23. Sweet Friends

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Uyutsu would be finishing up his shift, as the sun would be settling down at the mansion. Those words Zaba had gave him earlier really took a toll on him, and made Uyutsu distance himself and keep quiet.
“You're a waste of time, and deadweight to the staff who work here. Hey, maybe it can be revolutionary for you today, go do something productive with your job!”
And to make matters worse, Zaba was close with Saori, which made Uyutsu jealous. It seemed Zaba was better at pretty much everything Uyutsu was doing, from cleaning the house to being Saori's friend, Zaba suprassed him in everything.
Uyutsu watched, as Zaba and Saori were laughing together on her bed, as Uyutsu would keep his head down and continue sweeping the floor.
Uyutsu continues to sweep the floor, feeling quite sad for himself as he can’t get Saori to notice him the way she does with Zaba. It seems like Zaba is just so much more better than Uyutu overall and Uyutu can’t even do something right as simple as sweeping.
Uyutsu continues to sweep the floor as his thoughts wander. “Damn, my life really is pointless. I can’t even sweep right at the job I work at, I’m just not good at anything! I’m a complete loser.”
Uyutsu’s thoughts become even more severe as his self-negative thoughts only continue to worsen. “I can just see now, Zaba and Saori are going to start dating, I can just sense it. I mean it wouldn’t make sense otherwise, she just seems to love him more than me and he’s definitely more of her type then I am. If I don’t act now, she will just continue to fall for him, and I am going to be left behind here like the loser I am!!”
Uyutsu snaps out of his bad mindset as he looks up at Saori and Zaba, as he feels jealousy overcome him. “I can’t allow this! I am not going to allow Zaba to take Saori away from me. I’m going to confess to her after work tonight and I don’t care how she feels. I cannot lose this girl! I’m going to show her that I am way better than Zaba will ever be!”
Suddenly, Uyutsu felt someone pat him from behind, as he turned around and saw the maid.
“Thank you for your service!” said the maid. “Come back tommorow!”
“What?” said Uyutsu.
“Your shift's ended,” said the maid, “you can go home now.”
Uyutsu took one more glance at Zaba and Saori, before slowly nodding as he handed the maid the broom, before walking down the stairs and leaving.

“Hey, Uyutsu!” said a young Rater. “What are you doing out here so early?”
“Getting my tools ready!” said Uyutsu. “I'm gonna vandalize more houses than ever today! So people can notice me!”
“Awesome!” said Rater. “Can I join you?!”
“Sure!” said Uyutsu, gesturing to the other bag. “I bought two bags incase one ran out, but since you want to participate that bag is yours!”
“Thanks!” said Rater, as he slinged the bag on his shoulder.
Uyutau smiles and nods as they both continue to walk down the street together. “Yeah, let’s go! Let’s make our mark on the town and everyone will know our names after this!” The two of them talk for a bit more before they eventually make it to an abandoned looking home and Uyutsu hands Rater the tools.
“Here you go, you ready to get going?” said Uyutsu.
Rater smiles as they both get the spray paint cans ready. “Yeah, let’s do it! Let’s make this as extravagant as we can make it, so that everyone will see what we did for years on end!” The two of them start to spray paint all over the walls and doors of the home, both laughing and having a good time.
After a few more minutes, the two of them finish painting their masterpiece on the front of the home and they both take a step back and admire their painting. “Man, this is one of our best work yet, nobody in town could ever get close to making something like this!” said Uyutsu with a grin on his face, as Rater nods and smiles back at him.
The two of them then hear something unexpected, they both listen carefully, as they hear sirens and sirens coming closer, as they quickly realize the police are coming for them. “Damn it, we need to get out of here! Let’s go!” said Uyutsu in a rushed pace, as the two of them flee the scene.
Rater would be chuckling, as the two of them ran in unison. “Man, this is so pumped!” said Rater. “Officers after us like we are high-tier criminals, what a bunch of losers!”
“Yeah! Losers!” said Uyutsu, as he threw an empty spray can at them, as they continued running.

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