Miles Sells His Soul (Remake)

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Chapa's POV:

A lot has happened recently, but to make the story short, I'll put it to you like this...

Miles: "If I tell you guys something, will you promise not to freak out?"

Me: "Yeah, of course."

Bose: "No judgement."

Miles: "Okay, well, the other day, I met this abyss demon named Ricardo, and I sold my soul."

Me/Bose/Schwoz: "WHAT?!" 

Miles: "Schwoz did the same thing for that gold jacket."

Schwoz: "What? No, I just gave him a few Nacho Balls for it."

Me: "Why would you sell your soul?"

Miles: "Because I wanted to help my sister."

Schwoz: "You could've gotten the same thing with three Nacho Balls."

Miles: "Okay, I didn't know that was an option, and his song was so catchy. Can you guys please help me out of this?"

Bose: "We got you, dude."

Me: "Yeah, we're gonna get your soul back."

Bose: "And we're not gonna get suckered in by some 'catchy song.'"

Me: *chuckles* "That's so stupid."

Bose: "It's ridiculous."

A few minutes later, in the abyss room, Ricardo finishes his song.

Me: "Where do we sign?"

During that time, Bose had his arm on my shoulder, and I will admit, I didn't want him to move, but Ricardo magically summoned up a contract for us to sign. Next thing we knew, we had gold jackets. He then went back into the abyss, and we also left the abyss room.

Me: "Boy, that Ricardo can sing."

Bose: "Right? But are we gonna tell Miles that we didn't get his soul back, and that we ended up selling ours for these jackets?"

Me: "Uh, I guess just tell him. I mean, there's really no other way to it other than to just be honest, right?"

Bose: "Yeah, good point."

Me: "However, there is one thing I don't want you to tell anyone, and I mean anyone."

Bose: "You got it, what is that one thing?"

Me: "Well, uh...since we're the only two here in the hallways right now, I feel like this might be a perfect opportunity to tell you."

Bose: "Ooo, tell me what?"

Me: "Well, this might be hard to believe, but I think I kind like you."

Bose's eyes widen when I say that.

Me: "I probably shouldn't have said that, right?"

Bose: "Oh, no, it's fine. It's alright. I just couldn't believe it at first because...well, I think I might like like you, too."

I immediately smile.

Me: "Aww, you do?"

Bose: "Mm-hmm."

I take a huge sigh of relief.

Me: "Well, I guess I can do this, then."

I step forward and kiss him, and he kisses back. When we pull away, I think up a romantic phrase to say.

Me: "If I hadn't already, I would sell my soul for you."

Bose: "I would do the same thing for you, too, if not already."

I smile and giggle as the both of us lean in to kiss again.

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