Together Time

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Chapa's POV:

We all just got back from another tiring mission. The Beekeeper was trying to swarm the honey factory with his bees, and we almost got stung a few times, but we were able to get rid of all the bees, and take The Beekeeper back to Swellview prison.

When we got back to the Man's Nest, we changed back to our normal clothes and right now, and Ray went off to do whatever.

Miles: "I don't know about any of you, but I'm going to head home."

Mika: "I'm with you."

Bose: "I might hang back for a bit."

Me: "Samesies."

When the twins leave, Bose and I were the only ones in the Man's Nest. There was a bit of awkward silence for a few seconds, and I start to talk again.

Me: "Want to go to my house with me?"

Bose: "Sure, I'm down."

Me: "Awesome, let's go."

Bose's POV:

As Chapa and I are heading back to her house, I was kind of excited. I always like to spend time Chapa whenever I can. When we get to her house, we walk up to the door, open it, and see that her parents are in the kitchen while her sister is on the couch.

The parents come in and see us standing there, and they're happy to see that Chapa brought a friend along.

Alejandra: "Good to see you again, Bose!"

Me: "Thanks, Mrs. De Silva. It's good to be here again."

Alejandro: "Want something to drink?"

Me: "Yes, please, what all do you have?"

Alejandro: "We have water, soda, and uh...that's pretty much it."

Me: "I'll take a soda, doesn't matter which kind."

He takes a can of soda out of the fridge and hands it to me.

Me: "Thank you."

Alejandro: "No problem."

Chapa: "Well, let's head upstairs, shall we?"

Me: "Sure."

Alejandra: "Don't do anything stupid, you two."

Chapa: "We won't."

Chapa's POV:

I was basically rolling my eyes as Bose and I headed up the stairs. My mom always assumes something is going to happen when I bring someone over, but I basically just block it out nowadays.

(The next chapter will continue off this chapter. Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger, but it was getting late, so the story will stop here until I can write again soon. Also, apologies for the lame title, I was having trouble coming up with one)

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