Lucky To Have Him

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(Warning: possible sexual content)

Chapa's POV:

Bose and I walked into my room and closed the door, but not all the way. My mom and dad always tell me to keep the door open three inches minimum, and it's pretty annoying.

(Comment below if you get the reference)

Anyways, once we did that, we both got settled in, trying to decide what we could do.

Bose's POV:

I was sitting in a chair with my can of soda, and even I was bored. I couldn't think of what to do, and I could tell Chapa felt the same way.

Then, I see Chapa taking her boots off and rubbing her socked feet like they were hurting her.

Me: "That mission was a lot to handle, huh?"

Chapa: *scoffs* "Tell me about it, man, my feet hurt so much right now because of it, and that's never really happened before, so I don't know why they're all of a sudden this sore."

Me: "Well, at least we don't have to go anywhere else."

Chapa: "Yeah, I don't think I can handle anymore walking right now."

Me: "Do they really hurt that much?"

Chapa: "Believe me, dude, it feels like they might fall off soon."

Me: "Yikes, I hope that doesn't happen to me."

Chapa: *chuckles* "No, dude, they're not actually going to fall off, it was a figure of speech."

Me: "Oh...well, still."

Chapa: "Don't worry, Bose, yours won't fall off, and mine won't, either. I guess I just need some time off the floor."

Me: "Well...I could probably make things a little better."

Chapa: "How?"

Me: "Maybe I could...give you a foot massage."

Chapa: "...You really want to touch my feet? They've been in boots all day long."

Me: "I don't mind it."

Chapa: "Well...alright, but keep my socks on unless I say otherwise. You might not like how my feet look."

Me: "Don't worry about that, I've never been one to judge."

Chapa: "That's true, but still, leave my socks on."

Me: "You got it."

Chapa's POV:

I smirked a little bit when he said that. I couldn't believe I was actually letting Bose massage my feet. There have been a few friends in my past who've tried to offer me a massage, but I didn't really like those people a lot back then. Plus, Bose was my close friend, so I couldn't turn it down.

Bose got closer to me as I sat on the edge of my bed with my feet just inches from the floor. Bose carefully picks one foot up, and he slowly starts massaging it. When he did, I couldn't believe how good he was at it. It's like I was in heaven while I was getting a foot massage.

When Bose gets done with one foot, he moves on to the other, and he slowly starts to rub that one. It might've felt even better than with the other one. Then he got the idea to massage both my feet at the same time with one hand on each foot.

Me: "You're really good at doing that."

Bose: "You think so?"

Me: "I KNOW so, it feels really good. It's like you know exactly what parts of my feet hurt the most."

Bose: "Well, I guess I'm good for my first time."

Me: "Yeah, and...I guess you can take my socks off now, you might have a better grip on my feet."

Bose: "Sure thing."

It felt pretty good when Bose took my socks off. It was like my feet could breathe again, if that was actually possible. When he starts to rub them again, it felt even better since he had a better grip on my bare feet.

I could tell Bose didn't mind how my feet looked, and I was kind of happy. They didn't exactly look their best at the moment, considering they weren't exactly the perfect the shape. Plus, they were pretty sweaty and kind of covered in sock fuzz, but I saw Bose gently brushing it off with his hands. That's pretty nice of him to clean off my feet.

Then, he did something I never thought he would ever do: he started kissing my feet. But when he did, it actually kind of felt better than when he just massaged them. Then, I got an idea: I could joke a little bit with him, and I could trick him into kissing them more. Here goes...

Me: *chuckles* "What are you doing?"

He stops and looks up at me.

Bose: "Oh, I hope you don't mind, I...thought this would also make your feet feel better."

I start to tease him a little bit.

Me: "Well, it kind of does,'ll have to do better than that."

Bose: "Oh, of course, anything to make them feel better."

He begins to kiss my feet again, but this time, he applies more kisses than before. My idea was working, and I think I was starting to really get into it. No one has ever given my feet this kind of care, and I was not going to let this moment go to waste.

As Bose continued to kiss my feet, I think I started to moan a little, and I was a bit surprised when I did. I could tell Bose was a bit surprised, too, because when it happened, he stopped.

Bose: "You alright, Chapa?"

Me: "Huh? Oh, yeah, I uh...wait, what happened?"

Bose: "It sounded like you were moaning."

Me: "Was I really? Guess I didn't notice."

I was obviously lying when I said that.

Bose: "I feel like you might actually be into this kind of thing."

Me: "Uh...alright, fine, I am into this stuff. What of it?"

Bose: *chuckles* "It's alright, Chapa, I don't mind that at all. In fact...I'm actually kind of into it, too."

Me: " are?"

Bose: "I never knew I was until this moment."

Me: "Well...same for me. I guess we're both into it now."

Bose: "Guess we are."

Me: "You feet are actually starting to feel better now, but if you want, you can keep going."

Bose: *giggles* "Gladly."

When he said that, he started kissing my feet again. It was like this for a few minutes, and with each minute, I was enjoying it as much as I possibly could. I never thought I'd say this about Bose, but I'm really lucky to have him.

(That's the end of this moment. Next chapter will be something completely different)

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