22. Uyutsu and the Lost Girl

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Rater, Sora, and Uyutsu would be in the bar at the inn they were staying in, as both Rater and Uyutsu would be drinking juice, whereas Sora would sit back and drink a pint.
“My, my, I heard all the stories!” said Uyutsu. “About how you defeated Great Hand Stobaru -- then Oxolo?! I refused to believe it at first, but you have gotten alot stronger since the last time I seen you around ten years ago, your energy feels.. different.”
“Yeah, I know!” said Rater, drinking his juice. “It's great seeing you, Uyutsu, and it's good to see you live a good life for yourself!”
Uyutsu chuckled. “Yeah, normal indeed,” he said, scratching the back of his head, “—i'm quite famous in this town aswell.”
“Really?!” said Rater.
Uyutsu nodded. “Yep, i'm a well-known troublemaker! Even if I am infamous, I still get attention from the neighbours and citizens of this town, so it is a win-win!”
“Awesome!” said Rater.
Uyutsu then chuckles, as he continues the conversation. “Yeah, it’s quite nice being known around here. But, that does raise a question though.” said Uyutsu, as he looks over at Rater. “I’m a well known troublemaker around here, but you seem to be very well known within the Ranger society. So how come I haven’t heard of you before this?”
“I only started about a month or two ago,” said Rater, putting down his juice after taking a sip. “Sora was my first crewmate, then my other friends -- Zoela and Alucard, they are upstairs in the room we're staying in.”
“I see, I see,” said Uyutsu, stroking his chin, “well, it was nice meeting you two! I'll see you later!” He shook both of their hands before running out of the inn.
“Where is he off to?” said Rater.
“Beats me,” said Sora, “probably to cause more hassle amongst his peers.”

Uyutsu was speeding down the streets, heading for the big white mansion as he saw its gates ahead. “Crap! Crap! I can't be late!” thought Uyutsu. “I only accepted this community service job so I could get closer to Saori, and even then if I am late i'll get fired!”
Uyutsu saw a kid with a bike ahead, as he pushed the kid off the bike and grabbed it. “Sorry!” said Uyutsu. “I'll give it back later!”
Uyutsu sped off on the bike, as he could hear the kid crying as he fleed the situation -- he felt bad, but there was nothing he could do, he had to get to his job on time.
Uyutsu approached the gate, as two guards were standing outside -- looking blank and robotic like the usual, Uyutsu took a glance at both of them before he cleared his throat and said, “May I enter?”
One of the Guards slowly turned around to face Uyutsu, nodding, as he took out a key and unlocked the gate.
“Thanks!” said Uyutsu, as he ran into the mansion and was greeted by the maid.
“Ah, hello Uyutsu!” said the maid. “Ready for your shift?”
Uyutsu nodded. “May I speak to Saori please?”
The maid giggled. “Oh my, aren’t you eager to see her? But of course, she is just upstairs in her room. Head to the stairway and take a left turn and she’s the door at the end of the hallway.” Uyutsu then nods and thanks the maid. Uyutsu then heads into the hallway and slowly makes his way to Saori’s room. Once he reaches the door, Uyutsu knocks once and waits for a response.

Uyutsu listens as he hears something stirring, as a few moments later the door slowly opens. Uyutsu’s face softens as he sees Saori appear before him. She looks just as beautiful as the last time he remembered seeing her. Saori then smiles faintly back, as she speaks up to him.
Saori nods. “Uyutsu! It has been quite a while since we’ve last seen each other Uyutsu. But, it is quite nice seeing you again.” Uyutsu then notices the sadness that Saori seems to have and he asks, “Hey, are you feeling alright? Did anything happen while I was away?” The two of them walk inside Saori’s room slowly as their conversation continues and Uyutsu looks around her room.
Saori then pauses, as she turns to look out the window. “Honestly, I’m not sure what to think these days Uyutsu. I know you would just say that it’s because I’m being negative, but I’m honestly having a hard time thinking positively about anything anymore.”
Uyutsu nodded. “You're still grieving over your parents, huh?”
Saori nodded. “Yep,” said Saori, “but there is something I have noticed lately. I've been feeling more guilty than ever of my parents' death -- as if it's my fault.”
“Don't say that!” said Uyutsu. “You're completely innocent here, I can tell. Just applying pressure and guilt onto yourself will do nothing but break you, so please, stop being so negative.”
Saori gave Uyutsu a faint smile, as she gave him a hug. “Oh, Uyutsu,” said Saori, “you always have a way with your words.”
Uyutsu smiles also, as he pats her back. “I just care about you, that's all,” he looked out at the window, before pulling back, “i forgot to ask: how have you been?”
Saori giggled. “Well, now that you are here to cheer me up. I think I am quite alright, to say the least -- even when guilt is overwhelming me.”
Uyutsu was smiling, before he got up and grabbed his broom from the outside. “Welp! I must start my shift, i'll talk to you in a few hours. Okay?”
Saori giggled again. “Alright, goodbye!”
Uyutsu waved at her as he closed the door and began his shift.

