53. The Two Refugees

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The two would walk around the city, as Emrun couldn't help but take in all of the view.
"You know, this place is bigger than all of the villages I've been to in the South Blue," said Emrun.
"I know," said Shijin. "This place is one of the biggest hubs in the world. We can consider ourselves lucky to be here."
"I wasn't complimenting it," said Emrun, "these fancy walls may look good, but this city is a prison; we don't need to make a new life here."
"You consider this place a prison?" said Shijin. "Why do you think that?"
"Look at these people, they are forced to live in this city, with no choice of their own. They are slaves to their circumstances!"
"You know, I don't necessarily disagree with you," said Shijin. "But this isn't just the one city in the world, there are other cities out there where people live free."
"I know, but they are all connected, one way or another. I have just seen too many things in life to believe that this world is really free," said Emrun. "You know that saying about how, the bigger you see the world, the smaller you begin to see yourself?"
Shijin would nod, as he knew exactly what Emrun was talking about. "Yes, indeed I do. I have seen that happen to a lot of people."
"Well, I am one of those people. It's not so much that I care about how small or large I am as an individual, but the fact that I cannot see myself moving forward and accomplishing something bigger."
"You don't have to accomplish anything 'big' in life," said Shijin. "You are free to find your own path, one that is tailored to you. You don't need to compare yourself to anyone else, and you certainly do not need to compare yourself to your family members and how far they have gone."

Emrun would be silent for a moment, as he thought about Shijin's words. It was as if they had made him take in a different perspective. That life isn't just about comparing yourself, it was more about finding something that makes you happy and pursuing it.
"Is that even possible?" asked Emrun.
"Of course it is," said Shijin, "it's as simple as putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward. The only thing limiting you from your true potential is yourself. You are more than capable of accomplishing your goals."
Shijin's words had filled Emrun with a new sense of hope and determination, as he now felt as if he had a different outlook in life. "You know, I think I will be taking your words of advice to heart."
Shijin smiled, as he nodded. "I believe you will, since you already have the determination required, and I know you can do anything you put your mind to, young Emrun."
Emrun would smile, as he felt that his heart was filled with hope and newfound energy.
The two of them would continue to walk through the city, as they explored all of the different neighborhoods and districts, enjoying the beauty of the architecture and the culture that this city has to offer.
"This is truly a magnificent city, there's so much to see and do here," said Emrun.
"Agreed, I have always found cities to be so much more interesting than your regular village out in the middle of nowhere," said Shijin.
Emrun would chuckle, as he looked back at Shijin. "Well, to be fair, those are the only kind of places we came from in the South Blue. It's only natural for them to get boring."
Shijin too laughed, as he nodded in agreement. "That's also another reason why we should keep traveling and exploring, so that we may experience more places and different cultures than what we are used to."
"Yeah, I think you're right, let's go see what else this city has to offer to explore," said Emrun.
The two would then continue to walk around the city, as they would pass by some famous landmarks and tourist spots that made Highshore a very hot place for tourism.

After a few hours, Shijin had used the rupees he saved up to purchase a building, where it would be a store along with a bedroom with two beds at the back.
"This will be our little place to stay!" said Shijin.
"A shop selling swords?" said Emrun. "You want us to become swordsmiths?"
"Swordsmiths are very quiet and reserved people, young Emrun," said Shijin, "a buisness like this can earn us lots of money."
Emrun would be silent, as he looked at the room, it was quite cozy, as the interior of the room looked well put together.
"I guess, even though I would never imagine myself to be a swordsmith."
"That's true, but this place can also be used as a place for us to stay, plus it could even be a means of making enough money to fund our future adventures."
Emrun smiled, as he looked back at the shop, it was really nice and quaint with its cozy aesthetic.
"Well, I guess you're right," said Emrun, "it does look good. The space is also just fine for the both of us to stay in."
"Indeed it is," said Shijin. "Now, let's get to work, since we have to fill this place with merchandise."
"Do you have any plans as to what exactly we should sell?" said Emrun.
"Of course I do," said Shijin. "I believe we should start with the basics, like swords, axes, bow and arrows, shields, and armor, because when you start out, it's the most common merchandise that most people want to buy."
"Right, we've got to learn what to expect working in a place like this," said Emrun.
"Indeed we do, let's get to work."

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