26. Reunion! Or Battle?

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The next day, Rater would wake up, as he would still be laying down on the edge of the mountain, he was confused, because he was on his own, yet Uyutsu was with him.
“Sheesh, I really overslept out here,” said Rater, getting up, as the wound from his neck was completely healed -- like it never even existed, he didn't even know it was there.
He looked down, as he saw it was clear. “That's odd,” said Rater, “there were two creepy guys watching me and Uyutsu.”
He simply shrugged it off as he slinged his staff (a sling was attached to it, like a scabbard) around his shoulder as he began to walk away.
Rater walks away, not thinking too much about the two men who were watching him and Uyutsu. He was more focused on what he had just survived. The wound had already healed completely, and he felt like his strength was restored. The encounter with the two men was something he put aside for the time being.
Rater would eventually make his way to the town, still unaware of the plans that Kaio and Zaba had regarding him. He would walk through the streets, just enjoying the peace and warmth of the town. The wound from yesterday no longer bothered him and he felt completely restored.

Rater would eventually come across Saori, who was walking down the street. She was talking with some of the people in the town, sharing a laugh. When Saori saw Rater, she would smile and wave at him, inviting him to walk over to her.
“Uh, do I know you?” said Rater.
“No, but I know you,” said Saori, “you are Rater, one of Uyutsu's old friends. Right?”
“Yeah!” said Rater, but he would scratch his head as he tried to find out who Saori was. “But who are you?”
“My name is Saori,” said Saori.
“What?!” said Rater. “You're Saori?!”
Saori nodded, a bit confused as to why Rater was so surprised.
“You- you're that girl Uyutsu talked about!” said Rater. “When we confronted these two shady men, and—”
“Shady men?” said Saori. “What are you talking about?”
Rater sighed, he realized he was starting to say too much, as he simply said, “Nothing important, probably tourists.”
Saori nodded. “Follow me! We should meet with Uyutsu soon as his shift starts today.”
“Alright!” said Rater.
Saori would start to walk away, and Rater would follow closely behind. For some reason, she seemed to know more about him than he previously thought. He would try to remember when Uyutsu once talked about this girl that he had mentioned to him before.
“Uyutsu mentioned you before,” he said after some time. “But I have no idea how he knows enough about you to even mention you in the first place…”
Saori laughed, as she said, “Oh, he told you about me? That's surprising to hear. I didn't think Uyutu would have talked about me to someone like you.” Rater would think to himself, wondering why she had said such a weird thing to him. Was Uyutsu really that close to her that she would mention him in her conversation?
“I just wish that he talked to me about you like a normal person would do, it's weird that he has mentioned you multiple times.” said Rater.
Saori would continue talking with Rater, asking him to elaborate on why he thinks Uyutsu is a weird guy. Rater would reply, “Well, to start, he is pretty antisocial. He barely talks to people and always keeps to himself. It’s really weird. Yet he is so extraverted when he vandalizes people's houses!”
Saori would chuckle, as she said, “Yeah, he is a bit strange, but I guess people just have to get to know him. Did Uyutsu tell you what his deal is?”
Rater would shake his head, as he said, “No, Uyutsu never really explained why he is the way that he is. He would sometimes tell me about his childhood and how he never really had any friends growing up, but it always made him become irritated whenever I wanted to know more.”

Saori would frown, feeling sorry that Uyutsu never had much friends, but then she would ask, “What about you, is there anything in your past that affected how you are now?”
“No, not really,” said Rater, “i had friends around me and a family to keep me on track, so my childhood was pretty normal. Until a certain day happened.”
“Hm?” said Saori, she was intrigued.
“Well,” said Rater, “when I was twelve, i accidentally drank the forbidden Phantom Liquid, out of all nine Phantom Liquids that seem to exist in this world. And as a result, anything I absorb -- I turn into it.”
Saori's eyes widened. “You are a Phantom Warrior!” said Saori. “But they aren't real! It was a myth!”
“They are real!” said Rater. “They jusy aren't as social as they should be, but I can see why, having tremendous power like that can make you a target by many.”
Saori feels shocked to hear Rater describe about the Phantom Liquid and the Phantom Warriors, “You're telling me that these Phantom Warriors are real?”
Rater would confirm. “I know it's hard to believe, but they are real, I'm proof of that.”
Saori would then say, “Since you are one of these Phantom Warriors, why does Uyutsu not show any kind of fear towards you? I've seen him just stand there in front of you and not flinch. Do Phantom Warriors not have an effect on him?”
Rater would reply, “I mean, there haven't been any instances where Uyutsu shows fear towards me, but maybe it's because he's never truly seen the destructive power that I hold. He might actually feel afraid if he were to ever see what I am capable of.” 
Saori would also respond, as she said, “So you’re saying that Uyutu has never even seen you use your Phantom Warrior ability?”
“Well, no,” said Rater. “Uyutsu left the village when I was six, I got my powers when I was twelve.”
Saori would then say, “Huh, that is very interesting to hear. When you do finally test this theory, make sure to tell me the result of it? I'm also curious as to whether Uyutu would flinch or not.” 
Rater would then ask Saori to tell him more about these Phantom Warriors and what they are. “Are they just people like me that can turn into anything they want?”
“No,” said Saori, “each Phantom Warrior has different powers, which is why there is a hierachy of the Phantom Liquids from weakest to strongest.”
“Where's the hierachy?” said Rater.
Saori shrugged. “Well, I don't know, it's said to be on an ancient scroll, but we don't know which one so the hierachy is unknown.”

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