The Four Rangers would be sitting up in the room, as Zoela would be at the table, with Alucard laying on the floor as he was looking up at the ceiling, Rater and Sora were sitting on the beds.
“Who is he?” said Zoela.
“His name is Uyutsu!” said Rater. “He's a friend of mine from childhood!”
“You had friends?” said Alucard.
Rater nodded. “Yep! But Uyutsu was my best friend -- we did almost everything together!”
Zoela chuckled. “From what I know, Uyutsu is a troublemaker who vandalizes peoples houses. You used to do that Rater?”
“Well.. when I was younger, yeah,” said Rater, “but I stopped shortly after Uyutsu left, it got kind of boring to be honest.”
Alucard lets out a small laugh at this. “Ha, you just got bored of vandalizing people’s stuff? Didn’t like the risk of ending up in jail or something?” said Alucard jokingly, making the four of them laugh.
Zoela then changes the subject and says, “You guys, I think we need to stop at any place that could sell any vehicle, we can’t keep staying in this old truck. It’s cramped and it will slow us down if we try traveling in this for too long.”
Alucard nods. “I agree,” said Alucard, “especially if we are on the road -- the road is dangerous from what stories tell me, imagine getting chased by a pack of Rangers in that cramped buggy? We wouldn't hear the end of it!”
“But we are strong!” said Rater.
“You and Sora are strong,” said Alucard. “Zoela is just our navigator, and i'm the tactician, we use our heads instead of our fists. We don't have much of physical combat like you two have.”
“Well, it evens it out then!” said Rater. “Two smartypantses and two strong guys!”
“I'M NOT SMARTYPANTS AT ALL, YOU BRAT!” said Zoela, as she punched him. “Where's manners when you need it?!”
“Oww -- sorry!” said Rater.
Alucard laughs, as Zoela turned to him also. “You like being called smartypants aswell? Well, how about this!” she punched the daylights out of Alucard, as he was holding his head in agony.
Angrily, he blurted out: “You hag!!!”
This silenced the whole room, as Rater and Sora looked at the two, with Zoela getting infuriated more as the seconds went by.
“Old hag, is it?!” said Zoela. “HOW ABOUT THIS!!!”
She started punching the crap out of Alucard, as both Rater and Sora turned away quickly to not attract attention.

Back at the mansion, one of the butlers -- whos name was Zaba, would be walking up the steps of the mansion, as he would have a snarky attitude towards those who were deemed suspicious -- Uyutsu was one of them.
Unfortunately, they had to cross paths as whilst Uyutsu was sweeping the floor, Saba walked up the steps with his tray -- it had two wine glasses in it, with an actual red drink in it, which was apple blackcurrant, since Saori cannot drink red wine.
“Sweeping the floors, like usual?” said Zaba, as he walked by.
“What's that supposed to mean, dracula?” said Uyutsu, sticking his tongue around.
Zaba looks at Uyutsu with an annoyed stare, as he snaps back. “Don't ever call me that. Anyways, I'm just saying that it doesn't really seem like you've moved up in the world. All you do is clean, clean and clean some more. Do you just not have any other ambitions?”
Uyutsu starts to feel a bit uncomfortable as he tries to think of what to say to this. “I... I mean... That isn't true! I'm... doing important work here! It's not just me cleaning, I'm also making sure this mansion is kept in clean and proper condition!”
Zaba rolls his eyes. “You're basically just saying the definition of a borderline slave. You're not doing anything worthwhile here, you're just cleaning up after the rich and making sure their home is livable. I mean, do you even get paid for anything you do?”
Blood and rage started to boil, as Uyutsu thought to himself, “S.. slave? He just called me a... Slave?! No, i'm no slave!”
Uyutau thinks to himself, and realizes that Zaba is right. He is just saying what slaves do and he doesn't even get paid for what he does. “H-Huh? I…” Uyutsu can’t really think of anything to say and is just sitting there, feeling lost of what to respond with as Zaba looks at him with a smug look on his face.
“You're a waste of time,” said Zaba, “and deadweight to the staff who work here. Hey, maybe it can be revolutionary for you today, go do something productive with your job!” Zaba gave a smug smile and walked off, like nothing happened.
This left Uyutsu with little to no confidence, was being infamously known as a low life troublemaker in the village really worth it?

Twenty three is soon!

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