13. The Great Rāshi Attacks!

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Oxolo would be sleeping in his bed, where suddenly he would hear shaking going on in the citadel, almost as if it was an earthquake.
He sprang up from his bed as the shaking intensified, as he looked around. “What the hell?!”
Two of his henchmen ran in. “Sir! There's a beast infiltrating the citadel!” said one of them.
Oxolo's eyes widened. “Kill it at once! Do not let it destroy everything i've built!”
The Henchmen nodded, as they ran out of the room along with Oxolo.

As Rater was now a fully-fleshed ape, he looked down at Zoela and Alucard, who stood there in shock.
Rater's Rāshi form was so massive that he broke down the roof of the room they were in, so there was a giant ape sticking out of the massive citadel in the town, try picturing that if you can.
“Well, there's nothing we can do,” said Alucard, “run!” Alucard ran to the door and opened it, with Zoela following behind.
They ran down the hallways as the roaring Rater would be destroying the entire room, as the shaking became more intense as the seconds passed.
“He's gonna block off the entrances!” said Alucard. “And we'll never be able to escape!”
Rater roared, which sent shockwaves across the town as Alucard and Zoela were covering their ears, as Rater's burning red eyes looked at the two, before he breathed out fire as the two ran once more.
“Rāshi's can breathe fire?!” said Zoela, running.
“Apparently!” said Alucard.
Oxolo and his henchmen ran in, as all of their eyes widened by what they saw.
“Is that...?”
“The Great Rāshi,” said Oxolo, as his face looked anxious and his eyes were widened. “This is impossible! Another Phantom User is in this town! I thought I was the only one!”
He turned to the others. “This is an emergency and we need to kill it NOW!”
The henchmen nodded, as they shot at Rater but the bullets did nothing but make him inch as he roared.
“RAAAAHHHHH!!” said Rater, breathing fire as he punched a wall down.
“It's no use!” said a henchman.
“Well, make it use!” said Oxolo. “Tranquilizers?! Anything?! When I turned into the Great Rāshi what did you do?!”
“S-sir, that was over fifteen years ago.. and your hair cord is gone now, his must be still on somewhere.”
The henchmen flinched. “We waited it out.. but by the looks of it, it won't be much use!”
Oxolo frowned. “Then use tranquilizers so we can grab the bastard in his base form and kill him!”
“Wait!” said Alucard. “Atleast take him in for inspection, or are you really thinking with your emotions instead of your brain?”
“There isn't time for inspection!” said Oxolo. “The Rāshi is a maniac, and we need to kill its form quick before it takes the whole city with him!”

Sora saw a crowd of people watching, as he looked over and saw a giant ape sticking out of a citadel.
“What the hell is that?!” thought Sora. “An ape? What's an ape doing here?”
He watched for a few more moments, before a man broke out and said, “A GREAT RĀSHI HAS ATTACKED US! WE ARE IN THE END TIMES!”
This caused an outrage amongst people, as they started running away, with Sora being knocked back as he looked.
“Well, wouldn't this make a good exercise?” said Sora, as he drew his dual-swords. “Looks like I get to fight a creature for once instead of a pesky human.”
He jumped onto the rooftop as he ran onto the citadel rooftops, making his way up before the atmosphere around him started shaking more as the Rāshi roared.
“So it roars and sends shockwaves,” thought Sora, “i think i've found a way to shut it up.”
He sprang up into the air, as he slashed the Rāshi's chest twice, before a tranquilizing arrow was pierced into the Rāshi's knee, as the Rāshi started to look more visibly tired as it fell down and shrank.

As Sora looked, his eyes widened as he saw the Rāshi had shrank to a sleeping Rater -- who was naked as his clothes were next to him.
“Rater?!” said Sora, looking at the others before running to him, kneeling down. He looked at Rater's scar which had now formed on his chest from Sora's slash. “Crap!”
He looked up. “What the hell happened here?”
“Now hold on, who the hell are you—?” before Alucard could say more, he immediately noticed the attire and the swords as he changed his tone. “Sora Rileguard, Assassin Hunter of the South. You are Rater's mate, right?”
“Yes,” said Sora, “and who are you?”
“I'm Alucard, not too important,” said Alucard, “and this is Zoela -- a thief, you can call it.”
Zoela scoffed at Sora. “So you reached a new low and became a Ranger? What a disgrace.”
Sora frowned. “Thieves are even worse!”
“Not scummy like Rangers though, are they?!” said Zoela.
“Arguably more scum than the lot!” said Sora.
“ALRIIGHT!” said Oxolo, turning to Alucard. “What the hell is going on here?”
Alucard sighed, as he turned to the others before turning to Oxolo. “It doesn't seem a good time to say,” said Alucard, “but I quit.”
“Quit?!” said Oxolo.
“Yes, quit,” said Alucard, “i served my time here quite well. Didn't I? I deserve to have a pension of my own, to live a peaceful life and play cards with my family.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” said Oxolo. “You haven't talked to your family in six years! Is this a bluff?”
Alucard's face visibly went wide, as Sora observed both of them. But before Sora could say anything, Oxolo seemed to figure it out already.
“I see,” said Oxolo, turning to the crosses as the ropes were on the floor, “i suspected that was your doing. You was the last one to leave, afterall.”
“What?!” thought Alucard.
“Didn't think I noticed with the Ape destroying things, did you?” said Oxolo. “You forgot I was a tactician who schooled you in a game of cards, was it? Did you really think you could outsmart me?”
Alucard was at a lost for words, he couldn't believe what was happening. “Was.. was my plan really a waste?” thought Alucard. “The.. the things I have done, it was all for nothing because he already knew?”
Oxolo laughed like a maniac. “What a dumb little boy, you are!” said Oxolo. “You better start running before I KILL YOU!
Zoela grabbed Alucard's arm, as the two of them started running, as Oxolo shot a blast out of his fingertips which Alucard luckily (and barely) dodged.
Sora threw a plate at Oxolo, as it bonked him on the head, before grabbing Rater's clothes and picking him up and following the two.
As the four of them were gone, Oxolo shouted at his henchmen. “You idiots!” said Oxolo. “That Assassin Hunter bonked me and you let him get away! What henchmen are you!”
He walked off. “I'm going to bed! And call a construction worker for tommorow to fix the throne room!”

As the four of them ran through the streets, Zoela said, “Don't worry! I have an apartment we can stay in!”
“Well, show us quick!” said Alucard. “We need to get rest before it's a long day tommorow!”
They turned a corner as Zoela took out her keys, unlocking the door as she opened it, letting the three of them in before closing it behind her.
“There is a few guest rooms so go and rest in there while you can,” said Zoela, sitting on the couch.
Sora threw Rater onto a bed in one of the rooms. “Thank me later, your bare privates were rubbing on me. Disgusting.”
Alucard paced around the living room, as he clenched his fist and thought to himself: “This isn't over! I will destroy Oxolo any means nessecary!”

Fourteen is soon!

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