't too far away from Coast Village, so it is a possibility.”
“Hmm, if they do come here,” said the Man. “Then we kill them while we have the chance.”
This widened Alucard's expression. “But what if they are valuable assets?!”
“They are lower class Rangers compared to us,” said the Man, “i'll stomp them easily. In this world, you have aces and jokers. Unfortunately, these guys are jokers. Understand?”
Alucard reluctantly nodded, like as if his life depended on it. “Y-yes sir.”
“Good!” said the Man. “Now check the mail, and see if theres any more news that's worth laughing at.”


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