56. A Tingling in the Fingers

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Eventually, a waiter would arrive to take their order, as Emrun would decide to get a steak while Nabi would get a salad. The two of them would continue to stare at each other lovingly, as they would start to engage in some small talk until their food arrived.
“So, what do you do around here?” said Nabi. “Where do you guys come from?”
“Me and my Master are swordsmen,” said Emrun, in a calm yet timid demeanor, “we travel all around the world.”
“That's so cool!” said Nabi enthusiastically, as she would look up at him once more. “Is it a dangerous life?”
“Sometimes it can be, yes,” said Emrun, “but I have my Master to protect me.”
“He sounds like a good guy,” said Nabi, “how long have you been adventuring?”
“Five years,” said Emrun, “since I was fifteen.”
“So you're twenty now?” said Nabi playfully, as she would lean in and giggle. “Have you ever had a girlfriend before? You seem like such a nice boy, it's hard to believe that you haven't been with anyone.”
Emrun would blush at Nabi's words and would start to get flustered at her flirtations. “Uh... y-yes, I'm twenty now, and I've... I've never had a girlfriend before,” he would stutter nervously before continuing. “Is... is it really that hard to believe?”
“A little bit,” said Nabi with a mischievous smirk, “you're extremely handsome and you sound like a very sweet person. It's just surprising that your heart has stayed single.”
Emrun would be embarrassed now, as he would try to come up with a response but his mind would go blank.
There would be a brief moment of silence, as both of their meals would finally arrive. The waitress would place their dishes down before quickly departing.
The two would start to eat, as Nabi would continue to throw out various playful comments. Emrun would smile nervously, but would try to focus on his food for now and would not respond to her.

Emrun would spend the next few moments eating and letting Nabi keep making fun of him, as he would try to eat as slowly as possible in order to prolong their time together. He was nervous and was trying to keep his composure, but it was increasingly getting harder, as each compliment Nabi threw his way only served to make him feel more flushed.
Eventually, he tried to switch the subject, as he said, “What do you think about Earthland's resistance versus the Empire?”
“Honestly,” said Nabi, as she picked up her fork and started to eat once more, “I think the Empire is definitely getting the better of the fight.”
“You mean the Empire is winning??” said Emrun with a concerned expression on his face.
“Well, I don't know much,” said Nabi, “but all I know is that the Empire won't stop anytime soon, and since they are governing over villages and towns from all over the world, it is safe to say it's inevitable that they will be winning.”
“How do you know all this?”
“My father is a Ranger and he ventures away into the wild,” said Nabi, “he has told me about the political state of the world.”
“So that's the perspective you have,” said Emrun, “it's true that the Empire does seem to be quite dominant, but I can assure you that Earthland's resistance forces are working hard behind the fronts to regain our territories.”
“You don't seem to be around here, Broku,” said Nabi, “where are you really from?”
Emrun would be taken aback by this statement. “Crap!” thought Emrun. “What if she finds out I was the ex-prince?? She'll definitely tell the local authorities and i'll be thrown away!”
Emrun was quickly trying to think of a good answer as he was now panicking internally. He would finally come up with what he thought would be a good lie, with a bit of added truth to make it more believable.
“Well, I'm from a land far away,” said Emrun, “although I have traveled all that way to this land, I have not yet been around here much.”
“So you're from a faraway land?” said Nabi, she would quickly lean in and smirk. “How interesting!”
Emrun found himself blushing and smiling warmly when she said that. She was just so playful and teasing, as he couldn't help but get into the mood with her. He would try to act cool and collected, but she had an effect on him that was quite overwhelming.
“That's right,” said Emrun once he was done, “i am indeed from a foreign land.”
“Tell me,” said Nabi playfully, “do you ever regret leaving home?”
“No, not really,” said Emrun without hesitation, as he was trying to act as if he hasn't given this question any thoughts at all. Emrun was a bit taken by surprise that he didn't think twice before giving this answer, as it was actually somewhat true. He really didn't regret leaving his home at all, despite everything that he's been through thus far.
“Is that so?” said Nabi, as she would put on an innocent little smile. “So you don't mind leaving your family behind?”

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