48. The Great City of Highshore

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Rater and his group were exiting the Battlefield, as they indeed not go back to the South Blue, but instead they started hailing somewhere else.
They found themselves in quite a different region, as it was called the Earthland region, which was located up south west of the world, it was vastly different from what they were used to in the South Blue, as it was more full of nature rather than the aesthetic, and the ethnicities and cultures of the people here seemed to be different aswell.
The scenery of Earthland was a stunning view for Rater and his group as they marveled at the natural beauty of the region. The vibrant greens of the trees, the glistening bodies of water, and the stunning variety of the local populace all served to remind them of their distinct differences in culture and aesthetics. As Rater looked around at all the fascinating sights, he couldn't help but feel a sensation of wonder and admiration.
"Well, this Earthland place seems to not be all that different from the South Blue," said Uyutsu.
"It looks cool to me!" said Rater.
"Yeah, we don't know that," said Zoela, "these guys could be going through situations due to the rising stakes of this world with corruption of the empire."
"The empire haven't even tried to invade Earthland, yet," said Alucard, "they have a pretty decent defense, that's all I know. Even though we are Rangers, we better not stand out or their authorities will be onto us."
Despite the warnings of Uyutsu, Rater was still filled with a sense of excitement and admiration for his surroundings. While he was aware of the potential dangers that the Empire posed, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he continued to explore the vibrant and varied scenery of Earthland. He was also comforted by the fact that there seemed to be a strong and competent defense from the local authorities, which provided a sense of safety and security. Ultimately, Rater realized that despite any potential dangers they might face, his group could still find beauty and joy in the wonders of this new world.

Sora would sit back, looking at the scenery also, although he wouldn't really say much, he was still processing his battle with One-Eye Helband from before, but nevertheless he still had that smug-esque smile on his face to show he was alright.
As the group began to search for a tavern, Sora remained silent, seemingly brooding over his recent battle with One-Eye Helband. While he seemed outwardly fine, it was clear that the experience still resonated deep within him. His quiet contemplation captured the attention of his fellow rangers, who all looked on in concern.
"Are you alright, Sora?" asked Uyutsu, approaching his teammate. "You seem a little lost in thought."
"I'm fine," Sora replied dismissively. "Just... processing the things that happened."
"I can tell that it wasn't an easy fight," said Uyutsu, sighing. "But you're strong, Sora. And we're here for you."
Sora nodded, and as Zoela was still driving, she pointed as she yelled, "I can see the wall!"
"The wall?" said Uyutsu.
"Yep," said Zoela, "the wall of the Capital of the Earthland country, Highshore, the Great City of Walls!"
As they looked, the walls of the Great City of Highshore had approached, as they had Earthlandian guards standing on top of its walls, they were on a road, of course, as other cars and vehicles were approaching the city also.
Highshore was a city covered by a gigantic wall that circled it. It is by far the biggest city in the world, it was so big it takes up a large quantity of the Earthland's large mass, essentially being classified as a small country rather than being a mere city, but nevertheless, tourists had come to Earthland consecutively every year just to check out the architecture of Highshore.
"That's right, Highshore should have some good inns for us to stay at." said Zoela, checking her navigation. "Ah, here we go, this road should take us right into the center of Highshore." She continued down the road at an elevated speed, following the signs pointing to the downtown area.
"I've read about it in a book that I've got... this place is supposed to be an economic powerhouse, with a rich culture and some damn good restaurants. Plus the local dishes are to die for."

It was true that Highshore's culture was famous for its rich foods and a wide array of delicacies. The city's rich history and diverse populations made it a mecca for culinary experts and gourmets from around the world. It was also known for its sprawling markets and bustling bazaars, which offered local fare as well as delicacies from abroad. From exotic ingredients to rare spices, Highshore had it all in spades. In short, Highshore was a culinary paradise, and it was sure to impress Rater and his friends.
With a sense of anticipation, the rangers watched as the downtown area of Highshore came into view. The sparkling cityscape was a stark contrast from their previous surroundings, but it was also an impressive sight. The rangers could see the glimmering towers of Highshore rising up into the sky, illuminating the sprawling streets below. The bustling crowds and activity made the city seem alive with energy, and the rangers were eager to explore.
"This city is so big!" said Uyutsu, as their vehicle was driving on the road as they drove past many shops and markets. "We can find a tavern in no time!"
"Yeah, so many people!" said Rater. "It doesn't even look real. Can't wait to check out what the local culture here has in store for us."
As they neared the downtown area, Zoela pulled off to the side streets so they could get a better look at the vibrant city. The streets were bustling with pedestrian traffic, and there were many signs and advertisements that caught their eye. One shop called out to them, "World-Famous Restaurant!" with an image of an elaborate meal displayed on the front window.
Looking at the food in the window, Rater was amazed at the many details depicted on the dish. "It looks so good!" he said excitedly. "I bet the food here is amazing!"
Uyutsu nodded in agreement, and he leaned closer to the window to get a better look at the intricate dish. "It's no wonder this restaurant is world-famous," he said. "Just looking at that food makes me hungry."
"Do we have time to stop? Or should we just head to the tavern first?" asked Sora, who was also drawn to the mouth-watering dish in the window.
Zoela considered the question, and then she replied, "We have time. Let's check out the restaurant first, that will give us an opportunity to see a bit more of the local culture. Plus we could grab some dinner while we're there."
They all nodded in agreement, as Zoela parked the vehicle in a nearby car park, all five of them stepped out as Zoela led them into the restaurant.
"Hopefully they serve us good food," said Sora, "eating moldy bread for the past few days hasn't been good, although Bert Albadil's food wasn't so bad either."
As they entered the restaurant, they were greeted by the strong smell of the delicious food. They saw many booths and tables scattered throughout the place, as well as servers walking around with dishes.
The restaurant had a very open floor plan, with the kitchens open to view to the guests. The walls and floor were polished white, and the ceiling featured elegant chandeliers that helped make the place even more luxurious.
The rangers took a seat at a booth, as a waiter approached their table.

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