33. Next Stop! The Battlefield!

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The Rāshi would now raise its arm towards Saori, as if it was trying to measure her power.
The Rāshi would seem impressed by her angelic-esque voice and how she seems to be bringing peace back into the situation.
“Oh Great Rāshi!” continued Saori. “I am here to bring you peace and happiness, you don’t have to act upon your rage and anger as I am here to calm you down.
“If you stay calm, I will help you reach a higher level of consciousness. Do you even know what you are doing right now?
“Do you believe that by causing destruction to your surroundings, that it will bring you happiness and satisfaction?”
The Rāshi would now take a step back as it was now questioning its own logic and its own actions, feeling embarrassed for how it was destroying everything in it’s way.
Saori’s angelic voice was now having an effect on the Rāshi, as it was now beginning to calm down, and now it was slowly lowering its arm so as to not attack anymore.
“It's working!” said Uyutsu. “We're gonna be safe!”
As Labath was holding his position, he would notice the Rāshi’s stance change, as it suddenly stopped lowering it’s arms.
The Rāshi’s eyes would become more focused and intense. It was now disobeying Saori’s commands.
“What?” said Saori in confusion, as she looked at the Rāshi.
The Rāshi chuckled. “Moon God,” said the Rāshi, “putting me in that trance of yours isn't enough to convince me to stop this. This is my peak!”
He roared into the sky, as he swung his massive arm and destroyed more trees.
The Rāshi would now completely ignore Saori’s angelic voice and would now begin to destroy its surroundings once more, this time doing it more furiously as it’s frustration was growing.
Labath was now completely overwhelmed with rage when he saw the Rāshi not give an inch as it continued to destroy everything as a result. He would now finally find his opening and would now charge at the Rāshi.

He swung his sword, hoping to pierce the Rāshi where it would hurt the most, but the Rāshi had turned around and grabbed Labath with ease, trapping him as his hand clenched, crushing Labath's body and making it cramped.
“Let me go, you bastard!” said Labath.
The Rāshi examined Labath for a few moments, before starting to hysterically laugh, as it began to open its mouth wide.
Suddenly, a few cards would be heading for the Rāshi's way, as they would all explode at the right time, making the Rāshi stumble back as his hand dropped Labath.
“Labath!” said Alucard. “Don't crash the landing, will 'ya?”
Labath hit his back on the ground, laying there for a few moments. “Noted...”
The Rāshi would now let out a growl as it began turning its attention towards the attacks that had hit it, wondering what it was. It would then stare towards the direction of the cards, realizing that the explosions were what had hit it.
“Ah crap,” said Alucard. “Saori, do the thing! He's coming over!”
“Why must you destroy things?” said Saori. “Rāshi, you are a normal human like everybody else, you are a rage trapped in a innocent body, do not dishonour this boy who cannot even control what he is! Do the right thing!”
The Rāshi would then begin to get infuriated once more as it would now begin charging at Saori as its rage had taken over.
The Rāshi was now completely ignoring everything that Saori was saying as it was now starting to focus on its next target.
The Rāshi would now charge towards Saori with its fists clenched, preparing itself to do a huge attack on her.
The Rāshi would swing his claw-like nails on his fingers towards Saori, hoping to scram her, where, at the last second, someone seemed to come to her rescue.
It was Labath, as he deflected the attack with his sword, as the Rāshi stumbled back.
“Fight me, you idiot!” said Labath. “I'm the guy who you should be pissed at! Not her!”
Labath dashed at the Rāshi, getting his sword at the ready as he jumped up and slashed the Rāshi's arm, making it roar more as it shot a beam into the sky.
Despite Labath’s efforts to try and strike the Rāshi’s hair cord, the Rāshi would not let up its attacks on him. The Rāshi was using its immense strength and explosive powers to its advantage, while Labath had to try and keep his distance from it to avoid being struck by its attacks. The fight was intense and relentless, with neither side wanting to give up until the very end.

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