62. Rater vs. The Demon King

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Taindel and Rater would fall together, as they would then land outside, and Taindel would quickly throw Rater towards a mountain, causing it to begin eroding from the impact.
“I really underestimated you,” said Taindel, “you’ve got some real power to be able to cause a dent like that!”
“Damn straight I do!” said Rater, as he would get up from the ground, his arms still pulsing with dark phantom energy.
“That power…it’s fascinating,” said Taindel, “but it is nothing compared to what I have in my own arsenal.”
“Well let’s see what you got then!” said Rater, as he would jump up towards the demon king, once again sending a barrage of thundering punches towards his body.
Taindel would be taking the hit head on, as he would continue to get pulverized with every punch that he took, causing the ground beneath his feet to erode and crack.
“Impressive, you managed to actually put a dent in me,” said Taindel, as he would begin to swing his arms wildly, knocking Rater out of the air and into the ground.
“Well, you’s not exactly the easiest nut to crack either!” said Rater, as he quickly got back up and took the fight to Taindel once again.
As Rater flew up, Taindel grabbed his hair before punching him in the face three times, causing him to have a busted lip already. “That phantom energy can get you so far, kid!”
“Damn, that hurts!” said Rater, as he would rub his swollen face. “Ok, let’s see how you like this then!” Rater would then launch himself towards the demon king, sending a powerful roundhouse kick towards his head, only to once again get grabbed mid-air and then get thrown towards another hill, causing the rocks to erode and fly off in all different directions when he landed down.
“Alright, now it's getting annoying,” said Taindel, as he would begin marching towards Rater, slowly getting faster and faster with every step he took.

Taindel’s physical prowess was only continuing to grow with every second, as each step he took began to cause the rocks on the ground to erode to dust and the ground to crack even more.
“Now let’s see you withstand this!” said Taindel, as he would then begin to march even faster, the rocks under his feet quickly being reduced to dust and the ground turning into a fine sand from the sheer physical force his steps were exuding.
Rater, despite being in massive amounts of pain from the multiple attacks and the physical strain that the demon king’s presence was inflicting on him, would force himself to stand back up, despite his body being exhausted.
“You’re strong, I’ll give you that,” said Taindel, as he would then begin to march around Rater.
“Alright, let me just catch my- AH!” said Rater, as he would once again fall onto his back, after another massive attack sent him flying and hitting the ground hard.
“It looks like you're starting to show some wear and tear,” said Taindel, as he would continue to circle around Rater, not giving him a moment to breathe.
“Ugh, yeah I’m damn tired from being beaten up so much,” said Rater, as he would try to wipe some of the sweat off his face.
“So you do feel pain?” said Taindel, as he then stopped circling him and began stepping towards him.
“Yeah, I can’t really ignore it,” said Rater, as he would keep wiping more and more sweat off.
Taindel would now finally stop walking in circles, as he would stand beside him in silence for a few moments. “I’m going to give you one last chance to walk away from me, do you want to?” he would ask, his tone of voice was cold and unforgiving, as it showed he was done messing around.
Rater took it into deep consideration, but what he also considered was his friends, the city of Highshore, and even the whole of Earthland itself. Had he walked away now, would he leave Earthland alone? Probably wouldn't, he would take over Earthland and probably take over the world, Rater could not take that chance.
“No,” said Rater, “i won't. And i'll stop you!”
Taindel would smirk, as he would then begin laughing even harder. “Oh, you’re gonna stop me huh? I want to see you try.”
“I will,” said Rater, as he would start to get into a fighting stance.
“Haha, you actually think you can beat me?” said Taindel, as his smirk continued to get wider and wider.
Rater would keep getting ready, as he would then get into a more defensive position, not wanting to make any careless mistakes.
“Do you really think you have a chance?” said Taindel.
“Yeah, I do,” said Rater, as he would then look Taindel right in the eye, his eye glowing a sinister red as he tried to intimidate the demon king.
Taindel smiled, before he threw an immediate gut punch towards Rater, before kicking him up in the air as he flew up after.
“W-what the-?!” Rater would have only just begun to finish his sentence, before he was sent tumbling around in the air from Taindel’s powerful blows.
“Just how easily you are shaken proves how weak you really are,” said Taindel.
Rater would try to quickly compose himself, before he would then charge towards the demon king once again with lightning fast punches.
“Well, this just isn’t working out,” said Rater, as he would wipe some more sweat off the side of his face.
Taindel would smirk and chuckle, as he continued looking over him.
“I really didn’t think you would be that tough to take out,” said Taindel, as he would then suddenly rush towards him, his fist primed for another major blow, which caused Rater to fall back into the ground.
Rater crashed into the ground, as Taindel would take a running start and launch himself into the air, before he would launch a devastating kick towards Rater, who would immediately fall back on his back with another massive bruise, the blow was so strong that it even shattered several trees in the nearby forest just from the pure force behind it.
Rater was panting, as his mouth was now covered in spit and blood. He would look back up at the demon king, but even through the tears in his eyes, he was able to see him grinning at him.
Perhaps it was over for Rater, unless..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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