6. Three vs. Many

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As Brody saw Rater run into the Tower, he jumped down as he ran out of the alley.
As he saw before his own eyes, he saw soldiers standing outside of his house, with one of them holding a lighter as they were ready to ignite it.
“Soldiers... outside my house,” thought Brody, “this is bad! They may know I am affiliated with Rater. Shit, this is bad! Do I bail it? Do I bail Rater out to restore my education?
“No, you idiot! Even if you bail Rater out it won't change anything. They'll still charge you and put you on trial, and probably execute me next to him infront of the whole town!”
Brody clenched his fist. “No matter what happens, I must help Rater in anyway I can!”
He grabbed the nearest metal stick he could find as he ran the other way from the soldiers, heading for the front gate of the Army Base.

Rater saw the prison yard gates stand infront of him as he smiled.
He got into a battle stance as he did a hook kick. “WHEELING HOOK!” he yelled, as the gates were thrown wide open.
“That was easy!” said Rater, seeing Guards guard another tower as Rater ran and turned a corner, finding a backdoor to the mansion as he ran from the behind.
“This shall do it,” thought Rater, as he closed the door behind him, “i'll find Sora's swords, free Sora, and we'll stop that brat and his father!”
“I heard the gates open! Is Sora still there?” said the Guard.
Another guard looked out the window, as he saw Sora. “Yeah, he's still there.”
“Then it's the kid!” said the Guard. “He's after Yimeapo again! Lets find him!”
The two guards ran up another staircase, as Rater ran up his staircase.
As Rater got up, he saw the fancy corridor that laid infront of him.
“Well, this is new.” said Rater.

Yimeapo would be sitting in his room, on a fancy golden chair as he looked out the window and saw the Soldiers raiding the village.
“A village raid!” said Yimeapo, grabbing his revolver. “This is my chance to prove myself to my father. That i'm not weak and I can make something of myself!”
He loaded the revolver as he ran out of the room, turning a corner before banging into Rater as he was turning the corner also.
“OWWW!!” said Yimeapo, holding his stomach for a few moments before looking up at Rater. “IT'S YOU!”
Rater stood there, looking at Yimeapo. “Oh, Yimeapo,” said Rater, “you have Sora's swords?”
“Well, yes, but—”
Rater grabbed Yimeapo by his collars. “TAKE ME TO HIS ROOM! AND NO TRAPS!”
“OKAY, OKAY!” said Yimeapo, as tears streamed down his eyes.
Rater smiled as he dragged Yimeapo across the hallways.

Brody, with his metal stick in hand, charged at the gate with all of his might and determination. Even the Guard guarding the gate was shocked!
“H-hey, kid! What are you—”
PLONK! Brody knocked the Guard out, smashing the metal stick through his helmet as his head was bleeding, but Brody didn't care as he searched his pockets, grabbing the key.
“I'm not a kid,” said Brody, “i'm a soldier.”
Brody looked around, as he saw another wide set of gates that were open, as he slowly looked and saw Sora sitting there -- chains wrapped around him, he was either having a heatstroke or meditating. You couldn't tell the difference, you could say he was asleep!
Brody ran over, shaking Sora. “Sora, Sora! Wake up!”
“Mm.. what?” said Sora, looking at Brody. “Oh, you're the friend of that kid. Did he get my swords yet?”
“I'm not sure,” said Brody, “but I need to free you as fast as I can.”
“What do you mean?” said Sora.
“Yimeapo and his henchmen,” said Brody, “you made an agreement with them that you'd serve a month here with no food or drink and you'd be out scot free?”
“Yeah?” said Sora.
“Well.. I hate to burst your bubble, but they aren't gonna honour your agreement.”
“Yeah, it was crazy when I first heard it too. They said that it wasn't a contract on pen to paper so there wasn't really an agreement in the first place, which is messed up because you can't use your arms!
“But, as a young soldier, i'm helping you be free because of Rater -- Rater needs your help, and he has all those troops chasing him around in that town.. probably the mansion too since that's where he's headed.
“I won't ask you to become a Ranger, but atleast help Rater out since he was willing to help you.”
Sora stayed silent, as one arm was now free, and Brody was now on the second chain.
But suddenly, Brody's entire body froze as he heard the guns cock in unison, it was the Army.
“Don't move kid!”
“Or you'll get shot!”
Brody stood there, still like an ice statue, as Sora whispered to him, “Make a run for it, kid. Leave me here. I've had my time.”
Then suddenly, Brody's adrenaline and determination came back. “Your time? You are a young man, Sora. There is no time. You're being set free!”
Sora's face dropped as he glanced at the soldiers, then back at Brody. “You're going to die!”
“Better to die trying!” said Brody.
The soldiers' faces clenched.
“Alright, you asked for it!” said the Soldier, aiming his gun.
As the bullets were fired, Brody and Sora were... unscathed?! How?!
They looked around, and then saw a stone hand feeling one of the boulders Sora was chained to, as they looked and saw Rater, in his stone form.
He turned to them. “Yo, guys!”
Brody smiled, as he freed Sora's other arm.
“What the hell is that guy?!” said a Soldier.
“He isn't normal!” said another.
Rater threw Sora his dual-swords, as he turned back to the soldiers.
Yimeapo got up, as he hurriedly took a few steps back, trying to load his revolver but failing due to fear.
“Who.. are you?” said Yimeapo.
“My name... is Goldfish,” said Rater. “Goldfish L. Rater, in the flesh, and i'll be the Greatest Ranger that's been around!”
Sora drew his dual-swords. “And if you try hurting him, you'll have to get through me first. If you can.
This struck fear into the soldiers, as they knew they couldn't deal with Rater and Sora, but then a voice came which shocked all of them.
As they watched, the Great Hand Stobaru walked -- with his gigantic metal plates hand by his side, as he aimed it at Rater.
“You want a fight?” said Stobaru. “COME AND GET ONE!!”
Rater smiled, clenching his fist. “I'LL KICK YOUR ASS UP AND DOWN THIS TOWN, WITH THAT HAND OF YOURS!”

Seven is soon!

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