45. The Fight on Wood Street

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Emrun and Rater would each take a defensive stance, as they stood across from each other. Their weapons were crossed in front of them, as they both eyed each other warily.
Prince Emrun would then raise his sword high up above his head, as he began to yell. "Come at me!"
Rater would shift his staff back and forth in front of him, trying to keep his balance. "Okay!" he said, as he then lowered his stance and charged forward.
Prince Emrun would charge forward as well, as he swung his sword down at Rater, as he aimed to break Rater's bo-staff in half with his blow.
Rater would use the length of his weapon to try and strike the Prince before his sword could land his attack. But it didn't matter if Rater managed to hit the Prince or not, as the two of them were now locked in a struggle, fighting for control and dominance.
The two of them would struggle for a minute, as each of them kept trying to hit the other's weapon with their own. Their weapons were locked together, as they tried to push each other back and forth through the force of their blows.
Then, Rater would suddenly change things up, as he swept the edge of his bo-staff along the bottom of Prince Emrun's sword, knocking it out of his grip.
Prince Emrun would be caught off guard for a moment, as he lost his grip on his sword. Rater would take advantage of this, as he raised his bo-staff over his head again, as he brought it down on the blade of Prince Emrun's sword, which was now lying on the ground.
The bo-staff and the sword would collide, sending sparks flying from both of them. Rater would then use a swing of his bo-staff to send the sword flying back across the road toward the three of Alucard, Uyutsu, and Zoela.

The sword would suddenly fly over the road and slam into the ground in front of Alucard, Uyutsu, and Zoela. None of the three would manage to react in time to catch it, as it landed a few feet away from them. The sword was still lodged in the ground, as the three looked over at it with confusion.
Prince Emrun would still be stunned for a moment, as he tried to process how Rater had managed to disarm him. But Rater would not allow the Prince any time to get back on his feet, as he swung his bo-staff at the Prince with another downward strike, as he aimed to send the Prince sprawling.
Prince Emrun would attempt to block the blow, as he tried to raise his sword up above his head and grab Rater's bo-staff with his free hand. But as the two weapons collided, they would lock together again and the Prince would be sent stumbling backward.
"Enough of this!" said Emrun, as he ran forward and attempted to kick Rater down, with Rater easily dodging as he swung the bo-staff once more.
Surprisingly, Emrun catched onto the bo-staff, as he grabbed onto it with his two hands, seemingly trying to snatch it off him.
Rater would quickly act, as he suddenly attempted to knee Emrun in the face with his other leg, which would land a direct hit. Emrun would be sent stumbling backwards on his feet, as he let go of the bo-staff and raised his hands up, rubbing his face as he got back on his feet.
Prince Emrun would then wipe the blood off his face, as his expression filled with rage. "You little bastard!" he yelled, as he ran forward again.
"Hehe," laughed Rater, as he was enjoying himself now. "You got more in you than what I thought! Your father must have really gotten under your skin for you to get this pissed off!"
Prince Emrun would not reply, as he continued to charge at Rater again, only that this time, he would grab the bo-staff and try to pull it away from Rater.

Rater would still hold firm onto the bo-staff, as the two of them pulled at it for several moments. Prince Emrun seemed quite pissed off, as he was pulling with all of his strength.
"Give it up!" screamed Emrun. "Give it up!"
"Not a chance," said Rater, as he managed to keep the bo-staff in his hands.
"This is mine!" Emrun would be getting tired, as his strength would slowly fade. "Give it up!" he said again, his tone sounding strained.
Prince Emrun would continue to stare at Rater with an angry glare, as his face was filled with anger and his grip on the bo-staff continued to get tighter.
Rater would also continue to laugh at the Prince's expression, as the two of them were slowly increasing the force that they each had on the bo-staff.
Rater would grin at Prince Emrun as he tried to pull the bo-staff away from him, as Rater would pull it back, as the two of them were locked in a tug of war for control again.
"You are quite strong, I must admit!" said Rater, as he tried to match the force that Prince Emrun was delivering.
Prince Emrun would continue to stare at Rater with an angry glare, as his face was filled with anger and his grip on the bo-staff continued to get tighter.
Rater would also continue to laugh at the Prince's expression, as the two of them were slowly increasing the force that they each had on the bo-staff.
"I am the Prince of the Empire!" yelled Prince Emrun, as he continued to pull the bo-staff from Rater's grip. "And I will show you my power! Come on, bo-staff boy! Fight me!"
Rater would continue to hold the bo-staff, as he smiled at the Prince. "You'll have to do better than that, Prince!" said Rater. "Come on, you can't seriously let me have my way all the a sudden?"
Prince Emrun's grip got even stronger, as he clenched his fists a moment, as he grunted. "I will not let a hot shot like you get away with insulting my pride!"

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