A Cyborg Among Us (Remake)

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(Warning: swearing)

Bose's POV:

After Cyborg Rick Twitler launched the Man's Nest into space, we were trying to figure out what to do next. That's when Rick Twitler came on the news and told Trent and Mary his plan, which first, was to tie up the both of them, and get this: that's would they would do, too. They must be more stupid than I am.

Then, Twitler said he was gonna access a satellite above Swellview that contains remnants of a computer virus he first created long ago, and he was gonna use it to take out the world's internet. As we were listening, Ray was busy doing something else.

Shout-Out: "Are you watching Dog Judge on your phone?!"

Captain Man: "Yeah, I've seen this one before, it's a good one. What's robot guy saying?"

That's when Chapa zaps his phone out of his hands, which I thought was kind of hot. I always love when Chapa uses her powers. It makes her look so... badass.

She then explained Twitler's plan to Ray, and I said that we were gonna stop him. Then, I asked Schwoz how we were gonna stop him. As he was searching, he found that satellite Twitler was talking about.

At the same time we were gonna have to take down that satellite, Miles told us he was gonna go down to Earth and stop Cyborg Rick Twitler.

Me: "That is such a brave move, dude. You know, if you don't make it, you could end up frozen and floating through space forever."

AWOL: "I think you mean WE could end up floating through space forever."

Me: "Wait, what?"

AWOL: "You're coming with me."

Before I could stop him, he grabs me and teleports us both out of the Man's Nest.

Chapa's POV:

As soon as they left, I was starting to get a little worried. What if something bad happens to Bose while he's gone? I just can't stop imagining that something might happen. I tried to calm myself down because we had bigger things to worry about.

We had Mika use her power to redirect the Man's Nest to hit the satellite. She had to do that about three times before we were locked on target. However, Schwoz told us that when we collide with the satellite and destroy it, the Man's Nest will also be destroyed.

Ray comes up with a plan to use Drex and put him in between the satellite and the Man's Nest so that it wouldn't be destroyed. When we did, the satellite was successfully destroyed, and we were unharmed. However, something else happened.

Drex came up the tube covered in Rick Twitler's evil virus, so now, we had that shit to deal with. As we were fighting it, it affected Mika, who also turned into the virus, now we were battling them.

To make matters worse, before Drex came up, Schwoz told us there was no way to stop the Man's Nest from crashing to Earth.

Bose's POV:

Miles and I were fighting Cyborg Twitler, and it seemed like we would win, but I ended up getting knocked out in order to save my two upcoming dates.

When I woke up, Twitler was down, and we received word that the Man's Nest was hurdling towards the Earth at 2 brazillion miles. It was up to me to stop that from happening. I managed to succeed, but also felt exhausted. That's when Chapa came down, and when I saw her, I saw something else.

She had Twitler's evil virus all over her. That's when it spread and completely took over her. Then, Ray and Mika came down, who were also covered with the virus, including Drex. That's when they sneezed it on me, Miles, and even Trent and Mary, covering all of us.

No One's POV:

A memory in Chapa's mind was able to free her from Twitler's virus, who had woken up earlier. Then, Chapa used all her might to zap everyone free of the virus, which worked, but something else happened.

When Ray, Bose and Miles woke up, the bad guys were gone, and so were Chapa and Mika. They realized that they had no other choice; they had to call for backup.

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