39. The Bolt

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Sora would be running through the streets, trying to find his friends who he had shamelessly ditched beforehand. He was trying to get back to them as the city seemed to be going under some sort of an earthquake, as there would be shockwaves every now and then along with lightning sparks in the sky.
Sora couldn't get a good look at it, though, since some of the buildings in the city were taller than they should of been (according to Sora), which gave him quite the unimpressive view of what was happening.
"Damn it," thought Sora, "what the hell is happening over there?!"
The city would begin to shake even more violently now, as the sky began to become darker and more ominous. The lightning flashed in the sky more frequently now, and the ground began to rumble and shake beneath Sora's feet. It was clear that something was wrong, a feeling of growing worry and anxiety rising inside of him as he continued to rush through the streets.
Sora would soon hear people screaming and running for their lives, as the sudden earthquake was growing more violent with each passing moment. The sky would grow darker and more ominous, as the ground rumbled violently beneath his feet. His mind was growing more and more filled with fear the longer this earthquake continued, and he knew he needed to find his friends and to get to safety as soon as possible.
As Sora rushed through the streets, he would start to hear people's screams become louder and more frantic. He could hear people shouting and yelling that they needed to evacuate the city, but he was so focused on trying to find his friends that he tried to ignore their warnings.
The earthquake continued to grow in intensity, the rumblings of the ground slowly turning into violent shaking. Sora could now also see the buildings in the city begin to tilt and lean in strange angles, and he had no idea what was going on.

The streets would become deserted now, as most of the people had ran past Sora in a blind panic. Sora would realize that he was the only one not reacting to the earthquake, and he would begin to wonder if he was missing something. He would continue to rush through the empty streets, his fears growing deeper and deeper as the earthquake continued to rage on.
"What the?" thought Sora. "Where has everybody gone?"
But a few moments later, he heard people yell his name, as he turned, he saw Zoela, Alucard, and Uyutsu, as they seemed to be in a state of panic.
"Sora!" said the three of them.
"What the hell is going on?" said Sora. "Where's Rater?"
"Rater is gone," said Zoela. "Oxolo took him, I assume to the town centre from the direction he was going."
"Is everyone okay?" said Sora, his eyes darting around at the three of them in a state of panic. "What's going on exactly?"
"We have no idea," said Alucard, "but everyone in the city is evacuating. There's some kind of massive earthquake going on, there are even lightning strikes in the sky. We have no idea what's causing it or what the heck is going on."
"And Oxolo took Rater with him?" said Sora, his face growing ever more concerned. "To the town centre?"
Alucard nodded. "There's a massive execution deck in the town centre which hasn't been used in centuries. In the olden days of this city, if you had committed a felony that would result you in being executed infront of the entire city, it was quite a large gathering and event in those days."
"You're telling me Oxolo is gonna execute Rater?!" said Sora. "At a time like this?!"
Zoela nodded. "It's not just Oxolo, he has an esquire, Fang, and the remaining members of his crew from his Casino buisness, it's a whole parade down there."
"Then let's find those bastards and kill them!" said Sora. "They didn't learn the first time, so they deserve it!"
"Yeah!" said Uyutsu.
"We still need to hurry if we're going to save Rater," said Sora, "let's move!"
"We're with you," said Alucard, "we're not letting those bastards touch Rater either. And we're gonna wipe that smirk off Oxolo's face while we're at it."
"Count me in too!" said Uyutsu. "Those bastards aren't going to get away with hurting Rater. We'll show them what happens when you mess with one of us."
The group of four would quickly rush through the streets, their minds filled with furious thoughts as they rushed towards the city centre in hopes of saving Rater before it was too late. They would have to rush, as the earthquake only seemed to be growing in intensity as the seconds passed.

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