37. The Extremity of a Mad Ranger

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Oxolo would now continue watching the group, making sure that they were still distracted by the food stands before speaking to Fang again.
"When you do strike, make sure to attack them from behind and get them into a chokehold if possible.
"I want to see them struggle for life before I have my fun with them."
Fang would now nod in agreement, holding the bag in one hand while taking a deep breath. "I'm not sure why you aren't joining in on this one, but I understand. I'll make sure to finish this as quickly as possible."
"I need to get revenge on Rater," said Oxolo, "to put it simply, that is. He is the reason that everything is gone, and he can't keep getting away with it."
"I completely understand that," said Fang, "i am sure it is going to be satisfying when you actually do get your revenge on him.
"If we play this right, then this might even end up being fun for both of us."
Oxolo chuckled. "It will be."
Fang would now nod. "I'll see what I can do, but I will make sure to get Rater himself this time around."
"Do whatever you have to, just make sure you don't screw this one up."
Oxolo would stand up and begin following the group, trying to gauge the best moment to strike. He kept careful watch of Rater and his henchmen, waiting for an opportunity to catch them off guard.
As the group moved past the food stands, Rater was distracted by a vendor selling roasted duckling. Oxolo took this opportunity to strike, quickly grabbing one of his henchmen and putting the man into a chokehold. Rater had just enough time to turn around before Oxolo's second henchman snuck up behind him and applied another chokehold.

The group would have looked at each other, completely shocked at the sudden surprise attack. Oxolo would now slowly pull back on Rater's neck, tightening it as his henchman began doing the same to Rater's other henchman.
Rater and his henchmen would be unable to move in response, as they would just continue to struggle for air, their necks now starting to turn blue from the lack of oxygen.
"Where's Sora?!" said Uyutsu.
"Sora's gone?! Where?!" said Zoela.
Alucard looked around, trying to see if he can spot Sora, but saw nothing. "We lost him, we'll have to wait until he comes back."
Uyutsu loaded his revolver, as he pointed it at Oxolo. "Let Rater go, you fat bastard!"
Oxolo smiled a wicked smile, his fat sausage fingers still squeezing Rater's neck tight. "Oh? And why should I? I've got the both of you now. I have no other real reason to not slowly kill you. Let's see how it feels to be choked to death, hm?"
Alucard's blood began to boil as he saw Oxolo's smug grin, his hands itching to just tear the fat bastard to shreds.
"Hm? What's that?" asked Oxolo, his tone turning to one of mocking laughter as he spoke. "Could it be that Rater is starting to turn blue in the face from lack of air? Oh well, if he can't hold his breath like a man then I suppose his death will be even sweeter, hm?"
He continued to pull back on Rater's neck, as Oxolo started to laugh and chuckle to his heart's content.
"Your friend really seems to be struggling now. He doesn't have much time left."
Rater would now suddenly swing his right arm behind him, connecting with Oxolo's throat. Oxolo would stumble back, clutching his sore throat as he began to choke. Rater would take advantage of this by grabbing Oxolo by the throat, and slamming him back into the wall. Rater would use his newfound advantage to punch Oxolo in the face, repeatedly smashing his fist into the fat bastard's face, causing blood to fly out from Oxolo's nose and mouth.
Rater would use his strength advantage to keep Oxolo pressed up against the wall, as he continued to hammer away at his face with repeated blows. Oxolo's face would eventually become swollen from the beating, as blood dripped from his nose and mouth. Oxolo would now try to push himself off from Rater, but would fail miserably as his strength had dropped significantly due to all that had just happened. Oxolo's face continued to get more swollen, as his nose began to bleed as well.

As Rater was beating Oxolo up, suddenly, a third party swooped in and kicked Rater away, it was Fang, as he held his gigantic claymore-like sword in one hand.
Uyutsu cocked his revolver, as he turned it to Fang. "And who the hell are you?!" said Uyutsu.
Fang chuckled. "For a skilled individual like Rater, this group is certainly dissapointing."
He helped Oxolo up, as Oxolo brushed the dirt off his clothes, despite having a bruised face.
"What the hell are you doing here?" said Alucard to Oxolo.
"Oh, you can shut up!" said Oxolo. "This is buisness, you snake. I'll deal with you later."
Rater got up also, taking out his bo-staff as both Oxolo and Fang lookes towards him.
"Isn't that bo staff one of your souvenirs?" said Fang.
Oxolo nodded. "The traitor over here stole it, that's why."
Alucard's face clenched, as he felt like he wanted to punch Oxolo. Oxolo and Fang were looking at Rater as Oxolo said, "There are two of us and one of you! I don't see Sora anywhere. Do you?"
Rater smirked, confident in his abilities. "No matter how powerful you both are, it won't matter. One of you is a fat bastard who couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag, and the other is a pathetic little wretch who uses a weapon far too heavy for his scrawny arms."
He gripped his bo-staff tightly, staring down Fang and Oxolo with a steely gaze. "But I'm not intimidated by the likes of you two, so just try your best if you want to make me even sweat."
"Oh, it's so hilarious that a puny little maggot like you could ever hope to beat me, Rater," said Oxolo mockingly. "Do you really think you could ever stand a fraction of a chance against a man as powerful as I? You are nothing in comparison to me, and always will be. You will die here today, weakling."
"You said that the first time," said Rater, "and if I recall, I destroyed everything you ever built! You was reduced to nothing!"
Oxolo frowned. "And you will pay with your death!"
"I would love for you to try. Come at me with everything you've got! Let's see if you can even scratch me!"
Oxolo was now starting to get more fired up, as he clenched his fists. He was now eager to show Rater how true power felt, as he beckoned him to attack.
Rater began to approach, his bo-staff raised and ready to strike. He would attack with ferocious speed and brutality, leaving Oxolo little time to react. Rater landed a few good blows on Oxolo, stunning him for a few precious seconds. Rater would try to keep his advantage, going for another attack as he swung his bo-staff upwards with brutal force, but then Oxolo would quickly regain his senses and raise his arm, catching Rater's bo-staff midair.
Oxolo would then pull back on the bo-staff, causing Rater to suddenly stumble towards him. Oxolo would now use his strength to his advantage, as he quickly wrapped his arms around Rater and began to crush his body tightly to his own. The tight squeeze was causing Rater's bones to creak and twist, and he could hardly breath properly. Oxolo continued to increase the pressure of his grip around Rater's body, as Rater felt his breath grow shorter and shorter.
Oxolo now tightened his grasp even more, as he squeezed as forcefully as possible with his muscular arms. Rater's bones were beginning to creak and crack, as his body was now being bent and curved in unnatural ways. Rater tried to struggle out, but couldn't escape the tight grip of Oxolo's arms. Suddenly, he began to feel incredibly weak and light headed, as he saw bright black spots before his eyes. He could barely see anything in front of him from the pain that was being administered upon him.
"This is what happens when a brat like you thinks they are what they aren't!" said Oxolo. "Now prepare to die!"

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