7. Friends!

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Rater, Brody, and Sora stood there as Stobaru and his men were standing opposite them.
Stobaru drew his hand. “Two pesky boys and one assassin hunter planning to take treason among the town, eh? When we are done with you, ALL THREE OF YOU WILL BE EXECUTED!
Brody's eyes widened, as Rater looked at him.
“Why are you worried about that?” said Rater. “We can beat this guy!”
This caused shock amongst the soldiers as Stobaru's face dropped. “What did you say?!” said Stobaru.
“Uhh. . . we can beat you?” said Rater.
Stobaru looked at Rater for a few moments. “Are you mocking me?”
“No? I'm stronger than you think,” said Rater, “you saw me turn into stone. I ate a Phantom Liquid silly!”
“A Phantom User and an Assassin Hunter, is it?” said Stobaru. “Well, It seems I underestimated my opponents. But no shan't worry!” he pointed his gigantic hand at Rater. “We shall get this done soon.”
Stobaru pointed at Sora. “Take care of him! I'll take Stone Boy here.”
The Soldiers rushed at Sora, as Sora had his dual-swords ready, with a few slashes, Sora had two of his blades right next to two soldiers' necks, as the rest were in awe by what they were seeing.
“This is only two of you held hostage by me,” said Sora, smiling, “need I say more?”
Sora kneed one in the stomach, and kicked another away. “Who's next?”
Rater looked at Brody. “Don't just stand there! Take a gun and go shoot somebody or something, man.”
Brody nodded, as he picked up a gun and ran to aid Sora.

Rater looked at Stobaru, as he smiled, and charged at him straight away.
“WHEELING HOOK!” said Rater, as he kicked Stobaru to the wall.
Stobaru got up, as he saw Rater charging at him once more, slamming him into the ground. “ROCK SLAM!!!” said Rater.
As Rater was going to finish his combo, suddenly, Stobaru grabbed hold of his arm, as Stobaru smiled.
“PETTY KID!!!!” said Stobaru, throttling Rater by the neck as he slammed him into the ground.
“AHHHH!!!” said Rater. “GET OFF ME, GET OFF ME!”
Stobaru grinned. “Your powers can get you so far, when you face authority like me.. this is where you mess up. And you shall now die.”
Stobaru punched Rater four times with the gigantic hand, severely hurting him as Rater screamed louder each time.
Yet Stobaru was grinning like it was nothing -- he was beating the living daylights out of a kid and he didn't care. As everyone watched, Stobaru had Rater by the throat as Rater could not do anything.
“You are so stupid you don't even think of a way out of this situation,” said Stobaru, “what makes you think you can beat me kid?!”
Stobaru went to punch Rater again, but Rater grabbed the hand -- presuming it was on reflex this time.
“Damn...” said Rater. “You made me bleed.”
“Do... you bleed?” said Rater.
“What does that even—”
Suddenly, Rater headbutted Stobaru, as Stobaru fell back.
Rater got up, absorbing the rock to strengthen him as he kicked Stobaru away.
“Even that hand of yours is inferior!” said Rater. “The Great Hand of Captain Stobaru -- defeated within seconds!”
“I'm... not DEFEATED!!!” said Stobaru.
Stobaru got up, as he clenched his giant hand. “I will defeat you! You are no match for the Army -- both of you!”
Suddenly, an explosion a few blocks away erupted, as people in the town started running, as Rater looked at it, he looked at Brody.
“My... house... ” said Brody, turning to Yimeapo.
“I wasn't behind that!” said Yimeapo. “I swear!”
Rater looked back at Stobaru, frowning as his face darkened. “You burnt his house down.”
“And what?” said Stobaru. “We can always rebuild it.. but not for him. Once this is over, all of you are getting executed!”
Stobaru rushed at Rater, as he threw punch after punch, with Rater barely dodging them as he was jumping out of the way.
“Ah!” said Rater. “This guy's no joke!”
Rater grabbed Stobaru, and flipped him over as Stobaru fell on the ground, but Stobaru reacted quickly as he kicked Rater back.
Stobaru got back on his feet, as Rater charged at him once more, jumping on him as Stobaru grabbed Rater's face by the palm of his hand.
“Such an inferior arsewipe.” said Stobaru.
Rater grinned, as he bit Stobaru's hand, which caused Stobaru to shriek as Rater kicked him away.
“So he turns into anything and bites like an animal,” said Stobaru, “maybe I should end this kid once and for all, he's starting to piss me off!”
Rater looked at Stobaru, he was still frowning as he jumped at Stobaru once more. He punched Stobaru in the face once, yet on the second attempt, it didn't work as Stobaru grabbed Rater by the wrist and punched him with the gigantic hand... at full force.
This caused shock amongst everyone, as atleast a few teeth fell out, along with blood splattered on the floor, as Rater stood there, then he fell to the floor.
“RATER!” said Brody.
“Crap!” said Sora.
Stobaru laughed -- like that menacing villain laugh after curbstomping the hero. “You fools!” said Stobaru. “Not even Phantom Users can overcome the Great Stobaru.”
He turned to Sora. “You wanna be next, chief?”
Sora looked at Stobaru carefully. As he looked at the soldiers who slowly backed away from him, as Sora gave a little smile.
“Sure,” said Sora, “i'll fight you.”
“And I assume the coward is next after?” said Stobaru, referring to Brody, for his lack of assistance during the fight with the soldiers.
“No,” said Sora, “just me, and i'll put you to sleep.”
Stobaru grinned. “Very well,” he drew his gigantic metal hand, pointing it at Sora. “Begin!”
He jumped at Sora, as Sora blocked the hand with his dual swords, before Sora swung one of the blades as they slashed Stobaru's arm, forming a cut.
“Lucky,” thought Stobaru, “this guy won't last three minutes with me.”
Stobaru threw a kick, which Sora blocked, as Stobaru snuck in a quick jab to Sora's face with his normal hand, as blood went down Sora's nose.
Sora wiped the blood as he looked at Stobaru. “For someone as big as him,” thought Sora, “he's quite fast. It's time to get serious here.”

Eight is soon!

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