32. Attack of the Rāshi

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The Rāshi would now continue its attacks, as it would slam its fist into the ground with extreme force before attempting to sweep Rater and Labath off their feet with the blast of wind that would be created from the attack.
This force was so powerful that the entire forest floor would shake intensely and multiple trees would be knocked over.
Labath would get up from the ground, as he was slightly stunned by the immense force from the attack. But he would have no time for a break as the Rāshi would now lunge forward for a kick, hoping to sweep Labath off his feet and send him falling to the forest floor.
Rater would now stand up from the ground, as his new Rāshi form would now be complete. His now new body was covered in thick fur and his face was very grotesque as sharp teeth were shown, his hair was now long and unkempt, his eyes were also now more narrow as well as he let out a demonic roar.
“Let’s have some fun then.” said Rater with his demonic Rāshi tone.
Labath would now see that the Rater, which was in this demonic form, would now stand in front of him as he would now make it's first move.
Labath would not be scared, but would be amazed by the sight of this beast and the abilities it had.
“I must admit, you’re not as stupid as I thought you were, you’ve got a unique set of skills that you have with your body. But what I have are years upon years of weapons experience and battle experience, so the real question is if you can stand against me now?”
“You are pure trash compared to me!” said the Rāshi. “You almost made me laugh!”
The Rāshi generated another beam using its mouth, as he shot the beam at Labath, who jumped up in time as shockwaves were sent across the ground, causing a mini earthquake for a few moments.
“So you have some unique moves, is that all you got?” said Labath, who seemed more impressed than he was scared.
The Rāshi would then quickly grab Labath and throw him to the ground as it would continue to use its new abilities to create a large rift in the ground.

Sora, Uyutsu, Alucard, Zoela, and the maid would be watching from the mansion's doorstep, completely struck in fear and anxiety as they had no idea what to do.
“If that thing gets near Saori,” said the maid, “then all hope is lost and the moon will die!”
“Then what do we do!” said Uyutsu.
“We need to take it down somehow,” said Sora, “that Labath guy is fighting it all by himself. At this rate he will be dead within a few minutes.”
They all turned to Sora, as he continued, “I know we had just got in a big battle with him, but we need to help Labath, just to get Rater back to his base form.”
They all looked at eachother, thinking for a few minutes before eventually nodding as they turned to Sora.
They all knew that their only shot of taking out Rater back to his natural form would be by defeating him in this current form he was now in.
“Do we have a plan then? Or should we just run out there?” asked Zoela.
“We’re gonna have to take him out in his current stage,” said Sora, “the only possible way that we can take him out with his newfound powers is to attack him all at once. We have to all be in sync and aim for his weak spots.”
“Not all of us can fight though,” said Alucard, “otherwise that Saori girl will be left by herself, and Labath isn't exactly our ally here, so he could think of snaking us after.”
Sora nodded. “Then the alliance is temporary.”
“Then we’ll have to take this one step at a time, I’ll tell you what,” continued Sora, “since Saori is a moon spirit, she might possibly be the only one that can safely go out and try to find Rater to reason with him.”
“Then what about us?” asked Zoela.
“Labath has gotten nowhere fighting him by himself, so I think I have an idea,” said Sora. “Who’s up for the task of going out and assisting me in making this strike plan?”
Alucard shrugged, as he raised his hand, “Well,” said Alucard, “i think it's about time I have done something. Isn't it?”
Sora chuckled. “That's what I like to hear. Anyone else?”
“The rest of us should stay behind and look after Saori,” said Uyutsu, “i'm already badly wounded, so me going out there will be a death wish.”
“I agree with you all, someone has to stay behind and defend Saori, and considering you’re the only one here who got badly wounded, I think it’s best if you all stay behind,” said Sora. “Alright, so it’s decided, Alucard will accompany me in making the strike plan against Rater. The rest of you will stay behind to defend Saori.”
Sora and Alucard ran out there, as Sora had his two swords at the ready, the two and Labath were going to fight the Rāshi.

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