17. Oxolo's Dilemma!

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Zoela would be relieved of the pain that was caused from the machine, as the game had now ended, she grabbed Fukurou by the collar in anger.
"Damn bastard!" said Zoela. "That wasn't supposed to happen!"
"I didn't know Oxolo was such a sore loser!" said Fukurou. "Just let me go, please!"
Zoela headbutted Fukurou, as she looked down and saw Fang had his saw aimed at Sora's neck.
"He's gonna kill Sora if he moves," thought Zoela, looking around as she saw a plate sitting on top of the drawer, as she grabbed it and threw it like a frisbee, as it spun towards Fang's head.
It bonked Fang on the head, which made him move back, as it gave Sora a chance as he kicked Fang back.
Unfortunately, Oxolo had escaped Rater's grip as he got up. "Stay back!" said Oxolo. "You are outnumbered here! The three of you can't defeat us!"
"Three?" said Alucard.
Oxolo scoffed. "Three and a half, then," said Oxolo, "it still doesn't make a difference."
Rater took a couple steps towards Oxolo, as everyone was watching him, before Rater yelled: "SHUT UP, YOU FATSO!!!!"
This shocked everyone as their faces were wide, but it shocked and angered Oxolo the most, as he was frozen like a statue.
"Did... did he..." thought Oxolo. "Did he.. just call me... FAT?!"
Oxolo slowly frowned. "WHEELING BOULDER!" He turned into a spinning wheel (almost like a beyblade), as he dashed at both Rater and Sora, who both jumped out of the way as Oxolo collided with the wall.
"What the hell is that?!" said Rater.
Oxolo used the wheeling boulder technique once more, as he dashed straight at Rater -- who barely dodged it as he jumped up and landed next to Sora.
Oxolo reverted back to his normal form. "That was my Wheeling Boulder technique," said Oxolo, "i drank one of the Nine Phantom Liquids, so it gave me an enhanced and flexible body."
"So you're like me!" said Rater.
"What?" said Oxolo.
"I drank the Phantom Liquid, too!" said Rater, which shocked most of the people in the room. "And because of that, I was able to turn into anything I absorb."
Rater absorbed the concrete on the floor, as his entire body turned into concrete. "Fight me then, you bastard!"

Oxolo chuckled. "Sure, then." he used the wheeling technique to dash at Rater once more, as this time Rater grabbed onto the wheel -- which applied pressure onto Rater as Rater didn't know how to put him down, so instead he threw Oxolo into the wall, breaking it as Oxolo span through the citadel.
"You're making him break the citadel himself?" said Alucard.
"Sure! You can say that!"
Oxolo spun back into the room as he reverted back to his normal form, grabbing Rater and punching him twice.
"GAGH!" said Rater.
Oxolo picked him up and slammed Rater into the ground, putting his foot on Rater's chest as Rater looked at him.
"What an idiot," said Oxolo, "did you think you would get rid of me that easily?"
"Honestly, yeah." said Rater.
Oxolo grinned, as he stamped on Rater. "Well, i'll crush you like a bug!"
Sora attempted to stop Oxolo by slashing him, but he was stopped by Fang as he kicked Sora away.
"Fight me instead, you wannabe!" said Fang, as he swung his saw at Sora.
Sora rolled away as he got up, taking out both swords as he clashed with Fang.

"What do you want from me?!" said Sora. "I did nothing to you!"
"Exactly," said Fang, "you did nothing at all, i just want to kill you!"
Sora moved back, as he dodged Fang's attempted slashes, as he got a good distance within Fang, he used one sword to block the saw for a good few seconds.
"Without that massive saw, you are nothing!" said Sora. "You realize that?!"
"To you," said Fang, "to me, however. I'm ten times the swordsman you'll ever be!"
Fang headbutted Sora, as he grabbed him and threw him to the ground. Sora grabbed onto his collar as he flipped Fang over, but Fang didn't want to give up yet as he rolled away, swinging his saw as he slashed Sora in the face.
"SORA!" said Alucard and Zoela in unison. As they looked, they saw a line of blood scarred around Sora's left cheek, which was horrible to look at as Zoela thought she was going to vomit.
Fang chuckled. "Assassin Hunter of the South, reduced to nothing but a scar on his face. Did that spike feel good?"
"Yeah," said Sora, "it felt good, but it could of been worse. What's the material in that saw? Because it's a light wound!"
Fang frowned. "It's time to put you in the ground, asshole!"
He dashed at Sora, jumping up as he swung his saw once more.
Sora held onto the hilt of his sword with a tight grip. "If I do this right," said Sora, "i'll wound him and force him out of the fight."
Fang smiled in a creepy way as Sora stood there, seemingly accepting his fate, as he was holding his sword.
"I win!" thought Fang.
But then, in a single second, blood spurred out of Fang's ribs, as Fang fell to the ground, as Sora moved back and slashed Fang in a flash.
"You don't know how fast I am," said Sora, as he sheathed his swords, "and you never will."
Fang got up slowly, holding his ribs as he looked at Sora. "D-damn bastard.. you are better than I thought."

Rater and Oxolo would have a pretty even fight, as Oxolo dashed at Rater and attempted to punch him, but Rater grabbed his arm, turned around, and flipped him over -- which sent shockwaves running through the ground as Oxolo got up, kicking Rater in the side as Oxolo picked him up and swung him around, before throwing him into another room.
"Shit!" said Rater.
Oxolo ran in, as he jumped up and slammed Rater into an underground room in the citadel, there was a massive arena nearby which seemed to be unused, as Rater kicked Oxolo away and jumped onto the arena.
Blood went down Rater's face as if it was sweat, watching Oxolo as he thought to himself: "He's really out for it this time.. it's like Alucard's betrayal angered him enough and he's taking it out on me."
"Hey, coward!" said Oxolo. "Those friends of those.. who are they?"
"Huh?" said Rater. "My friends?"
"Yes," said Oxolo, "no way would some dumb kid like you pick Alucard and take him away from me like that."
"Take him away?" said Rater. "You enslaved him! You ripped his life apart! And I took him away? He wanted to leave you entitled nutcase!"
Oxolo frowned. "You're a disgrace, DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!"
Oxolo chuckled. "Just like Delmore," said Oxolo, "very well, if you are worthy of finding all Seven Wonders, then beat me first! Can you do that?!"

Eighteen is soon!

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