54. The Shen Training Begins! Who's That Girl?

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After a few days of getting used to their shens, Deus would lead the four of them down a hill from the shrine, as they would start to take an experimental journey together. They would take this opportunity to experiment with their shens and find out its strengths and weaknesses. There was also a chance their shens would further develop by the end of it.
They would begin by learning how to sense and understand the flow of their shens. That way, they could direct and hone the power of their shens in the right places. They would then begin with simple exercises, to understand how they can strengthen their connections with their shens and use it in creative ways.
As their training progressed, they would learn ways to use their shens to improve their abilities in different aspects. For example, Sora would use his water shen to heal and regenerate, while Alucard would use his wind shen to enhance his agility and mobility. Zoela would use her earth shen to strengthen her physical build and Rater would use his lightning shen to empower his physical strength.
All of them would continue to train with their shens in various ways, as they would hone their skills to the best of their abilities. They would go through challenges together, and support each other in developing their shens. It seemed like the training was going quite well as the four of them seemed to have a good teamwork with each other.
As the training reached its peak, they would continue to push themselves, as the four of them would keep on trying to push the limits of their Shen and find new ways to use it effectively. They would use tactics they learned from each other to work as a team and cover each other’s mistakes.
Rater would be glad with the progress they have made, as he felt like it has helped everyone in some way.
They would go through extensive training for days on end, as they would push the limits of their bodies and mind. The training was quite intensive and tiring, but the four of them were determined to make the most out of it, and improve in any way they can.

By the end of the training, the four of them were exhausted but proud of the progress they have made. They had learned various ways to utilize their shens, and they felt like they had improved considerably. They were also proud that they were able to work together as a team and push each other to the limit.
Rater would be the first one to break the silence, as he spoke up. “That was a lot of training we just went through… but I'd say it was all worth it.”
Sora, Zoela, and Alucard would all agree with this statement, as they also felt a sense of accomplishment through the whole training.
Rater would smile, as he would look at the other three with pride in his eyes. “I’d say we did a pretty good job.”
“We sure did,” said Sora.
“Our connection with our shens have definitely improved through this training,” said Zoela.
“And I think the team worked together well too,” said Alucard.
Rater would nod his head, as it seemed like everything had improved, from their abilities to their teamwork.
“Yes, I think we all can become stronger after this,” said Rater.
“Glad y'all had fun!” said Uyutsu, sitting on Deus's throne. “I've been drinking lemonade here with this blazing hot sun in my face! It has been relaxing to say the least though.”
Deus chuckled, as he raised his wooden staff; with Uyutsu forcefully being levitated off the throne and onto the ground.
“You all have had good training,” said Deus, turning to the four, “perhaps you guys care to spar with eachother?”
All four of them would nod their heads, as they were already eager to put their skills to the test against one another. Rater would be the first to speak, as he smiled at the prospect of fighting, “Yeah! Let's have a little sparring match after all this training.”
Deus chuckled. “Alright, there will be two one on one matches, first up, Rater vs. Sora!”
Sora turned to Rater. “May the best man win!”
“I wouldn't have it any other way,” said Rater, as he looked over at Sora, as the two of them stood back to back and took their fighting stances.
Sora would smirk back at Rater, as his water shen was already surrounding his body. He was ready and eager to get the match started.
“Let the match begin!” said Deus.

Rater would begin by trying to blitz Sora with quick and sudden motions, using his speed and agility to try and catch Sora off guard. He would try to attack with quick and fluid slashes at Sora's feet, which his water shen would react to quickly.
Sora would try to counteract his attacks by defending himself with large water shields, which would protect his feet from Rater's strikes. However, Rater would use his speed and agility again to try and slip underneath the shields, and attack Sora's vulnerable spots with his lightning shen.
Sora would manage to parry and intercept a few of Rater's quick attacks, but Rater would be too fast for his defenses, and his lighting shen would be piercing some of his weak spots, and even though he was using his water shen to regenerate, Rater was still keeping up the pressure and forcing him to stay on the defensive.
After getting some distance away, Sora drew his two dual swords, as a water aura was covering them with even sharper blades at the tips.
Sora rushed at Rater once more, now he seemed more focused and determined. But instead of using his water shen to defend himself, he would use his water shen to enhance the cutting ability of his dual swords. Using the aura water to make his swords faster and sharper; as the blades seemed to be cutting through the air with ease.
Rater would see this change in Sora, as he started to get nervous, not expecting him to change his tactics mid-fight. He would get even more nervous as Sora seemed to have a much more effective method to cut with, which would put him at a disadvantage, since his lightning shen only allowed him to strike through fast and fluid motions.
Sora kept pressing the attack, as he was cutting through the air with ease, as if he was just gliding through it. Rater would be getting nervous by this, as it seemed like his swordplay couldn't match up with Sora's.
Sora then suddenly attacked Rater from behind, catching Rater off guard, as Sora slashed one of his blades toward his back, with lightning-quick speed.
Rater would try to block it, only to have the blade cut into his back from the sheer speed and strength of the cut. Rater would be forced to backaway from Sora, who looked extremely confident now, as his water shen was still enhancing his movement speed.
Rater, who was now backed into a corner, would have a look of panic and dismay on his face, as he knew that Sora had the upper hand. He would try to keep his cool and look for any openings he could take advantage of.
Rater would see a sudden opening, as Sora was caught off guard by the lack of counterattacks from Rater, and he was caught by surprise when Rater suddenly slashed at Sora’s legs, nearly crippling him.
Sora managed to dodge it in the nick of time, but he nearly missed it. Rater’s lightning shen was much faster than his initial movement and reaction, which caused Sora to be caught off guard. Rater would then rush forth, as he prepared to try and strike him down.
Sora would quickly recover from his sudden near miss, as he would create a water wall in front of his opponents attack. The lightning shen would go through the wall, and make contact with the other side, but it would not make a dent on Sora’s defense, as it was made from pure water.
Sora would then use this as an opportunity to quickly launch a double-slash attack on Rater, with both his blades.

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