47. Admiral Eiron

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Emrun and Shijin would be running through the routes of the forest, as they had both left as more reinforcements were coming to pick them up.
“Young Emrun!” said Shijin. “Let's stop running! I am getting out of breath for my shape!”
“It's too risky!” said Emrun. “That Helband wiped out our men within minutes, it'll be seconds before he's done with us!”
“You're right,” said Shijin, as he panted. “But we've been running for so long, the forest must be endless!”
Emrun looked around, as he said, “So maybe we should rest for just a bit?”
Shijin nodded, as he said, “That's a good idea.”
They would both take deep breaths, as they sat down on the ground, trying to catch their breath.
But suddenly, they would hear footsteps coming towards them, as Emrun quickly got up and looked around, as he said, “I think we’re in trouble.”
The footsteps grew closer, as a familiar figure stepped out, with a smirk on his face.
“Admiral Eiron?” said Shijin.
Eiron nodded, chuckling. “So nice to finally find you two, we thought you fell victim to the unknowns in this forest.”
“We aren't that weak!” said Emrun.
“No, I suppose you aren’t,” said Eiron, as he chuckled. “But I have some bad news for you two: the rest of your men are nowhere to be found. Helband took them all out in the blink of an eye.”
Shijin’s face turned pale, as he said, “You mean they’re… dead?”
“I thought they were wounded!” said Emrun. “We hoped we could take the reinforcements and bandage them up so they can survive!”
“In this dump? No way!” said Eiron. “If we stay here, all of us will die!”
Emrun and Shijin would look at each other anxiously, as they were both filled with dread.
“Let’s not worry about that now,” said Eiron, as he would walk towards them. “We should get out of here as fast as we can.”
Emrun nodded. “Come on, Shijin.”
Shijin got up, as he followed the two in the forests.

The trio of Eiron, Emrun, and Shijin would continue to walk through the dense forests, as the forest grew darker and more dense with every step. Eiron seemed to know which way they were going, as he kept a steady pace, leading the way.
As they walked through the forests, an eerie fog began to form, making it incredibly hard to see anything more than 5 feet ahead. Shijin would then suddenly get a chill down his spine, as he said, “Eiron…? Is it just me, or is the fog getting thicker?”
“Indeed it is,” said Eiron, as he seemed unafraid even by the fog. “The fog here is very mysterious, as it tends to grow thicker during the night. That’s why we must be extra careful where we step, as we could easily lose our footing in a patch of fog.”
“Then this isn't normal fog?!” said Emrun, as he sounded more nervous than before.
“Unfortunately not,” said Eiron. “But there’s something even more frightening than the fog: the unknown forces that lurk in it.”
“Then let's get to the vehicle quick!” said Emrun.
“I agree,” said Eiron, as he sped up a little bit, as did Emrun and Shijin. As they were running, Emrun suddenly grabbed Shijin’s arm, as he said, “The fog is getting even thicker! I feel like I can’t see anything!”
Eiron looked back at them, as he would say, “Stay close to me, boys, I know the way out of these forests. Just follow me closely and we should get out soon.”
The trio would continue to run, as Shijin would get a sudden chill in his spine, feeling a dark presence around him. “Eiron?” said Shijin, hesitantly, as he slowed down a little bit.
Eiron would stop in his tracks, as he would turn back around to look at the two. “What is it?” he said.
Shijin would hesitate before speaking up, as he said, “Did you feel anything odd right now? Like some sort of presence nearby?”
“I do sense something nearby, like a lurking shadow, as if something is watching us right now.”
Emrun would raise an eyebrow at this, as he said, “You mean something is hiding in the fog?”
“Yes, something is watching us,” said Eiron, as he began to walk slower, “something is watching our every move, and I do not mean some random animal. This is something that is far more dangerous.”
The fog would get even thicker, as it would almost completely envelope them now. As they stepped through the fog, Shijin would begin to get even more nervous, as he would say, “Eiron, what if whatever it is that's watching us attacks us?”
“Then we use the vibrations of the ground and slain it,” said Eiron.
The creature took a few moments to study the three figures, before eventually running off.
Eiron chuckled. “The vehicle is not too far now.”
The trio took a quick breather, as they wiped off some sweat from their foreheads.
Emrun would breathe a sigh of relief, as he said, “That was a close call there, Eiron. But, thank god you knew the way out of here.”
Eiron would smile, as he told them to follow him once again, as they would keep walking until they would get to the vehicle, as Eiron would open up the door.
Shijin would get into the vehicle first, as Emrun was the second to enter. Eiron would look out towards the forest, as he saw something moving between the trees; but it was too far to see what exactly it was.
“It seems we really should get going here.” said Eiron, as he quickly got into the vehicle and floored it, as they drove off into the night.

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