38. A Ferocious Duel!

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Sora would now take a couple more steps forward, his eyes narrowing with concentration as he studied the blade. It looked like a normal katana at first glance, but the more he looked at it the more he noticed subtle details that felt off in some way. The blade seemed to pulse and shiver ever so slightly, and there was a faint buzzing sound coming from within the sheath which made Sora feel uneasy.
Sora would now take only one more step forward, stopping right in front of the katana. He was now very close to the blade, and could feel its presence almost as if it was tangible. The whispers in his mind grew clearer and louder, and he could swear that the blade was calling his name, begging him to grab hold of it. The buzzing sound also grew louder, causing Sora's brain to feel fuzzy and foggy.
Suddenly, Sora felt someone tap his shoulder from behind, and as he turned, he saw it was one of the staff members who worked in the shop.
"Excuse me," said the member, "are you interested in that sword?"
Sora glanced at the sword, before turning back to the man and nodding.
The member chuckled. "You can buy it," said the member, "if you have the money."
"How much is it?" Sora would ask, his voice laced with a slight hint of apprehension. The sword was obviously special in some way, but Sora had no idea just how much it might cost to purchase. He also felt slightly wary of handling the blade, as there was still a strange feeling coming from deep within it that made him uneasy. Still, he remained calm and collected as he awaited the member's reply.
"It's very expensive," said the member, his tone remaining calm and unemotional. This response made Sora pause, as his concern grew. He didn't like how the staff member's response was so detached, as if he truly did not care whether or not Sora bought the sword.
"How much are we talking?" Sora asked, his tone growing slightly more anxious now. He wanted to know just how much this sword might cost, so he could properly prepare himself if he needed to.
The staff member would remain silent for a moment, before finally responding. "This sword is special, being much more powerful than it may first appear. It's priced at 3500 rupees, but as a special offer for you it's being discounted down to 2500 rupees."
Sora's face dropped in shock. "2500 rupees mininum?!" said Sora. "That's a ripoff!"
"The sword is special," said the member, "so of course it will be valued high, if you have the money and the worth you can have it."
"I do have the money for it," said Sora, "but I simply prefer to negotiate before spending such a large amount." He was now feeling slightly annoyed by this member's attitude, but he still remained calm and collected. He felt the pull of the sword growing stronger as he continued to stare at it, and felt as if something was trying to influence his thoughts. The whispers in his mind began to echo the feelings of anger and annoyance that he felt towards the member, and Sora struggled to brush off this sudden resentment.

As he continued to talk with the member, Sora felt the sword begin to exert its influence over him, making him feel angry and agitated towards the member as his mind began to slip into a state of delirium.
"I will not pay any amount above 2000 rupees for this blade," said Sora, his voice growing louder and more aggressive. "If that is not good enough for you then I will take my money elsewhere."
The member would now tilt his head slightly, his eyes narrowing as he regarded Sora with a condescending gaze. His tone in response to Sora was now far more dismissive and cold. "That is still a 500 rupee discount for such a special blade, young one. You know nothing of how valuable this blade is."
"I am well aware of its worth," said Sora, his tone now filled with resentment and annoyance. He was getting fed up with this member's attitude, and his mind began to fill with hostile thoughts towards him. The sword continued to exert its influence on him, but now it was causing a deeper sense of rage and arrogance to arise within him. "And don't try to make me feel small by calling me young! I am not a child anymore!"
The member would now raise an eyebrow, before speaking in a mocking tone. "So you say, but the way you are behaving would suggest otherwise. You are speaking to me as if you believe yourself superior, but I can tell you that you are a fool if you believe so."
Sora would now feel his anger spike as he heard the member speak in such a condescending manner. The whispers of the sword grew louder, filling him with anger and resentment towards this member.
"What did you just call me?" Sora would reply, his voice now filled with hostility. "Do I look like a fool to you?"
The member would now lean forward slightly, his expression growing more aggressive now that he was engaging in a back and forth with Sora. "Your words are nothing more than the rambling of a deranged child," said the member. "You speak as if you are powerful, but it is obvious from your demeanor that you are weak. Do you truly think you deserve to wield this blade? Do not delude yourself."
"Well, if you think you are so tough," said Sora, "i challenge you to a sword duel! Whoever wins keeps that sword!"
Sora would flash his dual-swords, holding the hilts tightly as he stared down the staff member.
The member chuckled, as he flicked the sword that Sora was craving up in the air, before catching it flawlessly as he stared down at Sora also. "I accept."

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