52. The Importance of Shen

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The group would spend their time trying to connect their souls and bodies.
Rater and Uyutsu both had a hard time with it. But Sora and Alucard both seemed to almost immediately understand what they had to do, as they could almost feel their souls resonating.
Zoela would also take the time to meditate. She didn't quite understand what was happening, but she had seen them all manage to start their training, which gave her hope that her own training would be possible.
After much time, Zoela was able to begin her own connection to her soul and body.
She had heard that others had trouble at the start, but her own connection between her soul and body felt very natural, and she could already feel it starting to resonate, as small amounts of her own shen energy began to flow through her body.
Once the group had gained a basic understanding of their own Shen and soul connection, Deus would call them all over.
“Now that you all have been able to gain a good feel of my training grounds, it's time for you to really start your training.”
The group would go over to Deus as he waited for them, as they were all eager to start their true training.
Deus would go over the details of the different elements, as he discussed what abilities would come from the different ones, along with the benefits each one of them offered.
After providing the information on the elements, Deus would finally say, “Alright, now it's time for you to begin training.”
Deus would then open the portal once more, as the group walked through into a new area of training.

The group would arrive at a new location, one that was much less lively and vibrant, compared to the location that they had just come from. This location looked much more desolate and barren, as the grass was dry, and the soil was filled with dirt and dust.
Deus would address the location change, as he saw the way they looked at him.
“Don’t worry, this location is here for a reason,” he said, “and that is to train the element of Earth.”
“Earth?” said Rater, “So is this what we’re going to be training? Earth powers?”
Deus nodded. “That is correct.”
“What abilities does Earth give us?” said Sora, “Does it just allow us to move dirt and mud around?”
“It's much more than moving dirt and mud around,” said Deus. “Earth powers allow you to control the elements of rocks and soil, they provide you with amazing defense from physical attacks.
“So, you're saying we have a chance to become tanks of the elements?” said Rater, as he got more and more excited by the idea.
“Pretty much,” said Deus, as he smirked at Rater’s enthusiasm. “As we continue our training, you’ll all discover the true extent of Earth powers, and how many other elements can play a role with it.”
Deus would take them to another training ground, as there would be ice cubes along with a solid ground, also sources that was full of water.
“And there’s also Water, which some people may argue is the most versatile element of them all.”
“Really?” said Uyutsu. “Isn't water one of the weakest elements?”
Deus would reply, “Water may be the weakest in terms of direct physical attack, but it brings the most amount of utility.”
“What kind of utility does water bring?” asked Sora.
Deus would respond, “Water not only has the ability to heal and cleanse, but also to enhance, manipulate and even destroy.”
“Destroy?” said Rater. “How can water destroy things?”
“Water can be a very tough element to deal with, for example, when you see tsunamis, you see the damage it causes. Right? Well, if you become a master with water, that would be one of the abilities you can unlock with Water shen,” said Deus, as he crossed his arms. “But you must have a very high expertise when it comes to handling one of the elements, such as Water.”
“Would I have to fight with just water?” asked Rater. “Or can I also use it in conjunction with other elements, like how you said before?”
Deus would nod. “Yes, there are many combinations that can be made between elements. For example, fire and water combine to create steam, which can have both offensive and defensive attributes. However, some elements do not allow them to work in conjunction with others, and also some may cause adverse effects if not handled properly.”
The group would look at each other as they processed this information, as each of them thought of potential ways they could use the different elements in conjunction with one another.
“Wait, if there are some elements that can create adverse effects,” said Zoela, “does that mean some combinations are a bad thing?”
Deus would nod. “That is correct. I am glad you asked that question. For example, mixing Lightning with Earth causes for a massive explosion to occur. The combination between Fire and Water, as Rater pointed out, is another example of those elements having an adverse reaction.
“So, you're saying there might be side effects depending on the elements that we choose to use?” said Sora.
“Well, your shen only limits to one element,” said Deus, “for that experiment to come to life, you'd need to find a partner of that element.”
The group would process this, as they were once again filled with a sense of curiosity.
“So, there are potentially millions of combinations between the different elements, but we only have a chance to use one element at a time, unless we also have a partner that can help us create those combinations?” said Sora.
Deus would nod. “Correct. However, be careful with certain combinations. Not only can they cause destruction to yourself and others, but they can also have a drastic effect on the environment around them, depending on how big the combination is.
“So I’m guessing things are much safer if someone goes by themselves with their own element? No chance of adverse effects, unless their soul and body are not connected?” said Sora.
Deus would reply to Sora’s remarks. “Indeed. However, it is still good to be cautious of your usage of your powers. If you do not, you might be too reckless with one of your abilities, which could still cause harm to those around you, even if your powers were being used alone.”

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