Savage Slayer (Part 2)

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(Warning: swearing)

No One's POV:

Later that night, at the twins' house, Mika was sound asleep in her bed. Suddenly, Chapa (Savage Slayer) came flying through the window and landed on the opposite side of the bed. She examined Mika, and carefully picked her up. She took Mika with her to wherever she was going.

Sometime later, Mika woke up, but she quickly realized she was not in her bed. She was somewhere else, somewhere dark, scary, not to mention she was tied up against a wall.

Mika: "What's going on? Where am I?"

Suddenly, she hears cackling, and sees a darkened, silhouetted figure standing a short distance across from her.

Mika: "Who's there? Show yourself!"

The figure steps forward into the light, and it's revealed to be Savage Slayer. Mika's eyes widen.

Mika: "Chapa... what are you doing?"

SS: "Just having some fun."

Mika: "'Fun?' You call this 'fun?!' This whole act has gone too far!"

Savage Slayer chuckles.

SS: "Oh, Mika... doesn't seem like your as smart as you claim to be."

Mika: "What are you talking about?"

Just then, Savage Slayer takes off her sunglasses, revealing piercing, red, glowing eyes. Mika was taken aback.

Mika: "Are those... real?"

SS: "What do you think, smarty pants?"

Mika finally realizes that this is not an act, and that Bose was right the whole time.

Mika: "My god, so Bose was right all along. You really ARE a vampire!"

SS: "It took you this long to figure that out?"

Mika: "You... you played us. You tricked Miles and I into thinking that this was an act. Wait, where is Miles?"

Miles: "Right over here."

Mika looks over and sees Miles tied up against the wall right next to her.

Mika: "You, too?"

Savage Slayer cakles again.

SS: "Perfect."

Miles: *to Mika* "I can't believe we didn't listen to Bose. I feel terrible."

Mika: "Same, but at least he's not tied up like we are, so we know he's safe."

SS: "You sure about that?"

Mika and Miles turn to look at Savage Slayer.

Mika: "What?"

Savage Slayer snaps her fingers, and just like that, Vampiro II appears out of the shadows, holding a gagged Bose with his hands tied behind him.

Vampiro II: "I have your little friend for you."

Miles: "Who are you?!"

Vampiro: "My name is Vampiro II."

Mika: "Pfft, what?"

Miles laughs.

Miles: "Bruh, that's a lame name to call yourself."

Vampiro II: "You won't think it's funny when I get done with your little friend."

He turns his head to face Bose, and he's about to go for his neck. He bites down, but then, he jumps back in pain.

Vampiro II: "OWW, MY MOUTH!!"

There's steam coming from his mouth. It's burning. Suddenly, Bose is able to untie his hands and take the gag off of him.

Bose: "You didn't think this would happen, did you?"

Bose reveals to have a big silver chain around his neck, which means he knew that vampires get burned by silver. As Vampiro was still covering his mouth in pain, Bose took out a wooden stake and a high-heated flashlight.

Before Vampiro can do anything else, he is stabbed in the heart by the stake, and has the light shining on him.


In less than 10 seconds, Vampiro had melted, and he was nothing but a smoking pile of clothes. Bose turns to look at Savage Slayer, who starts to drop to the floor. Suddenly, she screams. A huge cloud of dark smoke rises off of her and disappears into nothing.

At that, she was back to her normal self, in her red Volt superhero suit. She falls to the ground.

Bose: "Volt!"

Bose rushes over to help Chapa off the floor. She immediately hugs him, and he hugs back.

Bose: "Are you okay?"

Volt: "I'm okay. What happened?"

They pull away.

Bose: "I'll explain later, but right now, I'm glad you're safe."

The two shared a warm kiss, but it didn't last long because right then, the two other goons from earlier came out. Chapa and Bose stand up. Bose goes over to untie Mika and Miles, and once they're free, the three of them change into Brainstorm, Shout-Out and AWOL.

They go over to where Chapa is and stand side by side in front of the goons.

Goon 1: "You'll pay for killing our boss, Brain-less!"

Brainstorm: "No. You two are gonna be the ones who pay for messing with Volt."

Goon 2: "You mean your little girlfriend?"

He says "girlfriend" in a taunting voice, which angers Chapa. She zaps the goon.

Goon 2: "OW!"

Volt: "That is none of your fucking business!"

Brainstorm: "Nice..."

Danger Force prepares for the battle. The goons get closer, but Bose lifts them into air with his powers.

Goon 1: "What the fuck? Put us down!"

Brainstorm: "Mmm, no."

At that, Chapa uses her electricity to zap the shit out of the two goons. At the same time, Mika uses her sonic scream to knock the goons to the ground. They are unconscious. Miles goes over to where they are and teleports them to Swellview Prison. 5-10 seconds later, he teleports back to where the rest of them are.

AWOL: "Alright, let's get out of this place."

Everyone gathers around AWOL, and he teleports them all to the Man's Nest. A few seconds later, Ray comes in.

Ray: "Hey, what are you guys doing here so late, and Chapa, what happened to your vampire look?"

Volt: "Oh, Ray... we have a lot to catch you up on."

(Here marks the conclusion of this little story. I was originally gonna make it into three parts, but I didn't have enough ideas for that. I hope you enjoyed!)

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