31. The Great Siege

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They would stand around the pond, as the maid would be talking with the others.
“I see.. and what happens if the moon dies completely?” said Rater. “Will Saori die with the moon then?”
The maid would then respond, “I assume that would be the case, as Saori is now very connected with the moon, so if the moon dies, then I think that Saori would die with it.”
“Damn it, you’re telling me that we have to do all of this… if we wanna save not only this moon, but Saori as well?” said Rater.
“So, what makes you think that this potion will work? You can’t expect us to believe that it’s guaranteed to work just by you saying it will?” said Alucard.
“What if I ask for proof of it working before we trust you and let you continue on with this potion?” said Sora.
“What?” said the maid.
“Yeah,” said Sora, “i'm badly wounded myself, heal me, and see if it works, if it does, then you can heal Saori. It's worth a try right?”
The maid slowly nodded, as he took a sample out of the potion using a spoon and put it into Sora's mouth. “Swallow this carefully,” said the maid, “don't rush it down your throat, it will ruin the process.”
Sora nodded, swallowing it as slowly as he could, and before Sora knew it, he could move freely like before, but he would feel sore.
“I feel sore?” said Sora.
“Yes, that's a side effect,” said the maid, “it will wear off quickly.”
“Okay.. looks like it works, now that Sora’s been healed, now let’s see if it works for Saori, she’s the one who needs it the most,” said Uyutsu, “i assume we don't have much time left when Labath and his men are on our backs.”
“Got it,” said the maid as he would then carry the potion to Saori in her pond. He would then begin the process of healing Saori.

The maid would continue to carefully treat Saori, as he hoped that this would be enough to get Saori to return to consciousness.
The maid would then finish treatment on Saori, as her condition would start to stabilize and her breathing would slow down. She was still unconscious, but it seems like her condition is improving.
“The pond is a relaxing yet benefical factor to this,” said the maid, “i don't come out here often, but I think the water has some sort of healing magick.”
The others watched, as Saori's condition was certainly improving, the moon seemed to be getting less redder and redder as the seconds went by, and all hope started to rise once more.
The maid would then give Uyutsu and the others a thumbs up to show that the moon was improving and that it was working.
Uyutsu then asked a question to the maid. “You said that the moon has some sort of healing magic?”
The maid would then respond, “It is believed that the moon has very powerful healing properties. People believed that when the moon goes dark, then there’s a chance of it coming back stronger. However, I’ve never seen this moon become as dark like it had been before, and it never turned red either.”
“If it has healing magic, then it means that it could actually be used effectively for medicine, is that the case, or is it only effective for healing when it comes to the moon?” asked Uyutsu.
The maid would then respond with a simple answer. “I’ve only just been able to prove its healing properties with Saori, so it might take a while for us to see more results. As far as I know, it should be able to be used for medicine, but I’m not sure yet.”
The maid would then try to change the subject. “Now that I think about it, I wonder if Labath is already on his way at this point.”
“Yeah, Labath and his men would be coming for us at this point, they would be trying to capture our group and capture Saori, so you would want to get Saori under control, right?” said Uyutsu.
“But if Saori doesn’t have full consciousness by the time they get here?” said Alucard.
“Then we fight!” said Rater.
“Sounds good to me.” said Sora, grabbing his swords.
“You guys got your asses kicked!” said Uyutsu. “And you want a round two with them?”
“Let's not be so quick to just accept our fate, we would rather fight for our lives and do everything in our power to avoid getting captured by Labath and his men.” said Alucard.
“Yeah, i think i'd rather take a chance at fighting rather than letting them take Saori and then killing us all, i mean, there's only so much resistance that you can fight against, the main threat will be fighting Labath and his men, as they could potentially outnumber us all combined.” said Rater.
“Then it’s settled,” said Alucard, “we must fight back against Labath and his men, we will not let them take us or Saori down so easily.”
The maid would then break the silence with one last question for the group. “Now, what are you going to do about Labath and his men if they do come here?”
It would be silent once more, as all of them were thinking to themselves, before Rater finally spoke.
“Well, we’re all going to fight back and do whatever we can to avoid getting captured, and I’m just gonna say it, I’d rather be dead than being captured by Labath and his men, they’re a bunch of sickos who would torture us in a heartbeat if given the chance.” said Rater.
The maid would then respond to Rater’s final remark. “I agree, we need to protect Saori and not let her fall in their hands, they have shown that they’re willing to do anything to get their wish to the moon granted, not much is stopping them from doing that same thing to us as well.”
The maid would then leave the pond completely, as it seems like the work here was done, and now all they can do is wait and see if the potion would work fully before Labath and his men show up.
The maid would then return to his room to rest, as now everyone else in the room are just waiting for the moon to return to normal.

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