Uncle Hambone (Remake)

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Bose's POV:

Allow me to backtrack a bit from what we were doing. Earlier in the day, Chapa's little sister, Sage, received terrible news that Uncle Hambone just recently passed away. Here's the twist: he was actually just an imaginary friend. But Chapa wanted to be there for Sage, so she went home.

Few hours later, Miles finished the ice sculpture that he worked on all day for us to with the Quint Cities Ice Sculpting Competition, or the QCISC. He called it "Mount Us-More," because it was a sculpture of us as Danger Force. But a few seconds after he finished, the power went out.

Ray comes in and wonders why the power just went out. Suddenly, Archduke Fernando *spit* video calls him. He reveals that he cut the power to all of Swellview. Should've known he would do something like that.

Schwoz comes in, and we tell him what's happening. He tells us that the only way to get the power back to the Man's Nest is to have Chapa "do a little zappy zappy" to the power core. Of course, she's at her house, so Ray tells me, Mika and Miles to go get her and bring her back here.

Now, you're all caught up.

When we get to Chapa's house, we explain the whole situation and how we need her to come back to the Man's Nest. Unfortunately, Chapa can't leave because her sister is in a severe state of grief. Aww, I really wanted her to come back. I like having her close to me.

After sending Ray over as Captain Man to try and help, that plan failed, so I tried coming up with one.

Me: "Okay, new plan: we dress up Tiny Ray to look like Uncle Hambone. He shows up and tells Sage 'goodbye,' maybe she gets some closure. No more sad, Chapa gets to leave."

Mika and Miles weren't with it, though.

Miles: "I love you, my dude, but that plan is dog water."

Me: "Aw, I love my dog's water."

They look at me in confusion. Miles comes up with a better plan, but fails miserably.

After several more failed attempts to get Chapa to come back to the Man's Nest with us, they run out of ideas.

Miles: "Guess we have no other choice."

Me: *gasps* "You mean..."

(The scene cuts to Tiny Ray dressed up as Uncle Hambone)

Tiny Ray: "Sounds like you guys had no other choice."

Pretty soon, we come in and create a distraction that gets Chapa's parents to leave the house. Pretty soon, we pretend that Uncle Hambone has just come by to say his final goodbyes to Sage. At first, Chapa wasn't buying it, but Mika convinced her it would work.

Sure enough, it worked. Sage felt so much better after she got some closure. We thought Chapa would be really mad, but she actually said it's fine. So I told her that it was all my idea, and I could tell that she seemed a little impressed.

She even agreed to come back to the Man's Nest and turn the power back on.

Chapa's POV:

I was actually impressed with how Bose came up with this whole plan by himself. He usually doesn't have that kind of knowledge, not that I'm saying that's a bad thing, because it's not, but I was actually proud of him. I wanted to give him a hug to show it, but I didn't want anyone to get suspicious.

When we got back to the Man's Nest, Schwoz's sliding across the floor made us all fall to the ground. I rushed over to Bose to see if he was alright; he was. When we got up, we found out that the ice sculpture completely melted. Miles freaked out.

Bose: "Oh, no! Mount Us-More is Mount NO more!"

I wanted to laugh at that, but we already had other things to deal with.

Miles: "As long as there's still ice, we STILL have a chance. *gruff* Get me my man saw!"

The rest of us lean back a bit creeped out by all that.

The Next Morning

(Still) Chapa's POV:

As Danger Force, were all at the church where the competition was being held. We had created a new ice sculpture and entered it into the competition. Of course, Archduke Fernando *spit* was there.

Pretty soon, the judges came over to our ice sculpture. We called it "Uncle Hambone." A few seconds later, they announced the winner. And the winner is...US! We all cheered for our victory, and Bose and I hugged. It was now up to us to pick the theme for the upcoming Quint Cities holiday. We thought it over, and we all came up with the answer.

All of us: "No Ponytails Day!"

After that little announcement, they went over and snipped off the Archduke's ponytail. We celebrated our victory again, and without even knowing, I kissed Bose. I immediately realized that I just did that, and I was shocked, along with everyone else.

But to my surprise, Bose leans in and kisses me back, and then, we both kissed each other at the same time. At that point, we didn't care that it was in front of a bunch of people, so when they all cheered for us, Bose and I continued kissing each other.

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