59. The Prophecy of Earthland

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Sora would wake up, as he saw that he was standing on a lake, like literally, his feet were standing on the water. He looked around in confusion as he said to himself, “Where the hell am I?”
Sora would find himself in an unfamiliar surrounding that was filled with water. He looked all around him, as he was trying to figure out where he was and what was going on around him. This place seemed really quiet, as all he could hear was the sounds of water.
He tried to look for an island to check where he was, but he didn't see one any anywhere, as he was only able to see his reflection on the water.
Suddenly, there was a shark that came from below, as it dragged Sora into the water. Sora immediately tried to resist it but it would not last for long as the shark would bring him deeper and deeper into the water.
Sora was panicking and kicking his legs around wildly as he was dragged deeper and deeper into the water, he was struggling to breathe as the shark was overpowering him and taking him further underwater.
Sora’s lungs would begin to ache as he frantically tried to swim up towards the surface, but the shark kept pulling him deeper and deeper into the depths, towards a dark void that seemed to have no end in sight.
As a few moments went by, Sora would open his eyes once more, as he realized he was not drowning anymore, he then looked around as he saw a figure standing infront of him.
“Who are you?” said Sora.
“You don't know me, but I know you,” said the figure, “my name is Sho, and I have something important to tell you.”
Sora would look up at the figure with a mixed expression of confused but also interested, as he was now more aware of the situation he was in.
“You’re Sho?” said Sora. “I heard you’re the Great Great Great Smis from a thousand years ago.”
Sho suddenly looked serious as he said. “Yes. And I have something very urgent to tell you. There are troops and troops of Imperialists from the Empire coming, as they plan one great siege on Earthland.”
“But there’s something much more important I need to tell you.” said Sho.
Sora would nod softly. “What is it? What would be higher priority than that?”
“The demon king will awaken within the next few months and once he’s here, there will be chaos across the lands, and many men will die.”
“Wait, what?” said Sora, a bit speechless. “Who's the demon king?”
“The demon king is a ancient figure, he used to exist thousands and thousands of years ago,” said Sho, “he is the complete opposite of Deus, the Guardian of this World. He is currently sealed in a pot at Lakishou and is waiting to be opened.”
“Opened by who?” said Sora.
“Princess Odessa, of course,” said Sho, “she wants world dominance, and she thinks this will be the answer.”
Sora would suddenly become serious as well. “So… she plans on using the demon king to take over the world?”
Sho would nod as he said. “This demon king's strength is unrivaled and his forces will be unstoppable. Princess Odessa hopes that through his might, she will be able to conquer the world and become the supreme ruler.”
Sora would be quiet for a second before he said. “And what does this have to do with me?”
“You accompany one of the last Phantom Warriors on this world,” said Sho, “if he gets to harness his power and awaken his true self, he will be the one to stop the demon king.”
“Rater? You're talking about Rater?” said Sora. “Why didn't you talk to him about this?”
“Because you have a role to play in this aswell,” said Sho, “your entire group does, you was accompanied by Deus himself, it doesn't get any better than that.”
Sora would raise his eyebrows as he looked at Sho. “Wait a minute. So we are part of a prophecy? That is why I was brought here to this place? To prevent the demon king from being awakened?”
Sho would nod as he said. “Yes. And the time to prevent its summoning is running out…”
Sora would suddenly take a deep breath and look around. “Then it looks like we have some work to do. When will this demon king awaken?”
“In a couple of days,” said Sho, “you must tell your friends immediately, the sooner the better.”
Sora would nod as he would say, “Right. Then we mustn’t waste any time, I must get going and tell my friends about this. But there is one thing I want to ask you Sho.”
“What is it?” said Sho.
“Are you going to assist us in anyway?” said Sora.
Shu would sigh before saying. “Unfortunately no. I simply have no more power left anymore with how much time has already passed and I would probably only be a burden.”
Sora would look at Sho for a moment before he spoke again. “Alright, I understand. But thank you for warning us, I will relay this message to them. We will do whatever we can to prevent this demon king from being summoned.”
Sho would nod, as he said. “That is all I could ask for. Now, go tell your friends, the world is depending on you all as you all hold true power.”
Sho would disappear, as Sora's vision would be blinded by light; and then he seemed to fall back into a deep sleep again.

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